MTV Shows Casting Call

Casting for Sex...With Mom & Dad

  1. You and your folks could be featured on an episode of Sex...With Mom & Dad, the newest educational reality show about teens and their folks coming to terms with their very different views when it comes to issues of sex, dating and relationships. The show is hosted by Sex and Relationship Expert Dr. Drew.

    Shockingly frank, upbeat, and funny, Sex ..with Mom and Dad proves that if families can talk about sex, they can talk about anything -- ultimately breaking down barriers and improving relationships in the process.

    Do you and your parents have completely opposite views on relationships, dating & sex? If so, apply today! We are currently seeking teens and their parent(s) that live in CA., the Minneapolis area or the NY tri-state area. You must be between the ages of 16-19, live at home with your folks & have great personalities. In your email submission, please include a photo of yourself along with contact info (e-mail, phone #s), city and state where you and your folks live together and describe your family issues that deal with sex.

    Interested teens should fill out this questionnaire when applying.

    For Minneapolis & tri-sate area submissions email:

    For CA. submissions only email:

    Selected families will be compensated $2500 total per family for appearing on the show.

