RSS Feeds

RSS is a means of distributing news and information to subscribers. Instead of arriving by email, RSS 'feeds' are delivered to you through an RSS reader, which can be web-based or can be installed on your computer. RSS content can also be sent to blogs, personal webpages and the bookmarks of some browsers. MORE

Subscribe to NRDC's RSS Feeds
To stay on top of key events and respond quickly to action alerts. NRDC offers the following feeds:

On This Page
What is RSS?
How do I get RSS feeds?
What will I get from NRDC
when I subscribe?

How do I subscribe to NRDC
RSS feeds?

Terms of use of NRDC
RSS Feeds

More Information
Slate: Quick Overview
Wikipedia: Overview and Details
Feedster: Aggregators
Firefox: RSS Bookmarks

Find RSS Feeds

NRDC Press Releases
Breaking environmental news and commentary from NRDC experts.

Blog Posts from NRDC's Switchboard Site: Plug In
On Switchboard, NRDC experts respond to the day's news and share their views, insights and expertise on energy conservation, global warming science, and many other environmental topics.

The Greenlight Blog
Citizen journalism from the OnEarth Magazine website.

OnEarth Podcasts
Podcasts about the most recent issue of OnEarth magazine include journalists, photographers and experts discussing their work.

NRDC's Biogems Alerts: Save Wild Places
Urgent calls to action about threatened wild places and wildlife.

NRDC's Environmental Action Alerts
Biweekly bulletin identifying opportunities to influence decisions that affect the environment and people's health.

What is RSS?

RSS (which stands for both Rich Site Summary and Really Simple Syndication) is a means of distributing content that uses XML programming. Often RSS feeds, or channels, focus on specific areas of interest. So if you subscribe to a feed from The New York Times, for example, you can choose to learn when specific types of articles are added, such as science news or film reviews.

How do I get RSS feeds?

There are many ways to access information sent by an RSS feed. You can install a piece of software on your computer, called an RSS aggregator or a reader, that will fetch updates from websites you select. Then as new content is added to those site you'll receive a short summary with a link to the full information.

Some browsers -- Firefox, for example -- allow users to add RSS feeds as bookmarks. There are also RSS readers that are web-based -- so there's nothing to install on your computer -- and work in any browser. And you can pull RSS feeds into your blog and personal webpages, such as MyYahoo.

What will I get from NRDC when I subscribe by RSS?

Each NRDC RSS feed focuses on a specific type of information. You can subscribe to one or all. When you do, as we post news and action alerts you'll receive a headline, a quick summary and a link back to our site for the full story.

How do I subscribe to NRDC RSS feeds?

How you subscribe depends on the reader (aggregator) you use. For most RSS readers: click on the orange 'XML' button next to the feed you want to add and copy the link (or URL); then paste the URL into your reader. If this is the first time you are subscribing to an RSS feed, see the links at right for more information on getting started.

Terms of Use of NRDC RSS Feeds

NRDC encourages the use of the headlines and summaries we provide in our RSS feeds, as long as you provide proper attribution to NRDC, the Natural Resources Defense Council, when publishing these headlines and summaries on a website or weblog, and as long as you do not post the full-text stories. NRDC reserves publishing rights to the full text of the materials that our RSS feeds link to. If you wish to provide detailed NRDC materials to your readers, please do so by linking to the NRDC website. NRDC reserves the right to require you to cease distributing the NRDC content.

NRDC uses RSS 2.0

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