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Teedra Moses
TVT Records' new R&B; singer/songwriter Teedra Moses creates heartfelt songs that invoke love, play, heartache and reconciliation. Her debut album, Complex Simplicity harks back to the sassy, playful 1980s tunes of Cherrelle, while blending in a new-millennium brand of soul.As a child...


  1. Album | Complex Simplicity Premiered 8/10/04 TVT

Full Biography

TVT Records' new R&B; singer/songwriter Teedra Moses creates heartfelt songs that invoke love, play, heartache and reconciliation. Her debut album, Complex Simplicity harks back to the sassy, playful 1980s tunes of Cherrelle, while blending in a new-millennium brand of soul.

As a child in New Orleans Teedra started writing new lyrics to her favorite songs, and soon graduated to writing lyrics in her head and emceeing at family homecomings. Teedra later moved to California where she refined her ghetto side. Eventually, Teedra was put in touch with producer Pauli Pol and together they created Complex Simplicity, a seamless combination made up of a variety of different feelings and moods.

Teedra Moses crafts her songs just left of a hip-hop soul center, and uses them to express her emotional vulnerability. She resurrects the real, girl-next-door style of R&B; stylists from the 1980s, with now-school additions like MCs Jadakiss and Lil Jon.

With an album inspired overwhelmingly by her own direct personal experiences, Teedra Moses harbors no regrets over her ride to success. Since her beginnings, her life has been a labor of love and the realization of a lifelong dream, as Teedra describes "Creating music gives me a fulfillment that I knew I wouldn't find in anything else."

Teedra wrote Complex Simplicity "Because I feel like it's the best way to explain myself, my music, my experiences in life. Everything about me, I feel like it's complex simplicity. I'm truly blessed..." Today, Teedra Moses has found her voice and is more than prepared to share it with the world.

