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Finance & Economics

Articles in Finance & Economics

Insight into the worlds of business, economics, and finance from some of Canada’s leading journalists.

September 2008

Squashing Ducks

Globalization gone awry

May 2008

The Other Side of the Coin

David Orrell challenges neoclassical economics

December 2007

Rock Bottom

With the seas nearly barren, should Digby Neck, Nova Scotia, settle for selling the earth? NMA Silver Medal: Still-life Photography, Nominee: Investigative Reporting

October 2007

Eat or Be Eaten

Roger Martin, dean of the Rotman School of Management, tells Walrus editor Ken Alexander that in the global economy Canada has one choice: be a little guppy or a big fish

September 2007

Magic Kingdom or Glass House?

The inside story of massive wealth, hope for a Middle East in flux, and a dream that could be shattered by one terrorist bombing . . . Dubai, a city that never sleeps

April 2007

Red Rush

No longer kept in check by cold winters, the mountain pine beetle has killed $50 billion worth of BC forest in less than a decade. NMA Gold Medal: Best New Writer; NMA nominee: Science, Technology & the Environment

October 2005

Betting on Separation

How speculation on the Quebec referendum nearly ended in financial disaster

April 2005

Shifting Sands

Canada has plenty of oil, while China and the US are thirsty and desperate

March 2005

Open for Business

How international corporations are exploiting our nation’s positive image with little more than a postal box

April 2004

Rough Trade

How Canada’s diamond bonanza is turning a gritty and secretive industry inside out