Roentgenium: the essentials

roentgenium symbol icon

 Brief description: element 111, roentgenium, was discovered on 8th December 1994 at the GSI in Darmstadt, Germany. Further information on element 111 is here (outside WebElements). The information following is an abstract of this source. The interested reader should consult the on-line version of The Wonderful World of Atoms and Nuclei for a fascinating insight into research on "super-heavy" atoms.

Chemically, roentgenium should be in the same group as the elements copper, silver, and gold (Group 11).

Table: basic information about and classifications of roentgenium.

Press release: and


Isolation: only a few atoms of element 111, roentgenium, have ever been made through a nuclear reaction involving fusion of an isotope of bismuth, 209Bi, with one of nickel, 64Ni.

209Bi + 64Ni → 272Rg + 1n

Isolation of an observable quantity has never been achieved, and may well never be.

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