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Shakespeare Study Guides

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About William Shakespeare

Just getting started with Shakespeare? Here you'll find a biography, FAQ, chronology, and much more to help you begin you exploration of history's greatest author.
Introduction to Shakespeare, Shakespeare Biography, Shakespeare's Chronology, Shakespeare's Globe Theater, Shakespeare FAQ, Portraits of Shakespeare, Shakespeare on Film

Shakespeare Quotes

The 100 most famous Bardisms, each with an explanation and context to help you fully appreciate the magic of Shakespeare's words.
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Henry V's Strange Bedfellows

“Henry V” and “sex shop” are two phrases I never expected to place together in any kind of context. Other plays by Shakespeare frequently receive sexually explicit productions, both comedies and tragedies. The histories are less likely to receive this approach, perhaps because despite... [More]

Bama Bard's 'Miserable' Problem

Sales for a world famous mega-musical to be produced at Alabama Shakespeare Festival have been more or less miserable. Citing the economic downturn as the reason for its poor ticket sales, the Festival has shelved its planned production of Les Miserables. The article noted that other... [More]

Staging Shakespeare: A change in plans...

  As I tried to figure out what exactly I would be teaching this year in our class, I finally realized that the true course any drama class should take is toward hands-on projects.  I ordered book after book, searching for "the" curriculum that would help me teach this class, when it finally... [More]

Big Top Bard

“If music be the food of life, play on.” This quotation from Shakespeare’s brisk comedy, Twelfth Night, has been repeated more times and in more forums than many of his other famous lines. The fact that the line manages to be both pithy and witty may help explain its enduring popularity.... [More]

The Bard Gets Real

Shakespeare has been credited with (or accused of, depending on how you look at it) many things; however, psychological realism is not often one of them. What with the verse, magical and supernatural elements, and sometimes convenient plot twists, it is hard to find similarities between... [More]

A Hero

If you asked a Shakespeare scholar or fan to trace the origins of their passion, in some way or another it mostly likely came from a teacher. Even if a member of your family first introduced you to Shakespeare, they took on the role of a teacher when they did so. Perhaps they read you a... [More]

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