British Broadcasting Corporation

Page last updated at 12:48 GMT, Monday, 12 January 2009

What do young people think of Obama?

A schoolboy in Indonesia reacts to Obama's election victory
A schoolboy in Indonesia reacts to Obama's election victory
On 20 January 2009, Barack Obama will be inaugurated as the 44th president of the United States. He will become the most powerful person in the world.

BBC News and BBC World Class want to gather the views of children and young people to Barack Obama's presidency via schools in every part of the world.

Find out more about Obamarama

If you are a teacher and would like your students to participate, simply ask your pupils to respond to the following four Obamarama questions and send the answers to the BBC using the form below:

If Barack Obama visited your school and community, who would you want him to meet and what would you want him to see?

What would you give Barack Obama to remember you by?

What's the first thing that Barack Obama should do when he becomes president of the United States?

What do you think of Barack Obama?

We will be posting the Obamaramas online in the days leading up to Obamas inauguration. We will not be able to publish entire pieces of work and there is no guarantee that your work will get published although we will publish as much as we can.

In order to be able to publish their responses we need the emails to come from teachers, and for teachers to confirm that they have obtained headteacher permission for the Obamarama.

Tell us the name and location of your school, then copy and paste your pupils' work into comments box including the first name and age of each pupil.

And, if your school has a twin school in another country, please let us know in the comments box.

Teacher's name and name of school
Town & Country of school
Your E-mail address and phone number (Optional)
Confirm you are the teacher and have headteacher permission

The BBC may edit your comments and not all emails will be published. Your comments may be published on any BBC media worldwide.

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