Suzanne Ford

LA Actor's Life Examiner
Suzanne Ford has been a working professional actor most of her life. She knows first-hand the thrills and heartbreaks of the business, from New York to Hollywood. These are her stories.


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This article is part of Los Angeles' Year In Review 2008

Best and worst audition experiences of 2008: THE NEXT DAY.

December 31, 5:46 PM
by Suzanne Ford, LA Actor's Life Examiner


Cue suspenseful music. It's New Year's Eve, and you know, I'm already actually over 2008? Even though, as my blogging hero Diablo Cody says, it was a honey of a year. (If you're on myspace, read her blog here.) 


Yes, some good things did happen, but still, I'm way ready for a change of pace. However, in the spirit of finishing what I started, here's my final entry for 2008, with both raspberries and kudos to the casting persons in my personal universe who really earned them in 2008:


1. Another worst:


This is a short one. This casting guy was a piece of work. If you're reading this, whoever you are, if you'd been there I know you would have died laughing. (One of the weirdest things about auditioning is that nobody outside the business  believes you when you tell them about this stuff, but I guarantee you this one is true.) The guy was a tight-jeaned, Christian-on-Project-Runway tattooed twelve-year-old. 


OK, maybe he was 22. Anyway, here's what happened: he actually, during a commercial casting session, LEFT THE ROOM with the camera running while I completed my audition. I finished the audition and stood there, unsure whether I should leave or not, until he came back, glued to his cell phone, gossiping with someone about where they were going to club that night and who was going to "get them in." I kid you not. He finally turned off the camera and I thanked him while biting my lip so as not to fling an epithet, and left. Yeah, I know.  Eleanora Duse is STILL spinning in her grave. 


2. And another best:


This is a short one, too. I had a call back for a popular episodic for a guest star role that I really, really wanted. I did my utmost, but I knew I hadn't booked it, because the people in the room were lukewarm, at best. Trying to keep up positive appearances, I thanked the casting director as I was leaving. She took me aside and said, sotto voce, "You were the best one we saw, by far; they all said so. But they have an offer out to a star. I'm sorry."


This sort of thing is nice to hear. Almost better than the pay check. Almost.


Happy New Year to all, and to all a good night. Let's hope for a grand 2009!



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