Issues: Global Warming

All Documents in Global Warming Tagged hydrogen

Is Hydrogen the Solution?
Hydrogen fuels have long-term promise, but we need to act now to relieve dependence on foreign oil and reduce global warming pollution.

Issue Papers
Global warming pollution and dependence on foreign oil are urgent problems, and hydrogen and hydrogen fuel cells vehicles have received much attention as potential solutions. This April 2004 NRDC policy paper outlines some dangers in leaning heavily on a "hydrogen economy" in the near term, and details other solutions that will be crucial to addressing energy security, air quality, and efforts to stop global warming over the next few decades.

Documents Tagged hydrogen in All Issue Sections

A Hydrogen Future?
An Economic and Environmental Assessment of Hydrogen Production Pathways

Issue Papers
Hydrogen is being touted as the fuel of the future, but how it is produced matters. This NRDC issue paper identifies current and possible future sources of hydrogen, and examines the cost and environmental impacts of different methods of hydrogen production. The least expensive and most developed methods in use today are not necessarily environmentally sustainable. The analysis suggests that hydrogen will not provide an immediate solution to America’s energy and climate crises.

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