Issues: Global Warming

All Documents in Global Warming Tagged wildlife

Consequences of Global Warming
A hotter planet means dirtier air and water, more severe floods and droughts, more wildfires and other serious consequences.
Trout in Trouble
The Impacts of Global Warming on Trout in the Interior West

Issue Papers
Global warming is the single greatest threat to the survival of trout in America's interior west. If nothing is done to reduce human-produced greenhouse gas emissions -- the primary culprit behind global warming -- trout habitat throughout the Rocky Mountain region could be reduced by 50 percent or more by the end of the century, bringing fewer opportunities for anglers to enjoy sportfishing and resulting in serious economic consequences for those who depend on the fishing, recreation and tourism industry for their livelihoods.
Global Warming Science: An Annotated Bibliography
A summary of recent findings on the changing global climate.

In recent years, scientists have added considerably to the large body of evidence that shows that human activity is changing the global climate, raising temperatures and affecting ecosystems around the world.
Global Warming Threatens Wildlife
Climate change threatens species from your backyard to the Arctic.

Global warming is pushing wildlife over the brink. From melting sea-ice throughout the Arctic to increases in infectious diseases and loss of food, evidence of the impacts of global warming on wildlife is mounting. This index collects fact sheets on global warming's effects on threatened species.

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Latin American Wildlands in Danger
Latin America is home to some of the richest forest and marine ecosystems on earth but U.S. commercial interests are fueling the destruction of these vital wildlands.
Stop the Slaughter
Yellowstone’s Buffalo Herd Must Be Protected

Fact Sheet
The Montana Department of Livestock and the National Park Service are killing the thousands of buffalo that roam in Yellowstone National Park, claiming with little evidence that the buffalo could transmit disease to cattle in the area. NRDC
is fighting to protect Yellowstone buffalo from senseless killing and to safeguard the park’s wildlife resources for future generations.
Saving Jamaica Bay
Fact Sheet
New York City’s Jamaica Bay is plagued by an array of harms ranging from overdevelopment on its borders to water pollution to invasive plant and animal species. A unified effort on the part of government and residents is needed to restore this natural gem and to save one of the city’s last wild places.
Morro Bay-Cayucos Sewage Treatment Plant and Sea Otter Habitat
Fact Sheet
The threatened California sea otter numbers just 2,700 statewide. The Morro Bay/Cayucos sewage plant in California has dumped pollutants into the ocean for more than two decades -- directly into bay waters that are a hotspot for sea otter deaths. Although the construction time for the Morro Bay sewage plant upgrade to meet basic federal standards is less than two and a half years, plant officials do not intend to complete the project until March 2014. The plant's own documents show that a faster, more efficient upgrade is not only possible, but would be less expensive as well.

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