Not a lot of things are shocking when it comes to Aubrey O'Day. She isn't too shy to talk about her sexuality, pose for Playboy magazine, or dress provocatively. But O'Day has managed to shock with this latest revelation: She's a big Miley Cyrus fan!

"[My dog] Ginger and I are obsessed with Miley Cyrus!" she revealed to MTV News. "And we both sleep in her PJs!"

Her loyalty to the Miley brand doesn't end with just wearing Miley PJ's to bed. She also decided to personalize her dog's "Hannah Montana" gear.

"I bought a little Miley shirt from Target for her and I tied it up and put jewels, so that's her night wear," she added. "And I have my PJs, so we love Miley. Miley's amazing!"

Recently, O'Day opened up to MTV News about the rumors surrounding her sexuality that started to spread after she began hitting parties with girls on her arm. She told us that she doesn't care what people say, because she "just wants to be real."

"I think it's funny that so many people care," O'Day said. "I mean, half the time, I don't even know who I'm gonna love or what I'm gonna feel comfortable exposing myself to."

She added, "I think [the fact] that so many people are wondering along with me definitely puts pressure on my choices! ... But one thing that I have to say about me that's really always gonna be true, whether people like it or not, is I'm just gonna be me."