Issues: International Issues

China's Greenest Building

The world's most populous nation is building the equivalent of two New York-sized cities every year. People even joke that the construction crane ought to be the national bird. As China seeks novel ways to meet its skyrocketing energy demands, a new office tower in the heart of Beijing helps demonstrate how the country can continue to grow while minimizing the environmental impact of new construction.

News and Issues Highlights
Tar Sands: Scraping the Bottom of the Barrel
#Big Oil wants to turn Canada's boreal forests into America's gas tank, despoiling one of the world's last remaining intact ecosystems.

Bringing Safe Water to the World
What's the world's biggest health risk? Dirty water. It kills 6,000 children every day. But environmental stewardship can help eliminate it.

Stop Electrocuting Patagonia
Plans to build hydroelectric dams in Chile's Patagonia threaten the pristine region.

Latin American Wildlands in Danger
Latin America is home to some of the world's richest forests and marine life, but U.S. commercial interests are fueling their destruction.

What You Can Do
Become a BioGems Defender

Preserve the heart of the boreal forest

Tell energy companies and the Chilean government to protect Patagonia

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Toxic Trade: The Global Metallic Mercury Market
It will take an international solution to curb the world's mercury pollution problem -- and the United States should lead the way.
China's Budding Environmental Movement
Attorney Alex Wang talks about what it's like to be in on the ground level of a new environmental movement.