Right- and left-hand traffic

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     right-hand traffic     left-hand traffic

Right-hand traffic and left-hand traffic mean regulations requiring all traffic to keep either to the left or the right side of the road.[1][2] This is so fundamental to traffic flow that it is sometimes referred to as the rule of the road.[3] The purpose of this basic rule is to facilitate traffic flow and reduce the risk of head-on collisions. Though originally most traffic drove on the left worldwide,[4] today about 34% of the world's people live in left-traffic countries and 66% in right-traffic countries. About 28% of the world's total road distance carries traffic on the left, and 72% on the right.[5]


[edit] Terminology

Country have adopted one of two standards for traffic flows: ie. traffic is either on the left- or right-side of the road. Countries are said to have left-hand traffic (LHT) or right-hand traffic (RHT). [6] [7][8]

Vehicles are manufactured in left-hand drive (LHD) and right-hand drive (RHD) configurations, referring to the placement of the driving seat and controls within the vehicle.[9][10][11] Typically, the placement of the steering wheel is opposite to the rule of the road: LHT countries use RHD vehicles, and RHT countries use LHD vehicles. However, there are countries that drive on the left but use mostly LHD vehicles (for example, some Caribbean islands, and Sweden before the change from LHT to RHT in 1967), or that drive on the right but use mostly RHD vehicles. Furthermore, many countries permit both types of vehicles on their roads. Terminological confusion can arise from the misuse of "left-hand drive" or "right-hand drive" to indicate the side of the road along which vehicles are driven.

[edit] Road traffic

Main article: Traffic lanes

[edit] Uniformity

Map of the world showing the driving directions for all countries and any changes that have occurred, beginning with Finland's change in 1858
     drives on right      drove on left, now drives on right      drives on left      drove on right, now drives on left      had different rules of the road within borders, now drives on right

Article 9(1) of the United Nations' Geneva Convention on Road Traffic (1949)[12] requires each country to have a uniform direction of traffic, i.e. each country may have either left-hand traffic or right-hand traffic, but not both:

All vehicular traffic proceeding in the same direction on any road shall keep to the same side of the road, which shall be uniform in each country for all roads. Domestic regulations concerning one-way traffic shall not be affected.

In the past, there were several countries which had different rules in different parts of the country (eg. Canada until the 1920s). Currently China is the only exception to this rule, with Hong Kong and Macau driving on the left while the rest of China drives on the right.

When islands are excluded, the only continents in which the same rule of the road applies over the entire continent are the following:

  1. Oceania with left-hand traffic.
  2. Mainland Europe since Sweden changed to right-hand traffic in 1967.
  3. North America, including Central America since Belize changed to right-hand traffic in 1961.

In addition, South Asian countries, which constitutes most of the Indian subcontinent, like India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Bhutan have left-hand traffic.

Certain countries in Africa, Asia, and South America have land borders where drivers must change to the other side of the road.

[edit] Left-hand traffic

A sign on Australia's Great Ocean Road reminding foreign motorists to keep left.
  • Oncoming traffic is seen coming on the right.
  • Right-turning traffic must cross oncoming traffic.
  • Most traffic signs facing motorists are on the left-hand side of the road.
  • Other vehicles are overtaken (passed) on the right.
  • Traffic on roundabouts (traffic circles or rotaries) goes clockwise.
  • Pedestrians crossing a two-way road should first look for traffic from their right.
  • Most vehicles have the driving seat on the right.

When driving on the left:

  • Overtaking (passing) is on the right if permitted
  • The lane designated for normal driving and turning left is on the left
  • Most dual carriageway exits are on the left
  • Overtaking is in some circumstances permitted on the left. In the UK overtaking on the left (colloquially known as 'undertaking') is not usually permitted, except in certain circumstances, such as when the vehicle being passed is indicating to make a right turn, in a queue of slow-moving traffic, or on a one-way street where all lanes are travelling in one direction. Directives generally require all traffic to keep left unless overtaking. In Australia overtaking on the left is permitted when lane boundaries are marked.
  • Turn-to-left after stop is sometimes allowed at stop signs/lights.

[edit] Countries with left-hand traffic

Total: 75 countries

[edit] Right-hand traffic

One of many road signs in the English county of Kent placed on the right hand side of the road
  • Oncoming traffic is seen coming from the left.
  • Left-turning traffic must cross oncoming traffic.
  • Most traffic signs facing motorists are on the right-hand side of the road.
  • Other vehicles are overtaken (passed) on the left.
  • Traffic on roundabouts (traffic circles or rotaries) goes anticlockwise.
  • Pedestrians crossing a two-way road should first look for traffic from their left.
  • Most vehicles have the driving seat on the left.

When driving on the right:

  • Overtaking (passing) is on the left if permitted
  • The lane designated for normal driving and turning right is on the right
  • Most dual carriageway exits are on the right
  • Overtaking is in some circumstances permitted on the right.
  • Traffic is required to keep right
  • Right turn (in some places after stopping the vehicle) is allowed at intersections
  • In most European right-hand drive countries, the lack of turn arrow markings on the pavement implies that the left lane is used by left-turning traffic, the right lane by traffic going straight and turning right and all others lanes for going straight. Such rules in the USA vary between the states
  • The driver should give way to the incoming vehicle on the right

[edit] Countries with right-hand traffic

Total: 164 countries

[edit] Changing sides at borders

The change of traffic directions at the Laos–Thai border takes place on Lao territory just off the Thai–Lao Friendship Bridge
Thai-Myanmar friendship bridge

Where neighboring countries use different traffic rules, drivers from one to the other must change sides at border crossings. Thailand is particularly notable in the context. It drives on the left and is the only sizable country that has 90% (4,357 km or 2,707 miles) of its borders with countries that drive on the right, with only Malaysia driving on the left since Myanmar (Burma) changed from driving on the left to driving on the right in 1970. Other notable borders in this context are between Afghanistan and Pakistan, Laos and Thailand, Sudan and Uganda.

Many borders are formed from natural barriers such as mountains or rivers, and this is particularly true of borders where traffic changes sides of the road, especially in Asia. These natural barriers make the number of border crossings much lower than would otherwise be the case. Furthermore, given their remoteness, most mountain border crossings have relatively low traffic volumes and so changing sides of the road is even less of an issue.

The four most common ways of switching traffic from one side to the other at borders are:

  • No automatic infrastructure (signposts and directions only), most commonly found at borders with low traffic volumes. Examples are:

[edit] Changing to right-hand traffic

Over the course of the 20th century, there was a gradual worldwide shift from driving on the left to the right. Portugal changed to right-hand driving in 1920, and the parts of Canada which were still driving on the left changed over by 1923. The remainder of Italy changed over when Benito Mussolini came to power, and Austria and Czechoslovakia changed when Adolf Hitler annexed or occupied them, and Hungary followed suit. The Latin American countries, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, the rest of Brazil and Chile, changed by 1945, and the Philippines and China in 1946. Belize changed to right-hand driving in 1961. Sweden changed in 1967 and Iceland did so in 1968. Burma changed in 1970.[13] (For the logistics involved see the Swedish experience.)

Taiwan, formerly drove on the left under Japanese rule, but changed to driving on the right in 1946 after the government of the Republic of China assumed administration; the same happened in North and South Korea, another former Japanese colony. However, some trains in Seoul still keep to the left, as does pedestrian traffic in the subway system.

The most common reason for countries to switch to right-hand traffic is for conformity with neighbors, as it increases the safety of cross-border traffic. For example, former British colonies in Africa, such as the Gambia, Sierra Leone, Nigeria, and Ghana, have all changed from driving on the left to the right, as they all share borders with former French colonies, which drive on the right. The former Portuguese colony of Mozambique continues to drive on the left, which is a legacy of its Portuguese past; even though Portugal itself changed over in the 1920s, Mozambique continues to drive on the left because all its bordering countries do. Decisions by countries to drive on the right typically centre on regional uniformity. There are historical exceptions, such as postilion riders in France, but such historical advantages do not apply to modern road vehicles.

Today, only four European countries continue to drive on the left: Cyprus, Ireland, Malta and the United Kingdom. All are island nations, and none shares a border with a country that drives on the right; all were once part of the British Empire. Some Commonwealth countries and other former British colonies, such as Australia, India, Pakistan, Malaysia and South Africa continue to drive on the left, but others such as Canada, Gambia, Ghana, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, and the United States hew to the right. Other countries and territories which drive on the left are Thailand, Indonesia and East Timor in Southeast Asia, Suriname, Japan, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Hong Kong, and Macau.

There is a popular story that Napoleon changed the rule of the road in the countries he conquered from keep-left to keep-right. The justifications mentioned are usually symbolic, such as that Napoleon himself was left- (or right-) handed, or that Britain, Napoleon's enemy, kept left. This story has never been shown to have a factual basis and it appears to be a legend.[14]

[edit] Foreign occupation and military transit

Many countries have temporarily or permanently changed their rule of the road as a result of foreign occupation. Recent examples include Austria, Czechoslovakia (details) and Hungary under German rule or military transit in the 1930s and 1940s. The Channel Islands also changed to driving on the right under German occupation, but changed back after liberation in 1945. The Falkland Islands did the same under Argentine control during the 1982 Falklands War. East Timor changed to driving on the left under Indonesian rule in 1976, and continues the practice as an independent state. The Japanese region of Okinawa changed from left to right under US control; in 1972 Okinawa was returned to Japanese sovereignty, and six years later, in 1978, the driving rules reverted to left-hand traffic as in mainland Japan.

[edit] Safety factors

Research in 1969 by J. J. Leeming showed countries driving on the left have a lower collision rate than countries driving on the right. This research is questioned in Peter Kincaid's book on the rule of the road,[citation needed] but some countries that have switched to driving on the right, such as Sweden, have seen their long-term accident rates increase by more than any increase in traffic volume[citation needed]. It has been suggested, but not proven, that this is partly because it is more common to be right-eye dominant.[15][16][17] Traffic flows in a clockwise direction when driving on the left which enables right eyed people to use the right eye to see oncoming traffic. When overtaking (passing) on a right-side-driving road, the right-eyed driver looks in the wing mirror (side mirror) with the left eye and also views the oncoming traffic with the left eye which is not suited to the majority right-eyed people.

[edit] History

In 1998, archaeologists found a well-preserved track leading to a Roman quarry near Swindon, England. The grooves in the road on the right side were observed to be much deeper than those on the left side, which would make sense given that carts would be driven without any load on the way to the quarry, but would return laden with stone. These grooves suggest that the Romans drove on the left, at least in this particular location.[5]

In fact, some (e.g. C. Northcote Parkinson) believe that ancient travellers on horseback generally rode on the left side of the road. As more people are right-handed, horsemen would thus be able to hold the reins with their left hands and keep their right hand free—to offer in friendship to passing riders or to defend themselves with swords, if necessary.[citation needed]

The first legal reference in Britain to an order for traffic to remain on the left occurred in 1756 with regard to London Bridge. The Highway Act 1773 contained a recommendation that horse traffic should remain on the left and this is enshrined in section 78 of the Highway Act 1835.

In the late 1700s, a shift from left to right took place in countries such as the United States, when teamsters started using large freight wagons pulled by several pairs of horses. The wagons had no driver’s seat, so a postilion sat on the left rear horse and held his whip in his right hand. Seated on the left, the driver preferred that other wagons pass him on the left so that he could be sure to keep clear of the wheels of oncoming wagons. He did that by driving on the right side of the road.[citation needed]

The British, however, kept to the left. They had smaller wagons, and the driver sat on the wagon, usually on the right side of the front seat. From there he could use his long whip in his right hand without entangling it in the cargo behind him. In that position, on the right side of the wagon, the driver could judge the safety margin of overtaking traffic by keeping to the left side of the road. Countries that became part of the British Empire adopted the keep-left rule too, although there were some exceptions. Canada, for example, where the maritime provinces and Vancouver (later to become British Columbia) drove on the left, eventually changed to the right in order to make border crossings to and from the United States easier. Nova Scotia switched to driving on the right on April 15, 1923.

[edit] Vehicles

[edit] Driver seating position

On most early motor vehicles, the driving seat was positioned centrally. Some car manufacturers later chose to place it on the nearside — the side of the car closest to the kerb — to help the driver avoid scraping walls, hedges, gutters and other obstacles. Other automakers placed the driving seat on the offside — closest to the centre of the road — to give the driver the longest possible seeing distance in traffic; this is the pattern that eventually prevailed.

[edit] Legal restrictions on wrong-hand drive vehicles

For reasons of safety, politics, and/or economic market protection, some countries ban the sale or import of vehicles with the steering wheel on the wrong side.

In Australia this is the case with non-vintage (i.e. less than 30 years old) LHD vehicles, with the result that Australians who import such vehicles usually must pay sometimes thousands of dollars to convert them to RHD. The exceptions are for vehicles registered in Western Australia and the Northern Territory — both which have at various times hosted U.S. military facilities and had vehicles imported, used and sold by U.S. service personnel in circulation. The Australian Capital Territory (ACT) previously allowed non-vintage LHD vehicles to be registered, but changed its legislation some years ago.

In India, LHD cars cannot be sold commercially to customers, but they can be imported for research and testing purposes under government approval.[18]

In New Zealand, LHD vehicles may be privately imported, and driven locally under a LHD permit. Since 1999, only LHD vehicles older than 20 years or cars owned and operated for at least 90 days may be privately imported. Diplomats and Operation Deep Freeze personnel are exempted from these restrictions.

In the Philippines, RHD vehicles are banned. Public buses and vans imported from Japan are converted to LHD, and passenger doors are created on the right side. This ban was thought to be the result of the increase of accidents involving RHD vehicles, most of which were trucks. However, some vans keep their doors on the left side, leading to the dangerous situation in which passengers have to exit toward oncoming traffic. Some RHD industrial cranes and other off-road vehicles remain.

Cambodia banned the use of RHD cars, many of which were smuggled from Thailand, from 2001, even though RHD vehicles accounted for 80 percent of vehicles in the country. The government threatened to confiscate all such vehicles unless they were converted to LHD, in spite of the considerable expense involved. According to a BBC report,[19] changing the steering column from right to left would cost between US$600 and US$2,000, in a country where average annual income was less than US$1,000.

A RHD Toyota Landcruiser in front of a Pyongyang hotel

Although it drives on the right, North Korea has imported various used RHD vehicles from Japan, from tourist buses to Toyota Land Cruisers.

However, many used vehicles exported from Japan to countries like Russia and Peru are already converted to LHD. But even if the driver's position is left unchanged, some jurisdictions require at least replacement of the headlamps.

Singapore bans LHD vehicles from being imported for personal local registration, but temporary usage by tourists of LHD vehicles is allowed. However, diplomatic vehicles in Singapore are exempt from the RHD-only ruling, and there are a few hydrogen and fuel cell powered LHD vehicles currently undergoing trials in Singapore.

In Taiwan, Article 39 of the Road Traffic Security Rules (zh:道路交通安全規則) require a steering wheel to be on the left side of a vehicle to pass an inspection when registering the vehicle, so RHD vehicles may not be registered in Taiwan. This rule does not apply retroactively, so a RHD vehicle that was registered before this rule does not lose its registered status and may continue to be legally driven.

In Trinidad and Tobago, LHD vehicles are banned except for returning nationals who were resident in a foreign country and are importing a vehicle for personal use. LHD vehicles are also allowed to be imported for use as funeral hearses.

In West Africa, once-British Ghana and Gambia have also banned RHD vehicles. Their traffic has been changed from on the left to on the right. Ghana prohibited new registrations of RHD vehicles after 1 August 1974, three days before the traffic change on 4 August 1974. RHD vehicles may be imported only temporarily into Sierra Leone, for example for humanitarian programmes, but must be exported at the end of the operation.

Most of the above bans on RHD and LHD vehicles apply only to locally-registered vehicles. Countries that have signed the 1968 Vienna Convention on Road Traffic are not allowed to make such restrictions on foreign-registered vehicles. Paragraph 1 of Annex 5 states "All vehicles in international traffic must meet the technical requirements in force in their country of registration when they first entered into service". Therefore all signatory countries and most non-signatory countries allow the temporary import (e.g. by tourists) of foreign-registered vehicles, no matter which side the steering wheel is on. Oman, which has not signed the Vienna Convention, bans all foreign-registered RHD vehicles.[20]

Both RHD and LHD vehicles may generally be registered in any European Union member state, but there are some restrictions and regulations. Slovakia, despite being a member of the European Union, does not allow the local registration of RHD vehicles,[21] even if the vehicle is imported from one of the four EU countries that drive on the left (UK, Ireland, Cyprus, and Malta). Lithuania has prohibited new RHD vehicle registration since 1993.

The United States drives on the right, but the United States Postal Service uses RHD vehicles to allow postal workers to more easily put mail into mail boxes on the side of the road.

[edit] Headlamps and other lighting equipment

Bird's-eye view of a low-beam headlamp light distribution for right-hand traffic

Most low-beam headlamps are specifically designed for use on one side of the road or the other. Headlamps for use in LH-traffic countries have low-beam headlamps that "dip to the left", i.e., the light is distributed with a downward/leftward bias to show the driver the road and signs ahead without blinding oncoming traffic. Headlamps for RH-traffic countries have low beams that "dip to the right", with most of their light directed downward/rightward. Within Europe, when driving a vehicle with RH-traffic headlamps in a LH-traffic country or vice versa for a limited time (as for example on holiday or in transit), it is a legal requirement to adjust the headlamps temporarily so that the wrong-side hot spot of the beam does not dazzle oncoming drivers. This may be achieved by adhering blackout strips or plastic prismatic lenses to a designated part of the lens, but some varieties of the projector-type headlamp can be made to produce a proper LH- or RH-traffic beam by shifting a lever or other movable element in or on the lamp assembly.

Because blackout strips and adhesive prismatic lenses reduce the safety performance of the headlamps, most countries require all vehicles registered or used on a permanent or semi-permanent basis within the country to be equipped with headlamps designed for the correct traffic-handedness. In the UK, US government and military personnel who brought RHT/LHD cars with them used to 'trade' headlamp assemblies with a person returning to the US[citation needed]. The newcomer then had proper LHT lights and the US-bound returnee had proper RHT ones again. As most 50s-80s headlamps were interchangeable, this 'swap' could save motorists time and money.

Anecdotal reporters have observed[who?] the requirement to adjust headlamps for the traffic-handedness of the country is increasingly flouted, and is now rarely enforced by European police forces. In France, this may be due in part to the 1993 deletion of the previous requirement for selective yellow headlamp light; foreign-registered vehicles are now much less conspicuous at night.

Without sidecars attached, motorcycles, motor scooters, mopeds, and bicycles are almost symmetric with their handlebars in the centre. However, motorcycles are often equipped with automotive-type asymmetrical-beam headlamps that likewise require adjustments or replacement when brought into a country with opposite traffic-handedness.

[edit] Rear fog lamps

Within the EU, vehicles must be equipped with one or two red rear fog lamps. A single rear fog lamp may be located on the vehicle centreline, or on the driver's side of the vehicle. It may not be located on the passenger's side of the vehicle. This sometimes requires the purchase and installation of local-market lighting components.

[edit] Buses

Comparison of continental door (left) against standard emergency exit door (right) on Plaxton Paramount coaches.

Buses typically have passenger doors only on the kerbside, which severely restricts their ability to operate effectively on the opposite side of the road to that for which they were designed. Increasingly, touring coaches, which are likely to cross frontiers of traffic-handedness during their duties, are fitted with a door on the opposite side from the kerb, to simplify access and egress in the foreign country. In Britain this is known as a "continental door", since its usefulness will be in continental Europe. It doubles as an emergency exit, but is much more user-friendly than an exit designed solely for emergency use.

It is usually fairly straightforward to retrofit a non-kerbside door on buses with relatively low floor height; the many traditional British double-deckers sold on for tourist use in the USA and Canada are examples.

[edit] Postal vehicles

Post Office cars and vans in different countries such as the United States, Canada, Finland, Estonia and Sweden have the steering wheel on the opposite side to normal vehicles. This is so the driver can easily drive up next to mailboxes or get out straight onto the pavement without having to walk around their vehicle, or put mail in boxes without getting out of their vehicle at all. In the US, rural mail carriers often must provide their own vehicles and have a limited selection of RHD vehicles that they can choose to buy or lease. Some utility service vehicles are also RHD to allow dismounting at the kerb and some newspaper carriers use RHD vehicles to deliver papers to kerbside boxes rather than drive along routes on the wrong side. The Jeep Wrangler is available in the United States in RHD configuration, since this particular model is popular with rural mail carriers who sometimes operate in less-than-optimal road conditions and thus appreciate the Wrangler's 4WD capabilities.[citation needed] In Australia and the UK, LHD street sweeper trucks are common for the purpose of the driver having a better view of the left side kerb they are cleaning.

[edit] Trains

The entrance to the Channel Tunnel from France

Trains may or may not adhere to the same directionality as cars. In France, for instance, cars keep to the right, but the first train lines were built by British engineers, so kept to the left. The Paris RER trains keep left, but have to operate on separate tracks within the Paris Metro area which was designed to run on the right. Another anomaly occurs in the Alsace-Moselle region, where trains keep to the right because the lines were built in the late 19th century when Alsace-Moselle had been part of Germany. Bridges at the former border allow the trains to swap sides. High-speed TGV trains, however, operate on dedicated lines which were built more recently, but they keep left because they interface with older lines. Madrid Metro trains operate also to the left.

Moreover the exceptions of left or right hand driving are much more common for trains than for cars. Initially, most steam engines were RHD, with the driver (engineer) sitting on the right, and the fireman sitting on the left. This was customary in the UK and it spread to the USA and elsewhere in the world. RHD was never converted to LHD even if the trains switched to right-hand running. RHD remains the customary way for operating trains, with the driver on the right and assistant, sitting on the left side of the cab. Ironically, some railways, particularly, the London Underground, switched to LHD with left-hand running. Left Hand Drive with left hand running also became common on UK mainline railways, with the Great Western Railway being the only of the "big four" to keep the driver on the right. To ease visibility, GWR signals were also occasionally placed on the right-hand side of the tracks, even though this meant that they were between the running lines, and a few examples of this have managed to survive. Nowadays all British trains (except a few preserved locomotives and a number of narrow-gauge railways) have the driver on the left side of the train, and the signals are also on the left-hand side of the track.

In countries with trains keeping to the right it is often said that RHD is safer, as it is possible that something from a train passing on the left track (like opened cargo doors) may hit the train. In such case driver on the right is safer than if he were sitting to the left. Also, since signs and signals are usually placed on the outside of double track formations (e.g left hand side for left hand running or right hand side for right hand running), having the driver on the side as well makes it easier for them to see signs and signals, and also to view back along the platform either directly or using mirrors, particularly useful with one person operated trains. Finally, if 'train orders' or 'tokens' (permission to continue beyond a station or other control point) are handed-up or grabbed by the engine driver while rolling past, being on the 'outside' is mandatory to receive these 'orders/tokens'...  Unlike on the road, it is possible for trains to safely run on the wrong side so long as bi-directional signalling is installed. This is normally only done in limited circumstances, since junctions and other infrastructure is usually optimised for running in one direction.

[edit] Trams (streetcars)

Tram and streetcar systems generally follow the same rules as normal road traffic in the country concerned, both on road and on reserved sections, with the passenger doors on the kerbside. Various exceptions existed or have existed, examples including the now-removed system in London and the current system in Blackpool where some sections of tramway had or have both tracks on the same side of the road with no physical separation from road traffic.

The driver is usually positioned near the centre of the vehicle, although some single-operator trams have been developed wherein the driver sits nearer the centre of the road. On the left-hand running Blackpool system and Melbourne trams built between the 1970s and 1990s, the driver sits on the right; on the old right-hand drive Zagreb trams, the driver sits on the left.

When Sweden changed to driving on the right, its single-ended trams were found to have the doors on the wrong side, and this was taken as an excuse to scrap some trams. Gothenburg operated its trams in opposite-handed pairs, the left-hand-drive tram leading before the changeover and the right-hand-drive tram afterwards. Over time, all trams have been converted with many trams built in the sixties still being operated. In the north-eastern part of the system, the trams pass through a tunnel under Hammarkullen, which lies on top of a steep hill. Since building a single central platform was cheaper, the trams switch sides at Hjällbo and runs on the left past the last four stops.

[edit] Ships and boats

Generally all water traffic keeps to the right. This is historically because, prior to the use of a rudder, the boat was steered by a tiller, which was located on the right-hand side, also called starboard side of the boat, because the helmsman, standing in the middle of the boat and looking ahead, used his right hand to operate it. Traditionally, boats would also moor with the left hand side to the quay to prevent damage to the steering oar, and this was referred to as larboard (loading side), later replaced by port to prevent confusion from the similar sounding words. By keeping to the right, boats pass port-to-port, protecting the steering oar. When modern style rudders fixed to the stern were developed, the helmsman was moved amidships (on the centreline), and when steering wheels replaced tillers this generally remained the same. Many motor yachts and other small craft are RHD, but some boats, typically smaller pleasure craft and wooden 'speedboats' are built LHD, to give a better view of approaching and passing traffic.

However, there are many exceptions, often indicated on the particular bridge itself.[5]

The rule of the road at sea is that powered vessels give way to sailing vessels; but as between two powered vessels, if they are crossing the rule is to give way to the starboard, while if they are head on each must navigate to starboard so as to pass "port to port". See International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea.

[edit] Priority

As well as the side of the road, priority rules also differ between countries. In the United Kingdom, priority is always indicated by signs or road markings, in that almost every junction not governed by traffic lights or a roundabout has a concept of a major road and minor road. In most of Continental Europe, the default priority is to give way to the right, but this default may be overridden by signs on major roads. In Germany, traffic on roundabouts used to have priority, but that rule was abandoned to align with other European countries. Now most roundabouts have give-way signs for traffic entering the roundabout. One special case is the Place de l'Étoile in Paris (the location of the Arc de Triomphe). Traffic on this particular roundabout is so chaotic that French insurance companies deem any accident on the roundabout to be equal liability. British and Irish drivers who are accustomed to having right of way by default unless they are specifically told to give way, are often more confused by the default give-way-to-the-right rule used on minor roads in nearby Continental Europe than they are by switching sides of the road[citation needed].

[edit] Specific jurisdictions

[edit] Afghanistan

Afghanistan drives on the right. Most vehicles in much of the country, however, are RHD cars imported from neighbouring Pakistan (with the exception of Herat and other western provinces). In the capital Kabul, most drivers have adapted to this problem, leaning over the passenger seat (on the car's left side) before making a left turn or before overtaking other vehicles by veering into the left (oncoming traffic) lane. The country also has a large volume of military vehicle traffic from the U.S., Canada and EU militaries, much of which is LHD.

[edit] Australia

Australia drives on the left. The decision to drive on the left side of the road was given by Gov. Macquarie in the early 19th century after he had built the first road. This was chosen to align New South Wales with the United Kingdom. Australian states and territories use the "give way to the right" rule; in the absence of regulations specific to a particular situation, drivers must yield the right of way to all vehicles to their right.[22].

[edit] Austria-Hungary

The Austro-Hungarian Empire drove on the left. Successor countries switched to the right separately. Austria did it in stages, beginning from the west:

  • Vorarlberg: 1919,
  • Tirol and western half of Salzburg: 1930,
  • Carinthia and East Tirol: 1935,
  • Upper Austria, Styria, eastern half of Salzburg: June 1, 1938,
  • Lower Austria: September 19, 1938.

Poland's Galicia switched to the right around 1924. Czechoslovakia planned to start driving on the right on May 1, 1939, but the change in Bohemia and Moravia was prompted by the German occupation forces (Bohemia: March 26, 1939). Hungary also acted later than planned: the government decided about the change in June 1939 but postponed it and finally introduced it at 3am on 6 July 1941 outside Budapest and at 3am on 9 November 1941 in Budapest.

[edit] Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnia and Herzegovina was part of the Austro Hungarian Empire at the beginning of the 20th century, and after the collapse of the empire, it started driving on the right.

[edit] Burma (Myanmar)

As a former British colony, cars in Burma (Myanmar) drove on the left side until 1970, when the military administration of Ne Win decreed that traffic would drive on the right side of the road. It is alleged that this was because Ne Win had been advised by his soothsayer, who had said "move to the right".[23] In spite of the change, most passenger vehicles in the country today are RHD, being second-hand vehicles imported from Japan, Thailand, and Singapore. Buses imported from Japan that were never converted from RHD to LHD, have doors on the right side in offset position, unlike their counterparts in the Philippines. However, government limousines, imported from the People's Republic of China, are LHD. Virtually all vehicles are driven with a passenger in place to watch the oncoming traffic and inform the driver as to whether it is safe to overtake or not, as the driver cannot see this from the RHD position.

[edit] Canada

Until the 1920s, the rule of the road in Canada varied by province, with British Columbia, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island having cars driving on the left, and the other provinces and territories having motorists driving on the right. Starting with inland British Columbia on 15 July 1920 and ending with Prince Edward Island on 1 May 1924, these provinces changed to driving on the right. Newfoundland was not part of Canada until 1949, and its motorists drove on the left until 2 January 1947.[24]

Some RHD vehicles can be found, particularly smaller Canada Post service trucks. These have extra mirrors to increase driver visibility. A few other vehicles, such as some garbage trucks or street cleaners may have dual LHD and RHD. The advantage of such arrangements is that the driver can hop in and out of the vehicle easily, and more easily observe their actions at the kerbside.

RHD vehicles are allowed for import in Canada, providing that they were manufactured over 15 years ago. For instance, before Rolls-Royces were marketed in Canada, the only imports available were RHD. Recently, however, Rolls-Royce and other expensive British automakers now manufacture LHD versions and have a Canadian office. Some Japanese RHD cars can be found as well, like the Nissan Skyline, Mitsubishi Delica and Mitsubishi Pajero. These cars are mainly found in British Columbia due to the proximity to Asian ports, but may also be found in cities such as Calgary, Toronto and Saskatoon.

One of the very few places in Canada where traffic drives on the left is in Montreal on Autoroute 20 for the 3 kilometers (2 mi) between its junctions with Route 138 and Autoroute 15. The two roadways remain separated by a concrete median barrier for this entire distance and the changing of sides does not interfere in any way with the flow of traffic.

[edit] Caribbean

The English-speaking Caribbean typically follows the keep-to-the-left rule and as a result, most cars have a RHD configuration. Examples of this may be noted in such countries as Barbados, Jamaica and Trinidad & Tobago. In certain islands such as the British Virgin Islands, U.S. Virgin Islands, the Cayman Islands, the Bahamas, as well as Turks and Caicos Islands, most passenger cars are LHD, being imported from the United States or Brazil.[25] Only some government cars and those imported from RHD countries (Japan and the United Kingdom among others) are RHD. The U.S. Virgin Islands are particularly known for having a high accident rate caused by American tourists from the mainland who are unfamiliar with driving on the left in their rental cars.

[edit] China (mainland)

Until 1946, driving in mainland China was mixed, with cars in the northern provinces driving on the right (probably to concur with Russian practice, which was "keep right" from 1920), and cars in the southern provinces such as Guangdong driving on the left, probably a result of their proximity to the British crown colony of Hong Kong and the Portuguese enclave of Macau.[citation needed]

After 1946, China followed the United States, by changing to driving on the right, possibly due to political reasons that the United States helped China to fight against Japanese occupation during World War II and American cars (mostly LHD) were already popular in the mainland.[citation needed] This rule was also used in Taiwan after the Republic of China took over Taiwan from the Empire of Japan after World War II.[citation needed]

During the Cultural Revolution (1966-1976), Red Guards in some cities considered that to drive on the right side of road was to take the "rightist's route/policy", and they were said to have ordered vehicles to drive on the left side.[citation needed] Some also attempted to reverse the traditional meaning of traffic signals by having the red light mean "go" and the green light "stop".[citation needed] These two changes caused a great deal of confusion and resistance so both were abolished within several months.[citation needed]

[edit] Croatia

Croatia was part of the Austro Hungarian Empire at the beginning of the last century, and after the collapse of the empire, it started driving on the right. Sometimes, on parking garage entrances of the left side of a one-way street the lanes on the entrance are reversed to provide for unrestricted flow of traffic between the garage and the street. One such example is the Importanne Gallery parking garage.[26] This was done so the traffic lanes in the one way street from which one enters the garage would not cross.

[edit] Cyprus

A former British colony, Cyprus drives on the left, and cars sold locally are right hand drive, including those used by the British forces in the Sovereign Base Areas of Akrotiri and Dhekelia. However, owing to its economic and political isolation, there is a sizable number of left-hand drive vehicles in the self-proclaimed Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus which were imported from Turkey. However, the number of such vehicles is rapidly decreasing due to a 2006 law banning the import of left-hand drive vehicles.[27] An increasing number of right hand drive grey import vehicles from Japan are now sold in both parts of the island.

[edit] France

Along the 350 metres of Avenue du Général Lemonnier in Paris, which connects the Pont Royal to the Rue de Rivoli, traffic drives on the left, separated only by a raised hump - photo, photo

[edit] Gibraltar

Although the British overseas territory of Gibraltar changed to driving on the right on 16 June 1929, in order to avoid accidents involving vehicles from Spain, some public buses until recently were RHD, with a special door allowing passengers to enter on the right hand side. However, most passenger cars are LHD, as in Spain, with the exception of second-hand cars brought in from the UK and Japan as well as UK registered military vehicles used by the British Forces.

[edit] Guyana and Suriname

Guyana and Suriname are the only two remaining countries in the mainland Americas that still drive on the left. As a result of the construction of the Pan-American Highway, four mainland American countries switched to driving on the right between 1943 and 1961, the last of which was Belize. Both Guyana and Suriname are separated from their neighbours by large rivers, over which no road bridges have yet been built. The inland south of both countries is sparsely populated with very few roads and hence no border crossings.

However, in the south west of Guyana near Lethem, work is under way to build the Takutu River Bridge[28] across the Takutu River into neighbouring Brazil, which drives on the right. Unlike road bridges between other countries that drive on opposite sides of the road, the changeover system will be in the country that drives on the left, i.e. Guyana, where one lane will pass under the other on the bridge's access road. Despite stalling construction in recent years, Brazil is keen to open the bridge, as it will give Brazil access to Caribbean sea ports on the north coast of South America. Brazil intends to permit Guyana registered (RHD) vehicles to go no further than the Brazilian border town of Bonfim. It is expected that Brazilian (LHD) vehicles will be able to drive all the way through Guyana to the coast. In spite of being delayed several times, the Brazilian Army has assumed the building works, and the bridge is expected to be completed in early 2009.[29] Once opened, the Takutu Bridge will be the Americas' only border crossing where traffic changes sides of the road.

In Suriname most of the privately owned buses are imported from Japan, and the exits are designed for driving on the left. Most state-owned buses, however, are from the US (LHD) and often the placement of the exits has to be adjusted.

[edit] Hong Kong and Macau

Being a former British colony, Hong Kong follows the United Kingdom in driving on the left. Macau, a former Portuguese colony, historically followed Hong Kong in driving on the left because most of the RHD cars in Macau were imported through Hong Kong. Macau did not follow either Mainland China in 1946 or Portugal in 1928 in switching to driving on the right.

Under the auspices of the one country, two systems arrangement, traffic continues to move on the left in Hong Kong and Macau, now Special Administrative Regions of the People's Republic of China, unlike in the mainland. Most vehicles are RHD and even suppliers for the People's Liberation Army have specially made RHD version vehicles for the garrison to drive in Hong Kong and Macau. LHD exceptions include some buses providing services to and from the mainland.

There are four road border crossing points between mainland China and Hong Kong. The largest and busiest is Lok Ma Chau (aerial map), which features two separate changeover systems on the mainland side. In 2006, the daily average number of vehicle trips recorded at Lok Ma Chau was 31100.[30] The next largest is Man Kam To, where there is no changeover system and the border roads on the mainland side simply intersect as one-way streets with a main road. There are two border crossing points between mainland China and Macau. The newer crossing point is the Lotus Bridge, which crosses a narrow channel of sea between the mainland and Macau, and was opened at the end of 1999 (aerial map). The Lotus Bridge was designed to cater for high traffic volumes and features three lanes in each direction as well as a full changeover system on the mainland side, comprising bridges that loop around each other by 360° to swap the direction of the traffic. At the older Macau crossing point, there is no changeover system and the border roads continue with traffic on the left on the mainland side, and simply intersect on to a roundabout. All of these Chinese changeover systems can be viewed in high resolution using Google Earth.

[edit] Iceland

Iceland switched traffic from left to right at 06:00 on Sunday May 26, 1968. The only injury from the changeover was a boy on a bicycle who broke his leg.[31] Numerous buses were also stuck in traffic jams.

[edit] India

Like most of the former colonies of the British Empire, India has left-hand traffic. This is the Mumbai-Pune Expressway.

India continued the colonial practice of driving on the left hand side of the road after independence. Now all vehicles are RHD with the government banning all new LHD vehicles in the country except under special circumstances, such as cars imported duty free by foreign embassies. Such vehicles are often left hand drive so that they cannot be registered in India, and are subsequently resold undercutting the nascent luxury car industry which is subject to high duty levels.

[edit] Indonesia

Indonesia, the world's fourth most populous country, drives on the left, despite being a former colony of the Netherlands, which drives on the right. Even though the country is an archipelago there are three land borders, those with Malaysia, East Timor and Papua New Guinea. All of these countries also drive on the left, Malaysia as a legacy of British rule, East Timor as a result of previous Indonesian occupation and Papua New Guinea as a result of Australian rule following World War I until 1975. However, cars imported from the US are left hand drive, and trains are still kept on the right hand side of the rails.

[edit] Ireland

The Republic of Ireland is the next largest European state after the UK to drive on the left. Given that the Republic of Ireland shares a land border with the United Kingdom (Northern Ireland) this is very unlikely to change in future. Visitors to Ireland are very likely to encounter a warning sign near Irish airports, sea ports, major tourist attractions and outside major urban areas reminding them to drive on the left (in English, French and German).

In 2008, the leader of Seanad Éireann, Donie Cassidy, said that Ireland should consider changing to right-hand traffic.[32][33]

[edit] Italy

Which side of the road the Romans drove on is disputed. Archaeological evidence in Britain seems to indicate driving on the left but old Roman roads in Turkey suggest Romans used the right hand side of the road.[34] In Italy the practice of traffic driving on the right first began in the late 1890s, but it was not until the mid 1920s that it became standard throughout the country. There was a long period when traffic in the countryside drove on the right while major cities continued to drive on the left.[35] Rome, for example, did not change from left to right until 20 October 1924. Milan was the last Italian town to change to driving on the right (August 3, 1926). Cars had remained right-hand drive (RHD) until this time. Alfa Romeo and Lancia did not produce LHD cars until as late as 1950 and 1953 respectively.[36]

[edit] Japan

See also: 730 (transport)

Japan is one of the few countries outside the Commonwealth of Nations to drive on the left. An informal practice of left-hand passage dates at least to the Edo period, when samurai are said to have passed each other to the left in order to avoid knocking swords (and thus being obliged to duel) with each other (as swords were always worn to the left side). During the late 1800s, Japan built its first railways with British technical assistance, and double-tracked railways adopted the British practice of running on the left. Stage Coach Order issued in 1870 and the revision in 1872 said mutually approaching horses had to avoid each other by shifting to the left.[37] An order issued in 1881 said mutually approaching horses and vehicles had to avoid each other by shifting to the left. An order issued in 1885 stated that general horses and vehicles had to avoid to the left, but they also had to avoid to the right when they met army troops, until the double standard was legally resolved in 1924.[38]

After the defeat of Japan during World War II, Okinawa was under control of the United States and made to drive on the right. Okinawa was returned to Japanese control in 1972 and changed back to driving on the left six years later, at 06:00 on 30 July 1978. It is one of very few places to have changed from right- to left- traffic in the late twentieth century.

In Japan, foreign cars sold locally have traditionally been LHD, which is regarded as exotic or a status symbol. This even applies to British brands (although cars for the British market have the steering wheel on the right), in part because many have been imported via the U.S., but many other European countries have made RHD models for the Japanese market. Many tollbooths in Japan have a special lane for LHD vehicles. However, some U.S. manufacturers have made RHD models for the Japanese market (e.g., the Jeep Cherokee (XJ), Ford Probe, Ford Taurus, Saturn S-Series and Chevrolet Cavalier), albeit with limited success.

[edit] Malta

Malta was a British colony from 1800 to 1964 and continues to drive on the left hand side of the road. As a standard on new imported cars, local vehicles are right hand drive. Since Malta is now a EU member it is now common to find left hand drive vehicles also (tourists overland or else second hand imports from other EU countries with left hand steering).

[edit] New Zealand

Right-side traffic on the access road to the Manapouri power station.

Even though New Zealand drives on the left, the country has an unusual variation to the priority rules at intersections. The most notable is that drivers turning left at an intersection have to not only give way to traffic travelling straight through into the road they wish to take, but they must also give way to traffic wishing to turn right into the road they wish to take. The reason for this rule is to reduce the likelihood of an impact with the driver's side of the vehicle (right-hand side). This rule also used to apply in the Australian state of Victoria until the early 1990s.

On the underground access road to the Manapouri power station vehicles must drive on the right. There are various theories about why this is so. It may be to make it easier for drivers to see how close they are to the tunnel wall, or it may be because the tunnel was built by European workers who drove on the right.[39] The road is, however, only used by authorized vehicles and is not open to the public.

[edit] Pakistan

Pakistan continued the British practice of driving on the left hand side of the road after its independence in 1947. Pakistan is the westernmost country in Asia to drive on the left, and it borders Afghanistan, Iran and China, all of which drive on the right. The Khyber Pass border crossing with Afghanistan is one of the most well known places where traffic changes sides of the road.

In 2008, Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan sent a list of people threatened with death to a newspaper in Swat, which included "those who drive on the left like the British".[40]

[edit] Russian Federation

Driving on the right was introduced in Russia by the decree of Empress Elisaveta Petrovna on February 5, 1752. [41]

Although Russia drives on the right, cheaper used cars from Japan are almost as popular as LHD cars of the same class. Russia is estimated to have more than 1.5 million RHD vehicles on its roads. In the far eastern regions, such as Vladivostok or Khabarovsk, RHD vehicles make up to 90% of the total. This includes not only private cars, but also police cars, ambulances, and many other municipal and governmental vehicles.

During spring 2005, the rumour that RHD vehicles would be completely banned from the roads drove thousands of protesters to the streets everywhere in the country. On 19 May 2005 the Russian Minister of Industry and Energy Viktor Khristenko announced that RHD vehicles would be allowed on the roads but would have to conform to all Russian traffic safety requirements. Many automobile owners blocked the roads (in Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Vladivostok and many other cities), protesting against such an interdiction. On 19 May 2005 two automobile movements were born defending the interests of RHD automobile owners.

[edit] Samoa

Samoa, a German colony until occupied by New Zealand at the start of World War I, currently drives on the right-hand side of the road. In September 2007, the Samoan government announced plans to switch over to driving on the left-hand side of the road with RHD vehicles.[42] On 18 April 2008, Samoa's parliament passed legislation confirming the change.[43] On 24 July 2008 the Minister of Transport, Tuisugaletaua Aveau, announced that the switch (under Section 1 of the Road Transport Reform Act 2008) will come into effect at 6.00am on Monday, 7 September 2009. He also announced that the 7th and 8th would be declared public holidays, and in that time the residents would be able to familiarise themselves with the new road rules. [44]

The purpose of adopting left traffic is to allow Samoans to use cheaper RHD vehicles sourced from Australia and New Zealand, and so that the large number of Samoans living in these two countries can drive on the side of the road that they're familiar with when they visit home. When the change goes ahead, Samoa will become the first territory to change the side of the road for driving in 30 years. Prime Minister Tuilaepa Aiono Sailele Malielegaoi has come under criticism from Samoa's private sector, who argue that the amendment will harm small to medium size enterprises whose main business falls into the vehicle industry.

[edit] South Korea

In South Korea the cars travel on the right hand side of the road, but people walk on the left hand side of the walkway. There are signs everywhere in the country reminding pedestrians that they must walk on the left. This custom was imposed on the South Koreans by the Japanese before WWII. Recently many people have expressed an interest in switching to the right side for walking. There are even some crosswalks that are set up for right hand pedestrian traffic.

[edit] Suriname

See Guyana and Suriname.

[edit] Sweden

Main article: Dagen H

Sweden had left-hand traffic (Vänstertrafik in Swedish) from approximately 1734, when it changed back from a short period of right-hand traffic starting in 1718. Finland, under Swedish rule until 1809, also drove on the left, and continued to do so as a Russian Grand Duchy until 1858.[45]

This continued well into the 20th century, despite the fact that virtually all the cars on the road in Sweden were LHD. (One argument for this was that it was necessary to keep an eye on the edge of the road, something that was important on the narrow roads in use at the time). Also, Sweden's neighbours, Norway and Finland already drove on the right, leading to confusion at border crossings.

In 1955 a referendum was held on the issue, resulting in an 82.9%-to-15.5% vote against a change to driving on the right. Nevertheless, in 1963 the Swedish parliament passed legislation ordering the switch to right-hand traffic. The changeover took place at 5am on Sunday, September 3, 1967, which was known in Swedish as Dagen H (H-Day), the 'H' being for Högertrafik or right traffic.

Since Swedish cars were LHD, experts had suggested that changing to driving on the right would be safer, because drivers would have a better view of the road ahead.[citation needed] Indeed, fatal car-to-car and car-to-pedestrian accidents dropped sharply as a result, mostly because people initially drove more slowly and more carefully.[citation needed] However, the accident rate rose back to its original position within two years.[citation needed]

[edit] United Kingdom

Vehicles hewing to the left on the A1(M) Motorway near Washington Services in Tyne and Wear, England heading towards Scotland

The U.K has left traffic. Many countries owe the fact that they drive on the left to British colonial influence.

As a result of European Union legislation ensuring the free movement of goods, many British consumers exercise their right to buy RHD cars from car dealers in any other EU country, where they are often cheaper, despite originating from the same factories as UK-sourced cars. Models obtained from other EU countries often have a lower value upon resale due to shorter warranty periods and dealers protecting local interests.[46]

Although the United Kingdom is separated from Continental Europe by the English Channel, the level of cross-Channel traffic is very high; the Channel Tunnel alone carries 3.5 million vehicles per year between the UK and France. Most vehicles crossing the English Channel, whether via the Channel Tunnel or on ferries, are UK-registered RHD vehicles. Relatively few drivers from Continental Europe take their LHD cars to the UK, but large numbers of British drivers take their RHD cars to Continental Europe for holidays and even for one-day shopping trips. It was reported in 2000 that Eurotunnel wished to build a second Channel Tunnel because the existing rail services are expected to outgrow their capacity by 2025. Unlike the existing rail tunnels, a drive-through road tunnel was planned, comprising a single bore tunnel containing one carriageway on top of the other.[47] The current status of this project is unclear.

[edit] Exceptions to the rule

Traffic driving on the right in Savoy Court in London

There are several locations in the UK where road routing and layout causes traffic to approximate or mimic right-hand traffic patterns and practise; most such locations are separated by a barrier such as the one on the south side of Portman Square in London. Other such locations, however, such as Savoy Court outside the Savoy Hotel, have no barrier.

During the Lockerbie bomb trial of 2000-02, Camp Zeist in the Netherlands was decreed to be British territory subject to Scottish law. However, Dumfries and Galloway Police, who were responsible for policing traffic movements within the compound, effected a clause which required drivers to comply with the Continental European practice of driving on the right.

[edit] Military fleets & bases

On some British Army training locations, where the army once trained for conflict in Eastern Europe during the Cold War, traffic is meant to travel on the right. Most military bases in the UK though have the normal rule of driving on the left.

Vehicles within United States visiting forces bases in the United Kingdom drive on the left, even though the United States does not provide right-hand drive vehicles for its green fleet. However, its white fleet does have right-hand drive vehicles. This is unlike British practice in Germany, where even UK green fleet vehicles for British Forces Germany have been left-hand drive.

During World War II, American truck makers Ford, Chevrolet, and Dodge built 'Canadian Military Pattern' [CMP] trucks for use throughout the British Empire and most were right hand drive to use in left-traffic countries.[citation needed]

[edit] United States

The first keep-right law in the United States, passed in 1792, applied to the Philadelphia and Lancaster Turnpike, between Lancaster and Philadelphia. New York (in 1804) and New Jersey (in 1813) also enacted keep-right rules.

Early American motor vehicles were produced in RHD, following the practice established by horse-drawn buggies. This changed in the early years of the 20th century: Ford changed to LHD production in 1908, and Cadillac in 1916.

Today, U.S. motor vehicles are normally LHD. Common exceptions include postal delivery vehicles, garbage trucks, and parking enforcement vehicles. Imported RHD cars are also found on the road in the United States, mostly classics or other collectors' items. American motorists nearly always drive on the right and overtake (pass) on the left, but are sometimes permitted to undertake (pass on the right) on multi-lane highways, one-way streets, or when passing other vehicles preparing to turn left. The laws vary from state to state.

The only entire U.S. territory with left-hand traffic is the United States Virgin Islands, to remain compatible with the nearby British Virgin Islands, though a large portion of the El Monte Busway in Los Angeles, California has eastbound traffic driving on the left side of the road[citation needed]. Some divided highways in the US that have small sections of road where the directions cross, resulting in traffic driving on the left.

Examples include The Golden State Freeway (I-5) in Southern California during the descent/ascent of the Castaic Grade, several miles of Interstate 85 in Davidson County, North Carolina (map), a very brief section of Interstate 275 in St. Petersburg, Florida (map), the I-8 Freeway east of Yuma, AZ (map) state route 87 in Maricopa County, Arizona through Rincon Pass (map).

Traffic at Phoenix's Sky Harbor airport also drives on the left around most of terminal 2 (map).

Two blocks of Bainbridge Street in Philadelphia are divided with traffic driving on the left due to flows from nearby streets and the one-way nature of the street on undivided blocks.

[edit] Notes and references

  1. ^ Beres, Noemi (February 26), "Driving tips in Ireland - Brief history of left-hand traffic", Free Articles Zone, http://www.free-articles-zone.com/article/120014/Driving%20tips%20in%20Ireland%20-%20Brief%20history%20of%20left-hand%20traffic 
  2. ^ Draper, Geoff (1993). "Harmonised Headlamp Design for Worldwide Application". Motor Vehicle Lighting: 23-36, Society of Automotive Engineers. 
  3. ^ Kincaid, Peter (December 1986). The Rule of the Road: An International Guide to History and Practice. Greenwood Press. ISBN 0313252491. 
  4. ^ "Why do some countries drive on the right and others on the left?".
  5. ^ a b c d e Lucas, Brian (2005). "Which side of the road do they drive on?". Retrieved on 2006-08-03.
  6. ^ Klodt, Henning; Oliver Lorz (March 2008). "The coordinate plane of global governance". The Review of International Organizations (Springer Boston) 3 (1): 3. http://www.springerlink.com/content/38756vk808j67x22/fulltext.pdf. Retrieved on 6 May 2008. PDF (178.2 KiB)
  7. ^ ECE R112 pp. 5, 6, 7, 9, 12, 14, 15, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 35, 41, 44PDF (313 KiB)
  8. ^ ECE R98 pp. 6, 8, 11, 14, 18, 19, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 45, 46, 47, 52, 57, 67, 71PDF (843 KiB)
  9. ^ ECE R94PDF
  10. ^ US Patent 6,276,476
  11. ^ Australian Drivers Training Association
  12. ^ "Geneva Convention on Road Traffic (1949)". United Nations. (requires subscription)
  13. ^ "Ne Win - Obituary".
  14. ^ Kincaid, pp. 14, 99-100
  15. ^ Chaurasia BD, Mathur BB. "Eyedness." Acta Anat (Basel). 1976;96(2):301-5.PMID 970109.
  16. ^ Reiss MR. "Ocular dominance: some family data." Laterality. 1997;2(1):7-16. PMID 15513049.
  17. ^ Ehrenstein WH, Arnold-Schulz-Gahmen BE, Jaschinski W. "Eye preference within the context of binocular functions." Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 2005 Sep;243(9):926-32. Epub 2005 Apr 19. PMID 15838666.
  18. ^ http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/articleshow/984243.cms
  19. ^ "Cambodia bans right-hand drive cars". BBC News (2001-01-01). Retrieved on 2007-01-12.
  20. ^ "Travel advice by country, Oman". Foreign & Commonwealth Office (fco.gov.uk). Retrieved on 2006-08-08.
  21. ^ "Travel advice by country, Slovakia". Foreign & Commonwealth Office (fco.gov.uk). Retrieved on 2006-08-08.
  22. ^ "Road Rules Handbook January 2008". Road Transport Agency, Australian Capital Territory.
  23. ^ "Ne Win - Obituary".
  24. ^ "Nova Scotia - Highway Driving Rule Changes Sides.".
  25. ^ "Avis Bahamas".
  26. ^ "Importanne Picture gallery". Retrieved on 2007-08-23.
  27. ^ Frank and Joan's Adventures in Northern Cyprus, 2006-12-9, accessed 2008-3-19
  28. ^ "Guyana: Looking south". The Economist (2007-01-11). Retrieved on 2007-01-12.
  29. ^ "Ponte sobre o Rio Itacatu vai ligar Roraima à Guiana" (in portuguese). G1 (2008-11-11). Retrieved on 2008-11-26.
  30. ^ Hong Kong 2006 - Transport - Cross-Boundary Traffic[1]
  31. ^ (New York Times, 28 May 1968, p. 94)
  32. ^ Ireland debates switch to right-hand driving | Oddly Enough | Reuters
  33. ^ RTÉ News, 7 February 2008
  34. ^ Pielkenrood, Jan (2003). "Why Left or Right Traffic?". Retrieved on 2006-08-03.
  35. ^ "Sight for sure eyes", Honest John's Agony Column, The Daily Telegraph, March 28, 2008
  36. ^ G. Nick Georgano, ed. (2000). "Lancia". The Beaulieu Encyclopedia of the Automobile (Vol. 2: G-O ed.). Taylor & Francis. pp. 867. ISBN 1579582931. 
  37. ^ Traffic and transportation conditions 1868~1891 JETRO (Japanese) なお馬車は当初から左側通行と定められていたが,この1872(明治5)年の規則では,人力車もふくめて左側通行が明示された
  38. ^ "Why Does Japan Drive On The Left". 2pass.co.uk. Retrieved on 2006-08-11.
  39. ^ Verbal information from local tourist bus driver on that road.
  40. ^ "Pakistan’s tribal areas: A wild frontier", The Economist (2008-09-18). Retrieved on 29 September 2008. 
  41. ^ http://www.mk.ru/blogs/MK/2007/02/05/society/91089/ (in Russian)
  42. ^ "Samoan prime minister defends decision to switch driving to left side of the road".
  43. ^ "Samoan gov’t defeats challenge to road switch plan".
  44. ^ "Samoa announces driving switch date".
  45. ^ "Högertrafik" (in Swedish). vardo.aland.fi. Retrieved on 2006-08-11.
  46. ^ "European Commission" (PDF).
  47. ^ "The Channel Tunnel, Fantasy?". BBC.

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

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