Seaborgium: the essentials

seaborgium symbol icon

 Brief description: seaborgium is a synthetic element that is not present in the environment at all. It has no uses.

Table: basic information about and classifications of seaborgium.


Isolation: only very small amounts of of element 106, seaborgium, have ever been made. The first samples were made through a nuclear reaction involving fusion of an isotope of californium, 249Cf, with one of oxygen, 18O.

18O + 249Cf → 263106Sg + 4 1n

Isolation of an observable quantity of seaborgium has never been achieved.

More recently, other isotopes have been made at the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) in Switzerland using neon atoms to bombard californium isotopes.

248Cf + 22Ne → 266Sg + 41n

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