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Demolition Man
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Demolition Man (1993) More at IMDbPro »

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A cop is brought out of suspended animation in prison to pursue an old ultra-violent enemy who is loose in a nonviolent future society.


User Rating:
6.2/10   36,127 votes
Marco Brambilla
Writers (WGA):
Peter M. Lenkov (story) and
Robert Reneau (story) ...
Release Date:
8 October 1993 (USA) more
Action | Crime | Sci-Fi more
The future isn't big enough for the both of them.
A cop is brought out of suspended animation in prison to pursue an old ultra-violent enemy who is loose in a nonviolent future society. full summary | full synopsis
1 win & 5 nominations more
(20 articles)
"The Expendables" Cast Line-Up: Sandra Bullock Out, Forest Whitaker In
 (From iCelebz. 6 January 2009, 2:29 AM, PST)

Forest Whitaker Might Be 'Expendable'
 (From Cinematical. 5 January 2009, 4:02 PM, PST)

User Comments:
Weird, It's A Satirical Action Movie more


 (Cast overview, first billed only)
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Additional Details

115 min
Color (Technicolor)
Aspect Ratio:
2.35 : 1 more
Sound Mix:
Dolby Digital
MOVIEmeter: ?
^ 28% since last week why?

Fun Stuff

"Lenina Huxley" is a reference to the character "Lenina Crowne", a character in "Brave New World" by Aldous Huxley. At one point she says to John Spartan, "You are a savage creature, John Spartan" thus alluding to the Brave New World character John the Savage. Also, when Phoenix picks up the ray gun after it has finally charged, he says "It's a brave new world." more
Continuity: When John Spartan confronts Dr. Cochtou about his involvement with Simon, a black gun appears. The next shot reveals that Spartan is holding the gun to Dr. Cochtou's head and the gun is now silver. more
Lenina Huxley: Chief, you can take this job, and you can shovel it.
John Spartan: Take this job... and shovel it.
Lenina Huxley: Yeah?
John Spartan: Close enough.
Movie Connections:
Featured in Los Angeles Plays Itself (2003) more
Plop, Plop, Fizz, Fizz more


Number of Thugs: Simon Phoenix has Cocteau thaw out around 5 or 6 "special men" in order to carry out his plans. We even see them all gathered in the "underground city" area drinking beer with Phoenix. Spartan and Huxley enter Cocteau's building and take out two of them. So, what happened to the others? They weren't with Phoenix at the end; they just vanished.
Does Jesse Ventura's character die in this?
Jesse Ventura in Demolition Man: What happens to Adam (Jesse Ventura) near the conclusion of Demolition Man? All of 4 of those 6 cryo-cons left over after an underground battle scene were sent downstairs to kill Stallone's character by Wesley Snipes's character and Sly Stallone's character makes these 4 thugs think that he's in the elevator to lie in ambush and sneaks away to get these guys to waste bullets. Jesse Ventura's character had simply vanished. What happened to him?
8 out of 10 people found the following comment useful:-
Weird, It's A Satirical Action Movie, 30 December 2006
Author: mjw2305 from England

Sgt. John Spartan (Stallone) is a tough cop for a tough age and Simon Pheonix (Snipes) is a nasty and violent criminal. When Stallone finally catches his man, he is found guilty of killing a group of innocent civilians at the same time; and they are both given sentences in the new cryo-prison. When Simon Pheonix escapes into a new world in the year 2032, the police have no way of dealing with such a vicious arch-criminal so they re-animate John Sparton, and so it begins.

I simply love the way the future is portrayed in this film, it is a wonderfully satirical crime free environment where the humans have become ultra-placid geeks under the new regime. Sandra Bullock and Nigel Hawthorne are the two main police-persons that we see and they are brilliantly funny in their performances.

Demolition man is as funny as it is action packed and although it's pretty shallow, it is still great fun to watch.


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