Issues: U.S. Law & Policy

All Documents in U.S. Law & Policy Tagged power plants

California Takes on Power Plant Emissions
SB 1368 Sets Groundbreaking Greenhouse Gas Performance Standard

Fact Sheet
California is ensuring a clean energy future by adopting the world's first greenhouse gas emissions performance standard for power plant investments. Senate Bill SB 368 requires that any new long-term financial investment in "baseload" generation resources -- those workhorse power plants that supply electricity around the clock -- made on behalf of California customers must be in clean energy sources.

Documents Tagged power plants in All Issue Sections

Get the Lead Out
Children across the nation face the risk of lead poisoning, but steps can be taken to protect them.
Toward a Clean Energy Future in China
Clean energy is a cornerstone of China's future -- sustainable energy development will bring tremendous social, economic and environmental benefits to the people of the world's largest nation. This index collects policy papers and other technical documents from NRDC's clean-energy experts.

For additional policy documents, see the NRDC Document Bank.

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Too Much Direct Democracy?
posted by Victoria Rome, 10/16/08
Building a Bridge to Somewhere
posted by Deron Lovaas, 10/14/08