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Joystiq impressions: Edge of Twilight

Amid the vast array of Japanese developers and publishers on the TGS show floor sat one small booth which seemed slightly out of place. FUZZYEYES, an Australian development studio, chose to debut its upcoming 2009 title, Edge of Twilight, at the show, and we were invited in for a private demo. The game captured our attention with its dichotomous day/night gameplay and intriguing combat.

Edge of Twilight is pegged as a steampunk fantasy title which is part Soul Reaver, part God of War. A lot of emphasis is placed on dark and light. Day and night have been split apart, each inhabited by a different civilization. As a half-breed outcast your character, Lex, is able to pass between the two at certain points. Not only does gameplay change in each realm, but your character will also drastically change appearance.

During the day Lex looks similar to Keats from Folklore, with a metal arm and a steampunky lancer-style gun. While in this realm you are able to affect machines, your character is too heavy to jump around, rendering platforming sections nearly impassable. At night he transforms into something a little more monstrous. Part Gollum, part Nightcrawler. In this realm machines are dead, but the emphasis is more on platforming.

Gallery: Edge of Twilight

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TGS 08: Resident Evil 5 co-op impressions

While Capcom wasn't showing off any new Resident Evil 5 levels at TGS, it was enabling one of the game's biggest back-of-the-box bullet points – co-op gameplay – as well as showing off the game's new (and improved!) control type: "Shooter" mode. Ludwig and I took the game for a two-player spin, then condensed our thoughts for you in this totally unedited back-and-forth format.

Chris: Maybe since it was such a poorly kept secret, we almost forgot to play Resident Evil 5 co-op at TGS this year. Almost!
Ludwig: Well, as one of the most popular games at the show, the lines for it were quite intimidating. Good thing we used the Microsoft Booth exploit.
A brief wait the morning of the first public day (seriously, someone should have told the hundreds of people lined up at Capcom's booth!) we were in Microsoft's RE5 tent, an English-language sheet in front of us detailing the "Classic" and "Shooter" control types.
You get to choose the control type before the play session starts, but can also change it mid-game. I initially went with the "Classic" setup, which is identical to that found in Resident Evil 4.

Continue reading TGS 08: Resident Evil 5 co-op impressions

TGS 08: Hands-on with Demon's Souls (PS3)

click to embiggen
"Nothing but a playerʼs decision and a tactics of using various weapons are important than anything that you really need to think to play." This line, taken from the official Demon's Souls site blurb, should make you feel as scared and confused as I felt when I got my hands on the game. My first thought, "ouch," remains scrawled at the top of my notes and, sadly, it's all downhill from there.

Gallery: Demons Souls

Continue reading TGS 08: Hands-on with Demon's Souls (PS3)

TGS 08: Inside Edgeworth's office

click to barge in
This one's especially for the Phoenix Wright fans. Those lucky enough to survive the enormous crowd surrounding Gyakuten Kenji's (Turnabout Prosecutor) playable Tokyo Game Show demo were invited into a detailed replica of Miles Edgeworth's office, complete with classy furnishings and a faint air of egomania. We imagine playing Capcom's latest point-and-prosecute in this environment must have been quite surreal for attendees.

Though Edgy himself wasn't available to complete the illusion, we did discover his excellent figurine at the Capcom store -- it's included in the gallery as well.

Gallery: Gyakuten Kenji: Edgeworth's Office

[Special thanks to Ariel A. for the office snaps.]

TGS 08 picture tour: Namco Bandai booth

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Namco Bandai was all about the anime games at TGS this year. That's counting playable builds of Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm, at least three Gundam titles, Macross Ace Frontier and Soul Eater. Other titles like the Idolm@ster PSP games were also a hit with the crowd, as huge queues snaked beyond the booth's perimeter. Get a closer look inside our Namco Bandai Booth Photo Tour.

TGS 08 hands-on: Gomibako (PSN)

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When we say that Gomibako -- a new PSN title -- is trashy, we're not aiming to dis the game. You see, we're not referring to the game's quality, we're simply referring to what the game's all about. The given name "Gomibako" literally means "trash box," or "trash can" if you prefer. It's all about festering piles of garbage and how to get rid of them properly (and by "properly," we really mean "in outrageous and silly ways").

In going about our Earth-friendly activities, Gomibako asks players to fill up a giant blue bin with as much trash as possible. The game plays a lot like Tetris, and so, it's important to properly place each falling piece of garbage in order to conserve space for more items to come. But since we're talking about irregularly-shaped articles of trash, conserving space proves to be a little more difficult than it sounds.

Gallery: Gomibako

Continue reading TGS 08 hands-on: Gomibako (PSN)

TGS 08 picture tour: Tecmo booth

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Tecmo showed off about a dozen games at TGS this year, though only a few took up actual floor space. Newly revealed games like Quantum Theory and Undead Knights were only shown in trailer form, but other, already known titles like DS Nishimura Kyotaro Suspense 2 Shin Tantei Series (say that five times fast!) took up space as large as an entire side of the squared Tecmo territory. (Perhaps Tecmo needed the extra room just to fit the game's title on the wall.)

Honestly, Tecmo's booth isn't about the games anyway. That's not what draws the crowds. Ask people who visited Tecmo's booth what they loved most and they'll likely respond: booth babes! You'll see what we mean once you take our Tecmo Booth Photo Tour.

TGS 08: Sonic Unleashed meets us halfway

Comparing Sonic Unleashed to 2006's Sonic The Hedgehog nightmare is an utterly useless endeavor. Yes, Sonic Unleashed (or Sonic World Adventure, as it's known in Japan) is observably the superior game, but this confirmation is worthless when the previous adventure not only failed to raise the bar, but rather buried it somewhere deep within an abandoned mineshaft. The question then isn't whether Sonic Unleashed is better, but whether it's any good.

And ... well, it's not bad.

Gallery: Sonic Unleashed

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TGS 08 picture tour: Konami booth

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Konami's booth may not have been one of the larger booths at Tokyo Game Show this year, but it was certainly the most visible. It was nearly impossible to miss Konami's booth considering it was the very first thing you'd see after passing through the media entrance.

Anyway, what did Konami show on the floor? Its showing this year was all about sequels. The company dropped names for games from the Suikoden, Silent Hill and Castlevania series, just to name a few. Grab your tickets for the Konami Booth Photo Tour and see Konami's wares. It's free!

TGS 08 picture tour: Sega booth

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Sega's booth was hidden away in a corner at the backside of the Makuhari Messe. Despite this, Sega still drew in massive crowds. We suppose the guiding blue lights of Sega's logo would grab any fan's attention and bring them back towards the house that Sonic built.

This year's Sega offering was all about Yakuza 3, Phantasy Star, and many more DS J-RPGs. Why not take our Sega Booth Photo Tour and see things for yourself.

TGS 08: Sony's booth - reality vs. fantasy

Click for bigger PlayStations
Our statistics show that you, dear reader, are most likely to be of American origin. As a result, you probably don't have access to the Japanese Home beta. It's a shame, because it's the closest you were probably going to get to attending the Tokyo Game Show this year. The Japanese Home "Events and Media" space was updated, allowing those who were unable to reach the show to walk around in a to-scale mock-up of Sony's booth.

But just how close does the in-game model come to the real thing? Scarily close. We've attempted to recreate the screenshots by photographing the booth from the correct angles. In each image, the top half shows the Home version and the bottom reveals real life. Thankfully, the real booth was nowhere near as empty as it is in Home. Perhaps a release of the open beta, timed to coincide with TGS, would've allowed even more people to check out their upcoming wares. Opportunity missed.

Gallery: Sony's TGS08 booth: Home vs reality

Konami: 'We're actively looking' into MGS4 on Xbox 360

And here you thought we'd escaped TGS without this rumorang whizzing by again. Oh no, we most certainly did not (duck!). "We're actively looking into a [Metal Gear Solid 4] release for the Xbox 360," a Konami rep told Japanese investment research firm Morningstar for a TGS report published today (in Japanese). Feel free to take that as "no duh" or a renewed glimmer of hope -- Morningstar's report does not include further evidence that Konami is any closer to bringing a MGS4 port to Xbox 360 than when the rumor first appeared ... two years ago!

As IGN notes, the key dilemma is in the discs. How to transfer all that optimized Blu-ray data? And, where to put it?

[Via IGN; thanks Joe!]

TGS 08: Let's write an article about Let's Tap

If you've ever drummed your fingers on a table, whether in a physical display of impatience (where is that waiter?) or an attempt to capture an elusive beat, you'll probably be able to understand where Let's Tap is coming from. Specifically, it's coming from Sonic creator Yuji Naka's post-Sega studio, Prope, and hopes to win gamers (and their moms) over through sheer simplicity. Let's Face It: games don't get much simpler than tapping on a cardboard box.

Evaluated as a typical Wii game, Let's Tap does little to distance itself from the cavalcade of effervescent minigames swarming the system. But as an experiment in using the Wiimote differently -- that is, to not use it at all -- it certainly warrants further attention. As it requires the Wii controller to be placed on a flat surface, face down and buttons obscured, Let's Tap is a game we can see ourselves introducing to those wracked by a morbid fear of buttons and flailing.

Gallery: Let's Tap

Continue reading TGS 08: Let's write an article about Let's Tap

TGS 08: Public attendance up, business visitors way down

Tokyo Game Show organizer CESA announced (via IGN) that the show had 194,288 visitors this year, up about a thousand attendees from last year. The increase in visitors on the public days made up for the significant drop during the two "business only" days of the show.
  • Thursday (Business): 27,305 ('07 - 29,783)
  • Friday (Business): 24,178 ('07 - 32,390)
  • Saturday (Public): 71,639 ('07 - 64,795)
  • Sunday (Public): 71,166 ('07 - 66,072)
Good thing TGS is open to the public because those figures really help distract from asking: where have all the business folks gone?

TGS 08: Monster Hunter 3 is kind of a big deal, pt. 2

The passage of time, not to mention the opening of the Tokyo Game Show floor to the public, was not kind to our good friend, the Monster Hunter 3 line. Whereas our initial pass demonstrated a long and winding queue, the first public day of the show saw the orderly arrangement swallowed whole by a pulsating mass of patient onlookers.

As if navigating the area wasn't hampered enough, the monstrously popular booth also saw its crowd overlap with the one swarming the opposing Square Enix booth. The bloggers foolish enough to pass through this patch of people (including the one who wrote these hands-on impressions) were forever lost and shall be mourned.

Continue reading TGS 08: Monster Hunter 3 is kind of a big deal, pt. 2

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