Issues: U.S. Law & Policy

All Documents in U.S. Law & Policy Tagged overfishing

America’s Underwater Parks
The Marine Life Protection Act Safeguards Our Special Undersea Places

Fact Sheet
NRDC is supporting the Marine Life Protection Act (MLPA) to ensure that California has a system of marine protected areas along its coast to help the rich web of ocean life thrive.

Documents Tagged overfishing in All Issue Sections

Latin American Wildlands in Danger
Latin America is home to some of the richest forest and marine ecosystems on earth but U.S. commercial interests are fueling the destruction of these vital wildlands.
Give Swordfish a Break
Conservation campaign helped restore North Atlantic swordfish and provided an example for future efforts.

After a two-and-a-half-year campaign led by NRDC and SeaWeb to restore swordfish populations in the north Atlantic, the federal government in August 2000 announced measures to protect juvenile north Atlantic swordfish from fishing.
Reviving Our Oceans
Changing the way we think about and manage our oceans can help avert a crisis.

Changing the way we think about and manage our oceans can help avert a crisis.
Florida’s Coastal and Ocean Future
A Blueprint for Economic and Environmental Leadership

Issue Paper
Nothing defines Florida more than its coast. With tourism, fishing and recreational sport bringing billions of dollars into the state each year, the coast is also Florida's economic engine. But now the state's unique beaches are being threatened by pollution, unsustainable development and overfishing that are leading to plummeting fish catches, outbreaks of harmful algae, dying marine life and beach closures. This issue paper, originally published in September 2006 and updated in April 2007, provides a blueprint for how local leaders and decision makers can -- and must -- take action to protect Florida’s marine and coastal ecosystems. Since its original publication, 160 businesses and organizations have endorsed the Blueprint.

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Too Much Direct Democracy?
posted by Victoria Rome, 10/16/08
Building a Bridge to Somewhere
posted by Deron Lovaas, 10/14/08