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Signs of the Times Australia / NZ edition — lifestyle, health, relationships, culture, spirituality, people — published since 1886

Signs of the Times

April 2003

Bill Gates: Learning to Give

Bill Gates admitted a steep learning curve in finding the best way of giving. “Recently I’ve been getting an education in philanthropy,” he said. “My wife and I are trying to learn how to give money to charitable organisations in ways that will do the most good.

Eyewitnesses of the Unbelievable

Some are inclined to dismiss the testimony of these witnesses. It is fantastic, it sounds like a legend or myth. But scholars who’ve studied the evidence surrounding the resurrection find it hard to doubt the testimony of these witnesses.

Alcohol and Our Teens

As teenagers struggle to assert their independence and establish their adulthood, many are tempted by peer pressure, movies and advertising to experiment with alcohol. Alcohol may provide a means of identifying with the adult world, but it soon becomes a facilitater of behaviour, often antisocial, that also earns acceptance with peers.

From Witch to God’s Warrior

I drew closer to the occult and practised what I now consider witchcraft—psychic renderings, mental telepathy and associated activities, as well palmistry. I was good at it, as I was also beautiful and attractive, and worked as a model. But all the time I was searching.

The Third Option

Stuck in a bad marriage? People choose from three options: be miserable; get a divorce;
or fix it. How grateful we are that we took the third option—we chose to heal our personal pain, creating love, joy and peace in our marriage. We’re grateful for our calling to convince others that if you are teachable, you are fixable.

That Empty Box

The discovery of an ossuary (bone box) bearing an inscription that includes the name of Jesus is not only a sensational archaeological discovery but an exciting and controversial drama.

Prayer Power

People often tell me about their answers to group prayers and some are amazing. More than that, some are miraculous. My inquiries into the few prayer groups I knew existed revealed some interesting facts.

Inside the Upper Room

The Jesus of history was a real person. Few deny this for there is more evidence than that of the Bible. He says we can rely on Him and that He is the Truth and the Way leading to life (see John 14:6). So what happened to Him on that last night before He died that is so important to us?

Crossing Over: Truth or Travesty?

My own view of an afterlife, the supernatural and spirit world is a Bible-based one. From my reading of the Bible, I believe spirits do exist and that there’s an unseen spirit world (see Ephesians 6:12; Psalm 103:20, 21). I also believe spirits contact humans (see Hebrews 1:14; 13:2; Mark 1:21-27), so John Edward may well be hearing them. But where I differ is on the issue of the identity of the spirits he talks to.

Confronting a Killer

Approximately one million in Thailand have HIV/AIDS. It is most prevalent in the north where education and awareness of the problem is minimal. AIDS is the principal cause of death in the Chiang Dao District. There the Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) is implementing an HIV/AIDS Awareness and Drug Education project.

Heart Attack Survivor

In Casualty, nurses had just lifted me onto the casualty bed when my eyes rolled back and I started to convulse. A “crash team” arrived and gave CPR as I was rushed into the intensive care unit where they attached tubes and monitors.

Six Things About Old Age

A famous octogenarian, speaking at a banquet held in his honour, once said: “There are many advantages about growing old [long pause], but I can’t think of any of them.” I agree with him. Now that I’m on the wrong side of eight-O, I’m frantically searching for any benefit that years have to offer.


Signs Regular Columns


A Needed Discovery

Our Times:

clip-on car, blessed pets, Dracula returns and more. . .


Money Matters:

Retirement: Prepare Now!

Food Matters:

All Coffee Is Harmful

Food Matters Recipe:

Blueberry and Macaroon Dip and Apricot Delights

Bible Discovery:

Love Immeasurable

Medical Hotline

Dr Wright tells about the first signs of cancer in the bowel, gives natural remedies for arthritis and gives some simple tips for a healthier, happier household. He also gives some hints on dealing with some common personal maladies, as usual.


With Counsellor Carole Ferch-Johnson

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