Michelle Cloney

Organizing Examiner
Michelle Cloney’s passion for organizing began at eighteen months when throughout the day she voluntarily collected all the excess holiday wrapping and placed it in the trash. Since then, Michelle has had a knack for everything organizational from closets, to folders, to containers, to overall concepts and all with an unusual style and flair. Fervent about spreading the word of organized living to others, Michelle founded i-organize, LLC in 2006.


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A new way of giving

December 12, 12:00 PM
by Michelle Cloney, Organizing Examiner
“A gift is pure when it is given from the heart to the right person at the right time and at the right place, and when we expect nothing in return.” Bhagavad Gita
I don’t know about you, but when the holidays roll around one word crosses my mind. Clutter. Believe me, I understand the excitement in receiving the shiny, wrapped goodies from loved ones, but when all is said and done, how many of these gifts would we really have picked out for ourselves if we had had the choice? Do we need it? Do we love it? Do we know where to put it? Do we plan on re-gifting it when an appropriate occasion arises?
As a professional organizer, I always pose three questions to my clients while sorting through their possessions and deciding what to keep: do you use it, do you love it and if you knew where it was, would you use it or love it? But when we’re on the receiving end of a gift, our input is limited. Most of the time we won’t have a say in whether we love or will use Uncle Bob’s green and red polka-dotted socks hand-picked especially for us this year. However, we can change how WE give. With the looming uncertainty pervading the American economy, maybe it’s an ideal time to consider how we can give efficiently and from the heart. How can we give a gift that we know our loved ones will appreciate, love and use? 2009 will undoubtedly be a year of redefining, reprioritizing and simplifying for many Americans. Let’s see if we can give a little kick-start to the New Year meanwhile lessening the emotional burden of the R word, otherwise known as New Year’s Resolutions. This way we will be maximizing the value of our gift, both for ourselves and for our loved ones.
With this in mind, my favorite ideas for clutterless gifts are:
1.       Giftcards. I know, many may feel this option lacks the thought factor, but I would much rather pick something useful or beautiful out for myself than hold on to something chosen for me that doesn’t really suit my needs.
·         To make it personal, why not spend a few minutes designing a handmade card to house the giftcard? That adds a personal touch.
·         Find out the recipient’s favorite retail or online store and buy the card from there. It will show you are up-to-date on their tastes and interests. (i.e,itunes, Target, Netflix, Best Buy, Apple..)
·         Is there something that the recipient uses on a regular basis? Coffee giftcards are great for this  –  the money wittled away on lattes can come to a pretty hefty toll by the end of the year.  Movie giftcards are another great choice. A night out at the theater isn’t what it used to be with the price of tickets, popcorn, soda, and even parking. The experience will always be far greater in the theater than on the couch in the living room - even with surround sound!
2.       The gift of a service. This is one of my favorites. The opportunities are endless.
Who do you know would appreciate a massage, a night out at their preferred restaurant, a relaxing facial, a day at the spa, lessons of some sort, tickets to a sporting event (given that you know they will attend), a session with a pet photographer with their beloved pet, turning old family footage into modern format using a service such as ScanDigital, a subscription to a favorite magazine or the gift of time and organization with a Blis Gift Subscription. This is also a great way to support the economy and small businesses during the holiday season.
3.       The gift that keeps on giving. A popular new way of giving is through the funding of charities and non-profits. These organizations depend on cash to fund their given causes and many of us have a particular interest in one or more. This is also the kind of gift that can teach children at an early age the importance of giving back, even if it is in a small amount. Let your child or loved one chose the charity of their choice to donate to through the GiveNow Card.  It’s interactive, fun and educational with over 1.5 million charities from which to choose.
4.       Anything eco-friendly that is useful. With the movement towards going GREEN in full swing, who wouldn’t appreciate something they need in an eco-friendly version? One of my favorite green sites is www.greenmomfinds.com, where you can sort through a plethora of environmental resources and products. If you know someone who is interested in going green and doesn’t know where to begin, Jump Start To Green offers a kit of eco-home products to jumpstart you on your way to a greener lifestyle with one purchase. Talk about efficiency!
I hope these ideas got you thinking of new ways to give without giving the gift of clutter. I am all for showing those we love how much we care, but do want to ensure that there’s a way to do so that will truly be appreciated. If you know what someone is looking for this year that is in your budget and on their Wish List, great! But if you’re scratching your head wondering what could you possibly give someone who already has everything, one of these options may just be your best bet. And when all is said and done, sit back, relax and give yourself a gift:

Topics: clutter
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