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Ben Marks

SF Bicycle Transportation Examiner
Ben Marks is a senior editor at Sunset Books. His cycling accomplishments include solo rides from Santa Cruz to San Simeon and Fort Bragg to San Francisco. His regular weekend loop usually takes him up Old La Honda Road to Skyline and then back down via the Woodside Bakery and Café.


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Extreme visibility

December 19, 10:12 AM

Bike appears white in headlights but completely black under normal conditions
A fellow examiner in Denver has posted about a new kind of tape that appears black in the daylight but white when reflecting headlights. A DIYer at decided to wrap his bike frame with the stuff. Read all about it here.

Amount of carbon dioxide not produced since July 10, 2008 thanks to commuting by bicycle: 519.96 pounds

Topics: cycling , bicycle accessories , commuting , gear
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Name that crime

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Would you bike to work for 20 bucks?

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Spend it, fast!

October 7, 9:31 PM
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