Issues: Global Warming

All Documents in Global Warming Tagged tourism

Trout in Trouble
The Impacts of Global Warming on Trout in the Interior West

Issue Papers
Global warming is the single greatest threat to the survival of trout in America's interior west. If nothing is done to reduce human-produced greenhouse gas emissions -- the primary culprit behind global warming -- trout habitat throughout the Rocky Mountain region could be reduced by 50 percent or more by the end of the century, bringing fewer opportunities for anglers to enjoy sportfishing and resulting in serious economic consequences for those who depend on the fishing, recreation and tourism industry for their livelihoods.
Feeling the Heat in Florida
Global Warming on the Local Level

Accelerated climate change may seem like a remote concern to most Floridians, but in fact, global warming threatens the beautiful coastal communities and tourist-driven prosperity the state is known for. This October 2001 NRDC report finds that global warming in Florida will lead to coastal floods, saltwater contamination of underground drinking water supplies, more frequent wildfires, declining crop yields, and severe deterioration of the state's unique Everglades and coral-reef ecosystems. While the worst effects won't come for several decades, the report makes it clear that state officials should begin preparing now and reduce the pollution that causes global warming.
Global Warming Threatens Florida
The changing climate will have a profound effect on the Sunshine State's citizens, economy and environment.

An October 2001 study finds that the far-reaching effects of global warming will transform Florida's climate, coastline and treasured natural areas in ways that will profoundly affect the state's economy and agriculture, as well as the health of its people.
How Global Warming Will Affect Floridians
A photo essay exploring the consequences of climate change for Florida residents, businesses and visitors.

Climate change is bringing big alterations to our landscapes, and big costs with it -- especially for coastal communities. These pages show how Floridians in different professions and different age groups, with various hobbies and from various walks of life are all facing a profoundly different Sunshine State.

Documents Tagged tourism in All Issue Sections

Pollution-Related Beach Closings and Advisories Remain High in 2007
Pollution-related beach closings and advisories across the country rose last year, according to NRDC's 17th annual beach report.
Testing the Waters 2008: A Guide to Water Quality at Vacation Beaches
NRDC's annual survey of water quality and public notification at U.S. beaches finds that pollution caused the number of beach closings and advisories to hit their second-highest level in the 18-year history of the report. The number of 2007 closing and advisory days at ocean, bay, and Great Lakes beaches topped 20,000 for the third consecutive year, confirming that our nation's beaches continue to suffer from serious water pollution that puts swimmers at risk. This edition of Testing the Waters takes an especially close took at the nation's highest risk beaches -- those that are either very popular, very close to pollution sources or both. The 2008 survey is based on information reported for 2007.
Beach Pollution FAQ
Answers to questions including: How widespread is beach pollution? What are the major causes of beach pollution? Can swimming in polluted water make you sick?
Water Quality at U.S. Beaches
How to find out whether state and local authorities test for beach pollution, and what they do if they find it.

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