Nobel Week 2008

Experience the Magic of the Nobel Prize Festivities!


In early December, the Nobel Laureates and the Laureates in Economics arrive in Stockholm, Sweden, to present their Nobel Lectures and to prepare for the Nobel Prize Award Ceremony, traditionally held on 10 December, the anniversary of Alfred Nobel's death.

On the same day, the Nobel Peace Prize Laureates deliver their Nobel Lectures during the Nobel Peace Prize Award Ceremony at the Oslo City Hall in Norway.

[Nobel Week in Stockholm and Nobel Peace Prize Events in Oslo 2008 - Press Release »]

Françoise Barré-Sinoussi

Nobel Lectures 2008

Enjoy this unique opportunity to listen to each Laureate deliver his or her Nobel Lecture on a subject connected with the work recognized by the Nobel Prize.
More information about the Nobel Lectures. »

Roger Y. Tsien

Interviews with the 2008 Nobel Laureates

Every year conducts interviews with the new Laureates.
Watch the videotaped interviews with this year's Nobel Laureates. »

Oslo City Hall

The Nobel Peace Prize Award Ceremony 2008

Watch Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Martti Ahtisaari receive the Nobel Peace Prize at the Oslo City Hall in Norway.
Watch the live web cast from the Nobel Peace Prize Award Ceremony! »

Oslo City Hall

The Nobel Prize Award Ceremony 2008

As evening falls, the Stockholm Concert Hall in Sweden is illuminated for the Nobel Prize Award Ceremony. Watch the live webcast from Stockholm.
Watch the Nobel Prize Award Ceremony! »


The 2008 Nobel Prize Diplomas

Each Nobel diploma that the Laureates receive is a unique work of art; take a look at this year's designs.
Take a look at the 2008 Diplomas. »

Nobel Medal

The Nobel Prize Award Ceremonies

The highlight of the Nobel Prize Award Ceremony in Stockholm is when each Nobel Laureate steps forward to receive the award from His Majesty the King of Sweden. The Laureates in Oslo receive the Nobel Peace Prize from the Chairman of the Norwegian Nobel Committee in the presence of the King of Norway.
What do the Nobel Laureates receive? »

Thomas Schelling


Photographs from the Nobel Peace Prize Award Ceremony 2008. »

Photographs from the Nobel Prize Award Ceremony 2008. »

Wangari Mathaai

Previous Nobel Prize Award Ceremonies

Video clips from the Nobel Peace Prize Award Ceremonies in Oslo. »

Video clips from the Nobel Prize Award Ceremonies in Stockholm. »


Nobel Banquet Menus

What was served during the first Nobel Banquet in 1901? What trends have been followed in Nobel Banquet menus over the years? The banquet menus provide an interesting culinary history of the past 100 years.
Read the menu for the 2008 Nobel Banquet! »

Queen Silvia

The Queen's Gowns

Since 1976, Her Majesty Queen Silvia of Sweden has graced the Nobel Prize Award Ceremonies and Nobel Banquets in Stockholm, Sweden, dressed in beautiful evening gowns.
Take a look at Queen Silvia's gowns. »


Dress Code for the Nobel Festivities

This is the perfect time to dress up and look like royalty! At a loss looking for the right gown? Would you rather stand out among a sea of black suits? Wearing your national costume is an alternative to white tie and tails or an evening gown.
What to wear? »

The Nobel Prize Award Ceremonies and the Nobel Banquets »
Eyewitness Reports »
Spherical Panoramas »
Virtual Tour of the Stockholm Concert Hall »
Virtual Tour of the Stockholm City Hall »