Issues: Global Warming

All Documents in Global Warming Tagged causes

Global Warming Basics
What it is, how it's caused, and what needs to be done to stop it.

Answers to questions including: What causes global warming? Is there really cause for serious concern? How can we cut global warming pollution?
Global Warming Science: An Annotated Bibliography
A summary of recent findings on the changing global climate.

In recent years, scientists have added considerably to the large body of evidence that shows that human activity is changing the global climate, raising temperatures and affecting ecosystems around the world.
Coal in a Changing Climate
This index collects policy documents about the implications of the world's reliance on coal.

This index collects policy documents about the implications of the world's reliance on coal.

For additional policy documents, see the NRDC Document Bank.

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Green Not Just the Color of Money in Vegas
posted by Rob Perks, 12/17/08
Coal Carolers R.I.P.
posted by Rob Perks, 12/17/08