Issues: U.S. Law & Policy

All Documents in U.S. Law & Policy Tagged energy security

Treating America's Oil Addiction
A Clean, Renewable Path to Energy Security

Fact Sheet
Our future depends on reducing our oil demand now.

Documents Tagged energy security in All Issue Sections

Testimony on S.987, the Biofuels for Energy Security and Transportation Act of 2007
Testimony of Daniel A. Lashof, NRDC's Climate Center Science Director, before the Committee on Energy and Natural Resource, United States Senate on April 12, 2007.
America's Oil Policies
Current Failings, Responsible Solutions

This index contains detailed analyses of the failings and consequences of current U.S. oil policy as well as NRDC's recommendations for energy policies that will reduce U.S. oil use while safeguarding our security and our economy.

For additional policy documents, see the NRDC Document Bank.

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Too Much Direct Democracy?
posted by Victoria Rome, 10/16/08
Building a Bridge to Somewhere
posted by Deron Lovaas, 10/14/08