Kim McIntyre

DC News Examiner
Kim McIntyre is a freelance news reporter for CNN Newsource and CBS News Path in Washington, DC. McIntyre was also a national reporter for Fox News Channel as a Dallas-based correspondent before moving to FNC's Washington, DC bureau.


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Pelosi: Bush harmed country

January 8, 8:25 PM
by Kim McIntyre, DC News Examiner

June 2008, President Bush & Speaker Pelosi
Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi says today was a memorable day in history.  She recalled her feelings during the official count of the electoral college votes on Capitol Hill today to Jim Lehrer of The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer.  The official tally was read by Vice President Cheney in the House chambers.  President-elect Barack Obama received 365 of the 538 votes. 

During her one-on-one interview, Pelosi shared her thoughts about Obama's upcoming administration.  She believes President Obama will look out for the future of the nation's children.  A point she seems to suggest was lost under the current administration.

Pelosi claims President Bush brought "harm to the country."  When pressed by Lehrer for clarification, she added that she has kind regards for Bush as a person but thinks he leaves behind a "legacy of missed opportunity."  

The San Francisco Democrat has called Bush "a total failure" before.  In an interview with CNN in July of 2008, she said the President "is losing all credibility with the American people on the economy, the war, energy, you name it."   At the time it was an unusual outburst from the Speaker.

Meantime, in a candid interview with The Associated Press, Vice President Cheney defended criticism that President Bush did not see the economic crisis coming.  Instead Cheney applauded Bush's bold and aggressive action to restore confidence in America's financial system.  From his West Wing office, Cheney says the President need not apologize about the country's economic challenges.  He says, "I don't think anybody saw it coming."



Topics: Kim McIntyre , Obama , Pelosi Bush , Cheney
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