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Friday, 5 July, 2002, 18:11 GMT 19:11 UK
Bowie dismisses Kylie and Robbie
David Bowie at a recent performance in Paris
David Bowie has always been an ambiguous figure
David Bowie has dismissed Kylie Minogue and Robbie Williams as "cruise ship entertainment" and says paparazzi would stop him living in the UK.

Bowie, who directed the recent Meltdown music and arts festival in London, said the British obsession with celebrity meant he could never live permanently in his native country.

David Bowie performs at Meltdown
Bowie is promoting a new album
The 55-year-old said he and his family would have a minimal private life if he returned to live in London.

"The pure inconvenience of having a camera lens stuck in either my face or my wife and child's face every morning, I think would certainly be a deterrent to me wanting to come back to live here on a permanent basis," he told the BBC.

"Even being here a couple of days, I mean, this is a really different place.

"It's astounding how media-driven London is."

The singer has been promoting his new album Heathen and finished the recent Meltdown festival with a Royal Festival Hall performance of the entirety of his 1970s experimental album Low.

Pop Idol

Of his current musical tastes, Bowie said: "I listen to really odd stuff and a lot of it is out on the edge.

"I know about Kylie and Robbie and Pop Idol and stuff like that.

"You can't get away from that when you hit the shore, so I know all about the cruise ship entertainment aspect of British pop."

Bowie travelled to the UK by cruise ship, taking a five day crossing on the QEII.

The BBC's Robert Nisbet
"He remains one of Britain's most influential artists"
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12 Jun 02 | Entertainment
12 Feb 02 | Entertainment
23 Apr 02 | Entertainment
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