Associated Press Articles

SEC chairman says agency failed to probe Madoff 1 hr 41 mins ago, WASHINGTON
In a stunning rebuke, the Securities and Exchange Commission chairman blames his career regulators for a decade-long failure to investigate Wall Street money manager Bernard L. Madoff, now accused of running one of the largest Ponzi schemes ever.

National News

Fed cuts key interest rate to near zero 4 hrs ago, WASHINGTON
The Federal Reserve has slashed its target interest rate to nearly zero and is taking a number of other unprecedented moves in an effort to battle a severe financial crisis and worsening recession. Consumers trying to buy a house or finance a car loan could be the big winners, but analysts caution that any upturn in the economy is still months away.

World News


Current Top Headlines

White House pressured by lawmakers on auto bailout
(1 hr 1 min ago)
The Bush administration faces competing pressures from lawmakers in different congressional factions as it reviews its options for bailing out the downtrodden U.S. auto industry.
Source: Ill. gov nixed job for Jackson Jr.'s wife
(10 hrs ago)
Shortly after his 2002 election, Gov. Rod Blagojevich told Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. he didn't appoint the congressman's wife as lottery director because he had refused him a $25,000 campaign donation, a person familiar with the conversation told The Associated Press on Tuesday. "Blagojevich went out of his way to say, 'You know I was considering your wife for the lottery job and the $25,000 you didn't give me? That's why she's not getting the job,'" the person said, speaking on condition of anonymity
Adam Walsh case transformed missing kid searches
(1 hr 20 mins ago)
The abduction happened 27 years ago, at a time when parents routinely left their children playing in the toy store, unattended, and continued shopping.
Scientists find hole in Earth's magnetic field
(7 hrs ago)
Recent satellite observations have revealed the largest breach yet seen in the magnetic field that protects Earth from most of the sun's violent blasts, researchers reported Tuesday. The discovery was made last summer by Themis, a fleet of five small NASA satellites.
Nation's first face transplant done in Cleveland
(7 hrs ago)
A woman so horribly disfigured she was willing to risk her life to do something about it has undergone the nation's first near-total face transplant, the Cleveland Clinic announced Tuesday. Reconstructive surgeon Dr. Maria Siemionow and a team of other specialists replaced 80 percent of the woman's face with that of a female cadaver a couple of weeks ago in a bold and controversial operation certain to stoke the debate over the ethics of such surgery.
Marilyn Monroe pics sold for nearly $150,000
(4 hrs ago)
A collection of photographs of Marilyn Monroe taken for Vogue magazine the year she died has been auctioned in New York for nearly $150,000.
Peyton and Eli Manning: QB brothers in Pro Bowl
(9 hrs ago)
Peyton and Eli Manning were voted to the Pro Bowl on Tuesday, the first time quarterback-playing brothers have been chosen for the same all-star game. The Indianapolis Colts' Peyton will make his ninth appearance in 11 seasons and will start for the AFC. It will be the first appearance for Eli, who was the MVP for the New York Giants in last February's Super Bowl. He will be on the NFC team.