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Israel kills top Hamas figure, escalating campaign

Jan 1, 2009 12:04 PM (7 days ago) By IBRAHIM BARZAK and AMY TEIBEL, AP
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Related Topics: GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip
Palestinian firefighters work at the scene of an Israeli air strike on the home of senior Hamas leader Nizar Rayan in the Jebaliya refugee camp in the northern Gaza Strip, Thursday, Jan. 1, 2009.  Israel assassinated the Hamas strongman Rayan on Thursday in its first assault on the top leadership of the territory's ruling group. (AP Photo/Hatem Moussa)
(AP Photo/Hatem Moussa)
Palestinian firefighters work at the scene of an Israeli air strike on the home of senior Hamas leader Nizar Rayan in the Jebaliya refugee camp in the northern Gaza Strip, Thursday, Jan. 1, 2009. Israel assassinated the Hamas strongman Rayan on Thursday in its first assault on the top leadership of the territory's ruling group.
GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip (Map, News) - Israel dropped a one-ton bomb on the home of a Hamas strongman Thursday, killing him along with two wives and four children in the first attack on the top leadership of Gaza's rulers. As the aerial bombardment escalated, the army said it was also poised to launch a ground invasion. Israel also appeared to be sounding out a possible diplomatic exit from the 6-day-old military offensive against Hamas by demanding international monitors as a key term of any future truce.

The bombing targeted 49-year-old Nizar Rayan, ranked among Hamas' top five decision-makers in Gaza. His four-story apartment building crashed to the ground, sending a thick plume of smoke into the air and heavily damaging neighboring buildings. It killed Rayan and 11 others, including two of his four wives and four of his 12 children, Palestinian health officials said. The Muslim faith allows men to have up to four wives.

Israel has made clear that no one in Hamas is immune in this offensive, and the strike that flattened Rayan's apartment building in the northern town of Jebaliya drove that message home.

"We are trying to hit everybody who is a leader of the organization, and today we hit one of their leaders," Israeli Vice Premier Haim Ramon said in a television interview.

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Hamas leaders went into hiding before Israel launched the offensive on Saturday, but Rayan was known for openly defying Israel, and the military said he had a tunnel under his house that could serve as an escape route.

A professor of Islamic law, Rayan was closely tied to Hamas' military wing and was respected in Gaza for donning combat fatigues and personally participating in clashes against Israeli forces. He sent one of his sons on an October 2001 suicide mission that killed two Israeli settlers in Gaza.

Defense officials said a one-ton bomb was used to attack Rayan's home, and that weapons stored inside set off secondary explosions. They spoke on condition of anonymity because they weren't authorized to speak to the media.

Israel launched the offensive to crush militants who have been terrorizing southern Israel with rocket fire from Gaza. It began after more than a week of intense Palestinian rocket fire that followed the expiration of a six-month truce.

Israeli warplanes have carried out some 500 sorties against Hamas targets, and helicopters have flown hundreds more combat missions, a senior Israeli military officer said Wednesday.

More than 400 Gazans have been killed and some 1,700 have been wounded, Gaza health officials said. The U.N. says the death toll includes more than 60 civilians, 34 of them children.

Three Israeli civilians and one soldier have also died in rocket attacks that have reached deeper into Israel than ever before, bringing one-eighth of the population within rocket range.

Throughout the day, huge blasts had rocked cities and towns across Gaza as Israeli warplanes went after Gaza's parliament building, militant field operatives, police and cars. The military said aircraft also bombed smuggling tunnels along the Gaza-Egypt border, part of an ongoing attempt to cut off Hamas' last lifeline to the world outside the embattled Palestinian territory.

So far, the campaign to crush rocket fire on southern Israel has been conducted largely from the air. But military spokeswoman Maj. Avital Leibovich said preparations for a ground operation were complete.

"The infantry, the artillery and other forces are ready. They're around the Gaza Strip, waiting for any calls to go inside," Leibovich said.

Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert told a meeting of mayors of southern communities Thursday that Israel would not shy from using its vaunted military power.

"We have no interest in a long war. We do not desire a broad campaign. We want quiet," Olmert said. "We don't want to display our might, but we will employ it if necessary."

Thousands of soldiers were massed along the border with Gaza, backed by tanks and artillery. Along the border, the ground troops watched warplanes and attack helicopters flying into Gaza, cheering each time they heard the explosion of an airstrike.

One of the troops, identified under military rules only as Sgt. Yaniv, said he was eager to go in.

"I am going crazy here watching all this. I want to do my part as well," he said.

Hamas threatened to take revenge against the Israeli soldiers massed along the border with Gaza.

"We are waiting for you to enter Gaza to kill you or make you into Schalits," the group said in a statement, referring to Sgt. Gilad Schalit who was seized by Hamas-affiliated militants 2- 1/2 years ago and remains in captivity.

Israeli Cabinet ministers have been unswayed by international calls to end the violence, which is to include a whirlwind trip around the region next week by French President Nicolas Sarkozy.

Instead, they authorized the military to push ahead with its campaign against militants, who fired more than 30 rockets into Israel by late Thursday afternoon, according to the military. No injuries were reported, but an eight-story house in Ashdod, 23 miles from Gaza, was hit by a rocket that pierced through two floors.

Ordinary Israelis are not eager to see the operation expand beyond the air-based campaign, a poll Thursday showed.

Earlier this week, Olmert rebuffed a French proposal for a two-day suspension of hostilities. But at the same time, he seemed to be looking for a diplomatic way out, telling Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and other world leaders that Israel wouldn't agree to a truce unless international monitors took responsibility for enforcing it, government officials said. They spoke on condition of anonymity because the talks were confidential.

International intervention helped Israel to accept a truce that ended its 2006 war with Lebanese Hezbollah guerrillas, when the U.N. agreed to station peacekeepers to enforce the terms. This time, Israel isn't seeking a peacekeeping force, but a monitoring body that would judge compliance on both sides.

The idea was floated before the offensive but did not gain traction because of the complications created by the existence of rival Palestinian governments in the West Bank and Gaza, defense officials said.

Gaza has been under Hamas rule since the militant group overran it in June 2007; the West Bank has remained under the control of moderate Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, who has been negotiating peace with Israel for more than a year but has no influence over Hamas. Bringing in monitors would require cooperation between the fierce rivals.

An Abbas confidant said the Palestinian president supports international involvement.

"We are asking for a cease-fire and an international presence to monitor Israel's commitment to it," Nabil Abu Rdeneh said.


Amy Teibel reported from Jerusalem.

Copyright 2008 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

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11:31 AM MST on Thu., Jan. 8, 2009 re: "Gaza militants launch more rockets into Israel"

Examiner Reader said:
why would anyone want to live in that pit, let alone fight for it?

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6:55 PM MST on Wed., Jan. 7, 2009 re: "Israel orders brief halt, then Gaza fight resumes"

Examiner Reader said:

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12:03 PM MST on Tue., Jan. 6, 2009 re: "Israeli strike near UN school kills at least 30"

Examiner Reader said:
whats the big deal? our tax dollars have been financing this crap since 1948. we should have ribbons for our suv's that say support your isreali troops.

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11:52 AM MST on Tue., Jan. 6, 2009 re: "Israeli strike near UN school kills at least 30"

Examiner Reader said:
all isreal wants is everything around it destroyed,with the help of the u s doling out money and arms to get all the miserable JESUS freaks into heaven.

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5:08 PM MST on Mon., Jan. 5, 2009 re: "Israel sends more troops to Gaza border"

Examiner Reader said:
god will never stand with isreal. they are the real terrorist. they will fall one day

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2:13 PM MST on Mon., Jan. 5, 2009 re: "Israel strikes demolish Hamas compounds, kill 192"

Examiner Reader said:
Israel receives punishment from Gaza???? What planet are you from? GO ISRAEL!!! (To some other planet). Think of the peoples of the Earth....that will no longer get jew-ed.

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6:53 AM MST on Mon., Jan. 5, 2009 re: "Gaza militants launch more rockets into Israel"

Examiner Reader SA Viola said:
No country will stand the punishment that Israel has received from Gaza. May God be with Israel and the few good people of Gaza. Isreal can not stand still and do nothing about the situation. God speed.

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6:21 PM MST on Sun., Jan. 4, 2009 re: "Israeli ground troops invade Gaza to halt rockets"

Examiner Reader said:
everybody needs to stop threatening Israel with annihilation, enough's enough. All suicide bombers are cowards, and the whole world needs to refer to them as cowards. All terrorists who kill in the name of God are cowards and need to be dealt with for humanity's sake! No one has the right to kill in gods name, but for human civilization, Sometimes, things need to be done. Many great patriots were considered terrorists in their day also. But we won those wars. We all worship the same God, with different eyes. So get over it, every body. Religion is going to kill us all!!! sincerely, a concerned citizen of the world

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6:10 PM MST on Sat., Jan. 3, 2009 re: "Israeli ground troops invade Gaza to halt rockets"

Examiner Reader said:
um mr. ALL CAPS!! nobody buys your b.s.

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4:21 PM MST on Sat., Jan. 3, 2009 re: "Dozens of militant rockets, mortars barrage Israel"

Examiner Reader said:
"More Heat is needed - Formula for peace: For each Hamas rocket fired add 100 sorties using NAPALM. Go Israel!" Whether this would be a good idea or not, Israel's hands are somewhat tied by her allies. They have to also commit to standing up to United States and European Union in some degree. But maybe it would be worth it. How are they ever going to stop the rocket fire if they can't make the people in Gaza hate Jamas for it?

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10:04 AM MST on Wed., Dec. 31, 2008 re: "Israel mulls truce offer on Day 4 of Gaza assault"

PolarBear said:
Israel, and the Zionists, are hardly without blame fro this violence. As long as they continue their occupation of land they violently stole from the Palestinian people, and their continued oppression of said people, they are as guilty of promoting violence as the people they demonize.

12 agree | 21 disagree
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9:43 AM MST on Tue., Dec. 30, 2008 re: "Israel mulls truce offer on Day 4 of Gaza assault"

Examiner Reader said:
More Heat is needed - Formula for peace: For each Hamas rocket fired add 100 sorties using NAPALM. Go Israel!

14 agree | 14 disagree
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5:55 PM MST on Sat., Dec. 27, 2008 re: "Dozens of militant rockets, mortars barrage Israel"

RoyBear said:
In order to have peace, all Hamas has to do is stop attacking Israel with rockets. They choose war because they don't want peace. If necessary, Israel should kill every damned one of them. The people of Gaza voted Hamas in power, so they, too, should be shown no mercy. Hamas fires rockets; Israel retaliates, and the world condemns Israel. Dumb as a bucket of rocks.

63 agree | 16 disagree
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10:48 AM MST on Sat., Dec. 27, 2008 re: "Israel strikes demolish Hamas compounds, kill 192"

Examiner Reader said:
There are some great INSPIRATIONAL photos over at the LA Times site! GO ISRAEL !!!

21 agree | 19 disagree
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5:30 PM MST on Wed., Dec. 24, 2008 re: "Dozens of militant rockets, mortars barrage Israel"

Paul said:
Okay, Fair is Fair. Next year Israel should start firing rockets into Mecca during the Haj. Palestinians (Muslims - not Al Qaeda -is there a difference?) fire upon southern Israel during Christmas. Israel needs to take the gloves off and retaliate as the followers of the "Religion of Peace" are throwing their stones at the Pillar of Satan, or beating their backs with chains and shards of metal - what a third world throwback. Time to blast them back to the middle ages where they all want to live anyway.

34 agree | 16 disagree
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11:43 AM MST on Sun., Dec. 21, 2008 re: "Gaza militants launch more rockets into Israel"

barely said:
what the hell do you know?? your country conquer so many foreign lands, so your comment irrelevant. maybe in about 20 years when "great" britain will be flooded with muslims you will understand, cute little girl.

17 agree | 30 disagree
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2:07 PM MST on Wed., Nov. 5, 2008 re: "Israelis kill 2 alleged Palestinian firebombers"


27 agree | 25 disagree
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2:07 PM MST on Wed., Nov. 5, 2008 re: "Israelis kill 2 alleged Palestinian firebombers"


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