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Study Guides to the Plays and Sonnets, Shakespeare Essays, Shakespeare Criticism, Shakespeare in Modern English, Read Shakespeare's Plays

About William Shakespeare

Just getting started with Shakespeare? Here you'll find a biography, FAQ, chronology, and much more to help you begin you exploration of history's greatest author.
Introduction to Shakespeare, Shakespeare Biography, Shakespeare's Chronology, Shakespeare's Globe Theater, Shakespeare FAQ, Portraits of Shakespeare, Shakespeare on Film

Shakespeare Quotes

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To Lose Sleep, Perchance to Hallucinate

It is perhaps one of the most famous aspects of the play Macbeth: the notion of the characters seeing things which are not there. Over the course of the play, both Macbeth and his wife grapple with things that they imagine to be real. First, Macbeth famously wonders if he sees a dagger before... [More]

A Frightening Fan

When we talk about Shakespeare, inspiration inevitably enters the discussion. People who are passionate about his plays and poetry often express that enthusiasm in terms of the way The Bard’s works inspire them. In some cases, it spurs people into writing of their own, whether it is poetry,... [More]

$5 Bard? Happy New Year!

What is a Shakespeare play worth in 2009? A better question might be: is money the only thing preventing certain people from seeing live Shakespearean theatre? In other words, if financial concerns were removed, would some people take in more plays than they would under their current economic... [More]

High Resolution

It may seem too early to get nostalgic about 2008, but it is our annual duty to do so. Everyone is rehashing the major news stories, the elections, the weddings, the divorces, the scandals, the Olympics, and everything in between. Critics are busy scribbling “Best of” lists to make sure we... [More]

The Bard & London's Best

During the inevitable looking-back that’s filling all forms of media this week, one critic reflected on the theatre of London, and naturally Shakespeare figured quite prominently in the assessment. What the critic noticed overall was that this was a year where entire casts seemed to shine as... [More]

Shakespeare in Love and Hate

Ten years later, it’s still hard to know if people are still feeling the love for Shakespeare in Love. It’s not really the historical accuracy issue; people know that Tom Stoppard likes to fiddle around with history to shake the funny parts out. It’s not the box office, either; the film... [More]

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