Internet Watch Foundation

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This CP is now IWF approved and FBI approved: Fap away
This CP is now IWF approved and FBI approved: Fap away
The IWF considers this image to be illegal.
The IWF considers this image to be illegal.
It removes things from Google searches.
It removes things from Google searches.

The Internet Watch Foundation is a UK-based organisation which does exactly what it says on the tin - watches the Internet. More precisely, it watches out for various types of illegal content - most prominently CP, but it also won't tolerate racist material or terrorist websites. This is all very much understandable in itself, but some argue that they are using their powers to scare people out of being able to exercise their right to freedom of speech online. they want to corner the world market of CP so they can fap to it 24/7, the pedos.

The IWF were also famous for blocking access to /b/ in summer 2006. A 4chanarchive thread records the surrounding drama, and this was what led /b/ to conclude the real motivations of the IWF staff, one of whom received emails from Richard C. Mongler, inquiring as to what was going on.

It's clear that a site like the IWF would need to be based in Britain, given the hysteria surrounding online content stirred up by tabloids in the UK that is larger even than that in other countries.

so who watches the Internet Watch Foundation and their fascist practises?

i'll put a $500 bet down right now that some senior members of Internet Watch Foundation are in fact pedo's.




The IWF is also extremely concerned when it encounters racism. For example, this is illegal content if hosted in the police state known as the UK:


[edit] McCarthyism

Reject the politics of fear.
Reject the politics of fear.

Stand by for an edited wikipedo rant:

Some argue Anyone with half a brain knows that the IWF is an organisation set up by New Labour (pronounced: Communism) to scare the populace into not exercising their rights to freedom of speech online. Paedophilia, racism and terrorism are badlulzy things. Few people dispute that. But who's gonna say that they're not going to block access to websites containing material which might allow people to think for themselves outside the mass media? After all, these epithets are ones that people are scared of - like being called a witch in 17th century New England, or being called a communist in 1950s America. Historically, these labels have been attached to people who they don't apply to at all, and the fear is that it may be happening again. The UK seems to be going down the same path as Australia, and the internet'll just be like cable TV by the time they're finished with it. like one big barbie, cuckaburra. now get me a Fosters, sheila!

Indeed, a British man recently was convicted for criminally obscene content for writing a story about the rape and murder of the band Girls Aloud, thanks to the IWF's efforts. Sure, the story was in poor taste This is a fantasy that every good Englishman has at least 9000 times per day. But it was a work of fiction (maybe not soon...). Using the same law that led to the banning of the book Lady Chatterley's Lover back 50 years ago, he is currently being prosecuted. This would nevar have happened ten years ago.In the Web 2.0 age, it's much easier to publish a document - you can write something crazy in a bad mood or weird state of mind without doing so much as to have to say a single word or leave your chair exactly as easy as in about 1996 if you're not an idiot.

ThankfullyRegretfully, there are organisations like Liberty in Britain who support a sensible and rational approach CP, rather than the 'burn it, kill it, rip it up'. The IWF really should tackle the root of the problem, rather than use fear tactics against people who are not criminals. For example, even searching for BBW porn may generate one of their messages in Google [2]. Man the harpoons!

[edit] The English-Wikipedian Holocaust

With good intentions, Wikipedians started an "Academic" Child Porn portal to educate people on the historical controversy. With good intentions, the Internet Watch Foundation decided to blacklist English Wikipedia over the Virgin Killer article to prevent the English from accidentally viewing "potentially illegal" content. With good intentions, the British ISP placed 95% of England in a cleanfeed (TM) Concentration Camp with only 8 transparent proxies. With good intentions, WikiMedia implemented Final Solution after detecting vandalism to prevent those 8 proxies from further edits. As a result, much lulz is generated from the over generosity of good intentions.

[edit] First They Came

Outrage in UK over the censoring of Wikipedia is immediate and in mass, bloggers compare the IWF to Nazi SS.

In England,

They came first for the self mutilators,
And I did nothing;
Because I do not practice BME.
When they came for the fetishists,
I did nothing;
Because extreme pornography is obscene.
When they came for the paedophiles,
I did nothing;
Because I am not a paedophile.
When they came for me,

There was no one left to speak out.



SpaekYourBranes #228 at BBC UK on Wikipedia is censored

[edit] /i/

The moralfags at 711chan decided to "help" the Internet Watch Foundation out. Since IWF uses a weak Captcha system in their illegal content report system, the channers decided to dramatically increase their workload by volunteering to submit every single webpage in existence to the IMF as "potentially illegal". You can also help the IWF by using the script located in the external links section.

[edit] External link

Image:Pedobear_small.gif Internet Watch Foundation is part of a series on Child Abuse.

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