Issues: U.S. Law & Policy

All Documents in U.S. Law & Policy Tagged gas prices

Offshore Drilling Threatens Our Beaches, Oceans, Coastal Communities and Marine Life
Legislative Analysis
President Bush and some members of Congress are pressing to open offshore areas that have been protected from oil drilling for many years, including the east and west coasts and Florida.

Documents Tagged gas prices in All Issue Sections

Clean Energy Saves Americans Money
Clean Energy is the Real Solution to Unpredictable Oil Prices

Fact Sheet
Clean energy is cheaper and cleaner than oil, and the amount of fuel we can get from clean energy measures dwarfs what can be scraped from drilling. New NRDC analysis shows that, unlike dirty fuel options, clean energy strategies can actually save drivers money while reducing our oil dependency and slashing global warming pollution from the transportation sector.
Clean Energy: The Solution to Volatile Gas Prices
Fact Sheet
Newly updated NRDC analysis shows that the oil savings from clean energy measures can far outpace the potential oil production of drilling in America's protected areas. The real solution to volatile gas prices and oil dependency is a strategy that relies on energy efficiency, clean fuels, and transportation choices such as commuter rail -- not drilling.
Unlocking the Power of Energy Efficiency in Buildings
Energy Efficiency is the Fastest, Cheapest and Cleanest Energy Resource We Have

Fact Sheet
Energy efficiency is the fastest, cheapest, and cleanest energy resource we have. Efficiency saves consumers and businesses money on their energy bills, reduces global warming pollution and keeps American energy dollars here. America has the largest efficiency reserves in the world, and buildings are our largest source of efficiency that is just waiting to be tapped.
Tapping into Stranded Domestic Oil
Enhanced Oil Recovery with Carbon Dioxide Is a Win-Win-Win

Fact Sheet
The country has a significant, untapped win-win-win opportunity to stimulate our economy and reduce our dependence on imported oil while actually helping to protect wild places and reduce global warming pollution: a process known as carbon dioxide enhanced oil recovery (CO2-EOR). According to industry research CO2-EOR would give America access to large, domestic oil resources—potentially more than four times the proven U.S. reserves, or up to 10 full years of our total national consumption. But without the stimulus of climate protection legislation, CO2 for oil recovery is likely to remain in short supply and most of this domestic oil resource will stay in the ground.

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Too Much Direct Democracy?
posted by Victoria Rome, 10/16/08
Building a Bridge to Somewhere
posted by Deron Lovaas, 10/14/08