Issues: U.S. Law & Policy

All Documents in U.S. Law & Policy Tagged offshore drilling

Offshore Drilling Threatens Our Beaches, Oceans, Coastal Communities and Marine Life
Legislative Analysis
President Bush and some members of Congress are pressing to open offshore areas that have been protected from oil drilling for many years, including the east and west coasts and Florida.

Documents Tagged offshore drilling in All Issue Sections

The Real Solution to High Gas Prices
Clean energy and greater efficiency can provide long-lasting relief from high gas prices.

As many Americans are feeling the real pain of high gas prices, oil companies and the Bush administration are peddling a "drill everywhere" remedy that would not have a significant impact on domestic energy production or prices for at least a decade. The only real solution is to develop alternative sources of energy and to use energy more wisely. Congressional support for clean energy technologies, expanded public transportation and greater efficiency for the vehicles of tomorrow -- and those on the road right now -- will take us down the closest and fastest road to relief.
Florida’s Coastal and Ocean Future
A Blueprint for Economic and Environmental Leadership

Issue Paper
Nothing defines Florida more than its coast. With tourism, fishing and recreational sport bringing billions of dollars into the state each year, the coast is also Florida's economic engine. But now the state's unique beaches are being threatened by pollution, unsustainable development and overfishing that are leading to plummeting fish catches, outbreaks of harmful algae, dying marine life and beach closures. This issue paper, originally published in September 2006 and updated in April 2007, provides a blueprint for how local leaders and decision makers can -- and must -- take action to protect Florida’s marine and coastal ecosystems. Since its original publication, 160 businesses and organizations have endorsed the Blueprint.
Slower, Costlier and Dirtier
A Critique of the Bush Energy Plan

This May 2001 NRDC report is an extensive analysis of the Bush administration energy plan that was released on May 17. NRDC's energy experts found it heavily biased in favor of the most polluting fossil fuels -- coal and oil -- at the expense of the environment and public health. Furthermore, the plan would have no impact on energy prices, and no practical effect on U.S. dependence on foreign sources of oil. The fact is that the United States can meet its energy needs without undermining environmental safeguards or ruining the last remaining pristine wilderness areas in the country.

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