Action Center

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Tell the Tennessee Valley Authority to pay health costs for victims of its coal ash spill

Tell the Tennessee Valley Authority to pay health costs for victims of its coal ash spill

A massive spill at the Tennessee Valley Authority's Kingston Fossil Plant recently flooded more than 400 acres in Roane County, Tennessee, with one billion gallons of toxic coal ash sludge. Urge the TVA to make funds available so that residents in the affected area can get independent, third-party medical testing and health services free of charge.

Tell President-elect Obama to make clean energy a top priority

Tell President-elect Obama to make clean energy a top priority

President-elect Obama has promised to make clean energy and climate change top priorities as his administration tackles our economic challenges. Tell President-elect Obama that you expect him to fulfill that promise.

Tell the Consumer Product Safety Commission to stop the sale of toxic toys

Tell the Consumer Product Safety Commission to stop the sale of toxic toys

Although Congress has banned the sale of toxic phthalate-laden toys, the Consumer Product Safety Commission has created a loophole that will allow these dangerous toys to be sold to unsuspecting parents. Tell the commission that these toxic toys must be banned from store shelves immediately.

Californians: Tell the governor and state legislators not to use California's environment as a bargaining chip

Californians: Tell the governor and state legislators not to use California's environment as a bargaining chip

State leaders are attempting to balance the budget at the expense of California's environment. Urge Governor Schwarzenegger and legislative leaders to oppose environmental exemptions and transit cuts in budget negotiations.

Tell the Canadian government that tar sands mining is threatening North America's birds

Tell the Canadian government that tar sands mining is threatening North America's birds

Tar sands mining and drilling in Canada's boreal forest is destroying critical nesting areas for millions of birds. Tell the Canadian government to halt any expansion of this destructive practice.

Urge the Department of Agriculture to act now to save bees

Urge the Department of Agriculture to act now to save bees

Although honey bees are crucial to producing about one-third of all the food we eat, the Department of Agriculture has failed to meet crucial research needs to determine the cause of colony collapse disorder, which is devastating hives across the country. Urge the Department of Agriculture to act now to save bees.

Urge the Navy to stop harming whales with high-intensity sonar

Urge the Navy to stop harming whales with high-intensity sonar

Although the Navy agreed to limit its use of low-frequency sonar, it continues to blast the world's oceans with mid-frequency sonar, which can be just as harmful to whales and other marine mammals. Tell the Navy to turn off the noise.

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