Issues: Global Warming

All Documents in Global Warming Tagged new energy economy

Job Opportunities in a Green Economy
States can gain from fighting global warming

States can gain from fighting global warming.
The Cost of Climate Change
What We'll Pay if Global Warming Continues Unchecked

New research shows that if present trends continue, the total cost of global warming will be as high as 3.6 percent of gross domestic product (GDP). Four global warming impacts alone -- hurricane damage, real estate losses, energy costs, and water costs -- will come with a price tag of 1.8 percent of U.S. GDP, or almost $1.9 trillion annually (in today's dollars) by 2100. The longer we wait, the more painful -- and expensive -- the consequences will be.
The New Energy Economy
Putting America on the Path to Solving Global Warming

Issue Papers
How America and the world respond to global warming and our growing demand for energy -- and whether we respond in time -- will determine what kind of planet we have for generations to come. Fortunately, many of the technologies and policy tools we need to make the shift to cleaner energy solutions already exist, and we can deploy them without harming the economy. NRDC outlines six energy-sector opportunities that can help America reduce global warming pollution. The next step is decisive action by the U.S. government to facilitate these investments and reduce our global warming pollution the necessary 80 percent, or 10.6 billion tons, by 2050.
An Economic Blueprint for Solving Global Warming
An Economic Blueprint for Solving Global Warming

Documents Tagged new energy economy in All Issue Sections

The Real Solution to High Gas Prices
Clean energy and greater efficiency can provide long-lasting relief from high gas prices.

As many Americans are feeling the real pain of high gas prices, oil companies and the Bush administration are peddling a "drill everywhere" remedy that would not have a significant impact on domestic energy production or prices for at least a decade. The only real solution is to develop alternative sources of energy and to use energy more wisely. Congressional support for clean energy technologies, expanded public transportation and greater efficiency for the vehicles of tomorrow -- and those on the road right now -- will take us down the closest and fastest road to relief.

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