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95% of the Internet is porn, and a lot of that porn is guns.



Goddamn...that's a lot of pizza boxes.
Goddamn...that's a lot of pizza boxes.
This gun isn't quite deadly enough
This gun isn't quite deadly enough

Guns are what Americunts have instead of penises. They are all over the Internet. And with hordes of avid male admirers, plus an endless variety of death dealing devices, it's almost certain that you can eventually hit the right buttons OL to make people fire their hot loads. The same is true for firearms; the Internet has a huge guns, weapons and military related subculture, with numerous websites catering for all preferences. Some are filled to the brim with 16 year olds that don't have a fucking clue and generally just spout the latest bullshit from Future Weapons, or the weapons menu on Counter-Strike. Regardless of the intended audience, there are many common themes that bind it all into a gigantic clusterfuck of bad will and malignant intent. Below is your guide to this delightful phenomenon.


[edit] The Way of the Gun

Do unto others...
Do unto others...
Redneck Christian and his lesbian wife follow their Lord's example.
Redneck Christian and his lesbian wife follow their Lord's example.
For Kids!
For Kids!

Guns were made by Jesus Christ after realizing his favorite country, the United States, needed something to spread the gospel to savages. Jesus himself invented the first gun, and is armed with the power of Christianity, and a factory of Indian sweatshop workers, to bring peace and justice Anarchy to the free world, by ridding us of the lesser races.

[edit] Choose your weapon

[edit] Rifles

[edit] SA-80 Series Rifle

The SA-80 and its ancestors are a series of 5.56mm bullpup assault rifles developed by the British. Designated L85A1, the first ones were shit. Nowadays, though, they are better than the M-16s because they are much more reliable. They are also the favorite of Norwegian faggots who have no decent weapons for themselves and have to suck Gordon Brown's cock to get the shittiest version of the SA-80, the L85A1.

[edit] Steyr AUG

Austrian Bullpups. Shit. Really shit. They look shit. They fire shit rounds. Hell, they smell like shit. Only the Aussies and Irish have adopted them as well as the Austrians, showing everyone else that they are pussies. The gooks' Singaporean cousins made a cheap copy, which smells more liek plastic Buddhas than shit, but is still useless only useful for hunting local Arabs.

[edit] M16 Series Rifle

The M16 is the iconic weapon of the red-blooded American. If you carry that piece you are out on a holy crusade to end the lives of all communists, democrats, Muslims, and the occasional Catholic, cause we all know those Mary-worshipers have it coming.

During development, the rifle was picked up by the US Army which was struggling because potheads, the primary demographic for recruitment in the 60s, couldn't handle the pornstar recoil of the M14. The M16A1 model helped resolve that problem by introducing a rifle that wouldn't fire at all. Ironically the majority of people who got owned because of this were darkie conscripts, as the original rifle's purpose was reducing the negroid race's population ability to reproduce (the kick of the M-16 only being enough to shake your balls to pieces when firing from the hip or sideways, as niggers are wont to do).

If you mention the M16 on most gun boards or forums, entire waves of 13 year old boys, jerking off violently to their Counterstrike kill records and inflated sense of gun knowledge, will scream at you in all caps. They will tell you to do things with your cat's mom's anal cavity and an M16 rifle. But, don't listen to them, as anal fluid of cats whores like your mom are corrosive and will damage the finish on a rifle's flash suppressor.

The AK-47 can be a formidable weapon in the right hands
The AK-47 can be a formidable weapon in the right hands

[edit] AK-47

Designed to be easily used by poorly trained conscripts, the AK-47 was spread throughout the world by Tony Stark in a cave. the rifle is simple in construction and fairly robust, using a gas-piston made to looser tolerances than any other gas-piston rifle out there. It has great popularity amongst, well, Russias, and guys that want to spree-kill their neighbors. Most that you'll come across in real life are Chinese or Eastern European knock-offs, actual Russian models being rare. The AK can be found wherever there are angry sandniggers and gooks. It's the single best way to ruin GIs IRL.

AK-47 vs. M16 threads are woefully common in any weapons-related forum. The usual crap of accuracy vs. reliability is rehashed and fucked up for yet another innings. On many websites, Military Photos and notably, this kind of crap will get you raped by the administrators. You deserve it, you little bastard, becuse no self-respecting Banhammer will tolerate under-deodorized 13 year old boys bitching about the m-16 being so much more Accurate than the AK-47, or the AK-47 being so much more Durable than the m-16. Of course, even if you aren't a Banhammer you can still royally fuck up those kids by trolling them thus:

    • xXxMyDarknessIsStrengthxXx: Why don't the russian's realise that the AK is shit and just like adopt the M16? Then Amerrica could be frends with the russian's!
    • DRAC250: Probably becuse their economy relies on it lil' bitch! Think figures you little cunt! And why would a superpower konflikt depend on who uses what gun?
    • xXxMyDarknessIsStrengthxXx: Hey man what do you know? I'm soooooo much cleverer than you, I know what "pussy" means hee hee hee so there
    • DRAC250: O rly? Define pussy, bitch! Oh wait you've nevar had any.(notice the sharpness of the wit here. Such trolling requires it.) Oops! Now fuck off.
    • xXxMyDarknessIsStrengthxXx: I'm going to go away and cry and cut myself and listen to My Chemical Romance and get some attention now you meanie. Leave me alone.
    • DRAC250: Yeah, you do that. And while you're at it ask your daddy for some cock up the ass, you'll enjoy it, I promise.

[edit] M14 Rifle


Before the sweet-sixteen there was the the M14, a beastly pure-bred American piece made of wood, iron, and brass. Also cocks. If you don't mind the fact it kicks like a date-rape scene gone wrong then you can't go wrong with its 7.62x51mm NATO truck stopping power. If a sand Mexican is having himself a little pow-wow with roasted marshmallows and sing-alongs behind that reinforced sandbag teepee, and your 5.56x45mm NATO ain't cutting it, never fear! Your M14 will punch right through that sandwiched dirt and give Haji a splintering sensation of our constitutional right to kick ass, take names - and lunch money in some cases - even if their names are written in squiggly lines. Just don't mistake it for a machine gun: Unfortunately, the US military made this mistake by implementing a full-auto function for this gun. The powerful kick of the 7.62x51mm ammunition caused such massive muzzle climb, even when fired in bursts, that soldiers in the jungles of Vietnam couldn't hit gooks in full auto even at close range. Because of this, despite the M14's major pwnage potential, it was replaced by the pussy-recoil M16 as a standard issue rifle.

Like the climax of every Disney sports movie, the M14 has made a sudden comeback, sans full-auto capability. With the rise of anabolic steroids and a need to spread democracy at ranges exceeding 400 meters, the M-14 has met a revival for snipers and designated marksmen in the lulz fests of Afghanistan and Iraq. With generations of retards raised on counterstrike and a whole desert full of people in need of some white hot yard democracy, the future for this once forgotten rifle looks brighter than evar!

[edit] FN FAL

The right arm of the free world. This rifle killed communists and savages throughout the cold war, and is still being used by dirt poor countries that we gave democracy to. Its XBOX HUEG 7.62x51 round makes an example of every Russian, Arab, nigger, hippie, gook and protester that gets in its way. It kicks like a bitch and will pop a hole the size of your mom's ass (massive) in any argie stupid enough to get between you and your Falkland Island triple J cup totty. Shamone! In any case, this thing kicks anus harder than your mom's cock.

[edit] M82

God bless murka.
God bless murka.

Also known as: THE BIGGEST FUCKING GUN EVAR! (That is, if you don't know about the NTW-20 yet). The M82 Chambers a massive ass .50BMG round, and is over 9 times moar powerful than the M16 (RLY). Headshot with M82 = Red mist+brain pudding. The M82 is so fucking expensive that Niggers can't afford it, that's why it isn't IRL permibanned YET. However, recent reports show that spic druglords from Mexico have imported M82A1s (along with the FiveseveN) in order to fend off Mexican police and SWAT teams, so as to ensure that their cocaine supply lines to the US are not disrupted. Cheeky bastards. The M82 is also a favorite of military snipers and the IRA for its ability to, like, sail through frickin' body armor as if it wasn't even, like, frickin' there. Fortunately, the IRA now do nothing but complain suck each others' cocks, so we needn't worry about any .50 BMG shells sailing through frickin' body armor as if it wasn't even frickin' there.

[edit] Mauser K98k

This bolt-action karbine was mass-produced by the nazis to waste jews. It fires PWNAGE 7.92x57mm ZOMG bullets. While it doesn't have the proflie of its famous Russian cousin the Mosin Nagant in Murrca, it is well famous elsewhere because everyone has them. It is fairly accurate (which is graet for picking off jews at long range) but only carries 5 bullets in the mag. Almost useless for school shootings because they are too slow and will see you riddled with FBI lead while you reload.

[edit] Mosin Nagant

The soviets made millions and millions of them, and as a result you can get them at sporting goods stores in the US for sixty bucks. Everyone has one. An admiral in the Japanese navy once said: "You cannot invade the mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind every blade of grass". This is true, and they are all mosins. The problem is, the Mosin uses a slightly longer than usual 7.62 round, so Americunts often load them with 7.62x51mm NATO instead of 7.62x54R. Boom! Natural Selection continues.

[edit] SKS

Another soviet gun between the Mosin Nagant and the AK-47. While not used much by the soviets themselves it was mass produced in china and was widely used by communist bastards around the world. Uses a 7.62x39mm cartridge and the Chinese ones are über-cheap. This gun was also the favorite of the gooks before they laid their dirty mitts on Ks. However, because it doesn't pwn quite liek the AK it has fallen out of service with most squaddies, except the Russian display teams, and they're all fags anyway.

[edit] Pistols

Pistols are known for their superior accuracy at close range
Pistols are known for their superior accuracy at close range

[edit] Colt Model 1911A1

This emblem of America in carbon steel brought the USA into the 20th Century as the greatest nation on the planet, by killing Islamo-gook fascists in the Philippines by the tribe-load. Those Jihado-faggots thought they were pretty tough, until they met .45 of an inch in righteous hot-lead to the motherfucking sternum. 9mm? America doesn't speak metric, faggot!!!! USA! USA! USA!.

Well, that's what most gun-nuts (as in testicles) will say about it. The pistol is a legend in the USA due to its long service with the military (about 70 years). And given that no one else in the world is allowed to own weapons, this leads it being the most talked about pistol on the webz0rz. Its reputation for accuracy stems mainly for it being bought and riced up for use as IPSC race-guns rather than any inherent virtue in the design itself. Truth be known, the original service pistol was just a big, heavy, single-action motherfucker that was no more accurate than any other pistol of the time, and was only notable for being the first pistol chambered in the gigantic .45 Automatic Colt Pistol round (ACP). But you spend $2,000 on after-market parts and you can do anything.

Budd Dwyer, noted gun enthusiast, shows off his favorite for the cameras
Budd Dwyer, noted gun enthusiast, shows off his favorite for the cameras

[edit] Beretta M9

The 9mm eye-tie gun that finally replaced the ancient and frail 1911. This gun was only adopted because the USA wanted military bases in Italy and Beretta made them accept their handgun in return. No other gun in the history of mankind has caused so much drama among gunfags.

[edit] Glock

R' da bloods movin' in on 'yo crip territory and ya'll need a piece to pop 'dem niggaz wif? Reach for 'yo GLOCK nigga! Created by Austrian grenade and curtains manufacturer Gaston Glock, the Glock was widely adopted by niggers the world over for its ease of use while aiming sideways. Glocks are now used as much by wannabe bad-boy cops as they are niggers, and if you run away from what looks like a chav on the London Underground who's yelling, "STOP!", you become an hero because that chav lookalike is actually waving a Glock at you, meaning he's from CO19. Awesome! Glocks, being standard issue to cops, niggers and mafiosi, are therefore owned by everyone.

[edit] Springfield XD

The anti-Glock, fixing everything the glock fails at; like exploding when shot. Actually a Croatian pistol called the "HS2000", the American company Springfield Armory just stole the design and called it the "XD". A lot of Counter-strike and CoD4 players love this gun, right after the Desert Eagle, because the "XD" looks like an emoticon! lol!!111!one!!!eleven!1!!

[edit] .357 Magnum - BOOM! Headshot


Once you have returned home from killing the entire Viet Kong army, you have become the Pennsylvania state treasurer. You receive bribes and give your friends exclusive million dollar contracts as well as receiving $300,000 kickbacks. When you fuck it up and get convicted; facing 55 years imprisonment, you end it all by blowing your brains out with this baby in front of a live televised press conference. If you want to dramatically kill some one, make sure to shoot him in the lungs closer to the arm to let him live at least a few seconds more (according to Wikipedia you feel like "struck by lightning" when shoot at), then let him crawl a little, then shoot him in the heart.

[edit] 10mm Auto

PROTIP: if your movie sucks, then just add a bunch of guns so fanboi's will like you.
PROTIP: if your movie sucks, then just add a bunch of guns so fanboi's will like you.

Ownage in the palm of your hand. Packing the power of a .357 into a frame the size of a .45 with the ammo capacity of a 9mm, the 10mm Auto was released to much fanfare of it's awesomeness. Well, no it wasn't. Actually, nobody cared.

The FBI adopted it briefly before crying that the recoil hurt their wrists, which were sore after they got done 'researching' all those CP websites. Smith & Wesson obliged by creating the .40S&W, which is believed to stand for either "Smith & Wesson", "Shitty & Weak" or the widely accepted "Shoop & Woop".

[edit] Makarov

Makarov is a family of Soviet pistols, either in 7.62x25mm or 9x19mm. They are shit SHIT. They are about as accurate at close range as a drunk pig or your mom. They are so shit that only poor Gs use them, and even then they prefer Glocks. Jeah! Sadly, Makarovs are so shit that one G sprayed some random fool with one, hit him seven times and failed to break any bones, pierce any arteries or vital organs or even look cool because despite an execution style shot to teh noggin he still FAILED. Boo-Yar! These days only Russkie faggot police officers use 'em (as well as poor Gs) because everything else is, like, so much bettar.

[edit] FN Five-Seven

Admired by Libertarians and spics for it's ability to pierce body armor and kill cops. The FN Five-Seven is used in a lot of animes and video gaymes, so of course all school shooters pick this up for the job, because, as we know, most school shooters are actually 13 year old boys who have been fapping to too much violent hentai.

[edit] The Desert Eagle

This is what a typical nigger has wants
This is what a typical nigger has wants

If the .357 Magnum is for men with normal dicks and the .44 Magnum is for men with small dicks, the Desert Eagle is for men with dicks so small they are actually mistaken for clits by the casual eye. The Desert Eagle is classified as a handgun, despite being bigger than most SMGs. You can create lulz by going to a DE forum and saying the .357 and .44 are fired from more practical-sized guns like revolvers, but fanboys will say the Desert Eagle will fire .50AE and revolvers won't. The Desert Eagle got notoriety in the U.S. when niggers got their hands on it. Unfortunately, they thought they were holding their Glocks sideways and when they pulled the trigger, they killed themselves from the impact on their head. If you fire the Deagle with only one hand, you'll break your wrist, and then, just like with the Uzi, you'll never fap again. Sucks on you biatch!!!1one111!!

[edit] = Sub-Machine Guns

[edit] M1/2/3 Carbine

This piece of shit was operated by the americunts in world war 2. It fired boo-sheeit .30 carbine rounds, which were so weak that in winter (as well as the gun jamming all the fucking time) you could spray a commie-gook with a whole magazine from the M2 automatick edition into some Korean MOtHeRfUcKeR and you wouldn't drop the bastard because the rounds were so unbelievably shit. In the end they were so shit that the americunts decided, shit, let's offload 'em on the gooks!1!one! so they dumped their POS carbines on the ARVN during the 'Nam War in favour of the equally shite M16. americunt Paradroppists thought these guns were the shit in WW2 and carried them like rosaries until someone pointed out the number of 101st and 82nd Airborne Boys going home in sacks (and often in pieces) because their Karabines were so monumentally horseshit. surprisingly, the Paradroppists didn't get butthurt at all, just carried on using their crap. These guns are Useless for drive-bys because you can riddle the weediest geek on the block with a whole clip of off this hunk 'o' junk and he'll still falcon punch you. you fail it!!!!!one1eleven!

[edit] The Sten

The Sten gun was mass produced by the British in WW2. It's cheap, light and tough, so it was dropped all over occupied Europe to waste the Nazis. It uses the widely available 9mm round and looks cool. The only problem is if you meet an armored Americunt, whose thick armor will stop you from Owning him. In this instance, use a Falcon Punch or an M82, because, hey, the more Americunts we kill today, the fewer we have to kill tomorrow. Once the Americunt is down find a chink in teh body armour, poke the sten in and finish the job. Because the Sten is chambered in 9x19mm Parabellum, you can loose the whole clip into the broken Americunt, so he will live long enough to vomit his guts out before expiring. win!!!!!!!!1one!eleven1!!!

[edit] Aks-74U

This is a miniature version of the AK-47's modern equivalent, the AK-74. It's small enough to fit in your jeans pocket and to be carried one-handed. Perfect for school shootings, because it will give you street cred, even if you're a Wigger (and you are). Also good for drive-by's due to its compact size, the AKS-74U is every Gangster's dream. and, of course, the ultimate sand nigger Osama Bin Frickin' Laden carries one of these babies, ensuring that rule 34 applies even in a cave in Afghanistan Pakistan Bradford Bradistan Evington Waziristan. The AKS-74U is also preferred by gun nuts who do not need to overcompensate, just to state the point.

[edit] The Tommy Gun

For those who like to kick it really old school nothin' beats the classic Thompson submachine gun. The gun comes with either a 30 round box magazine or a 50 round drum which looks way more bad ass. Very popular with gangsters. Extremely inaccurate but it makes up for it by how much lead it sprays allover the place. Even Stevie Wonder could waste mofos with this.

[edit] HK MP5 - spray 'n pray

Tbe MP5, the ultimate SMG, and favorite of furry sex symbols
Tbe MP5, the ultimate SMG, and favorite of furry sex symbols

So you decided to use one of these guns on this page to create a lulz fest at your local school, mall, and/or place of employment, and now you're wondering what's the fuzz is going to be thrown at you when you get to the final level of the game. Five out of five times, when you've got yourself a good score going and you live in an urban area, the swat bunnies will be plugging your socially mis-adjusted body with the HK MP5. Don't despair, the HK MP5 is the perfect firearm to get mowed down by on national TV. It was also the first closed bolt submachine gun with fine Nazi precision pedigree, so you can be assured that you are going out in style. The 9mm ammunition means that you won't die too quickly so you can have that dramatic last stand, just like in Scarface! Bonus points if you get killed by a beaner wearing shades, from behind, with a shotgun while you're firing your weapon of choice dramatically in the air, as the cops riddle your body with US government lead.

[edit] Tec-9

The Tec-9 an unbelievably shite one-handed SMG made famous by Carl Johnson and the Columbine gays. It was made by Intratec 'til they went bust and so now only exists as cheap gook copies or as museum pieces. Somehow shooting it one-handed doesn't break your wrist, so this is the gun of choice for fapstars. It fires standard 9mm pistol rounds just like every other fucking gun out thar. School shootings with this thang will make the media shit bricks and come out with shit like "Columbine REVISITED!!!1!1ONE!1ELEVEN1" and "School Shootings - A PHENOMENON?!?". That means it's perfect for the job; after all, what could be more satisfying to the average an hero than the thought of causing a media stir becasue of the gun they used, and maybe getting Michael Moore to ban the sale of its ammo or some shit like that?!? WIN!!!!!

Even Nazis love Israeli weapons manufacturers!
Even Nazis love Israeli weapons manufacturers!

[edit] Uzi (Moar like JEWzi, amirite?)

The Uzi (Jewspeak: עוזי‎) was invented solely to rape sand nigger babies. It's based on the Czechoslovakian series 23 to 26 submachine guns, and is further proof that Jews steal everything, amirite?. Every American should have two. You have two hands, after all, right? Ironically, it's the preferred weapon of neo-Nazis, skinheads and Tommy Vershitty (too bad Carl Johnson couldn't buy some in his country. Shooting this thing one-handed, though it may look cool, will either break your wrist (no more fapping) or turn you into an hero unless you're Bruce Willis...or Carl Johnson, who can hold two fuckin' Sawn-offs and can still walk away and fap afterwords. Lucky Bastard. Uzis, thus, look cool, but aren't as cool as a frickin' AK-47. Chambered in 9mm but having less power than MP5's, that explains why the fuck their magazines are loaded with 32 rounds and not 30. Jews just can't count right.

[edit] Machine Guns

[edit] LMGs (Light machine guns)

These are autos you can carry around, like the M240, M249, MG4, BAR and Bren. They make good SAWs, and look teh awesome. They usually fire rifle-sized bullets. Modern ones, sadly, only fire shitty 5.56mm rounds, which fail.

[edit] Heavy Stuff

Think Maxim MG, Vickers, .50-cal, MG42 and DshK. These will gleefully slice 'n' dice your foes to over 9000 pieces, with big bullets. These are teh awesome, more so than LMGs, just because they pwn so well. Only Over 9000 rounds from a .50-cal can even scratch a long cat. However, against ordinary fools, you will win. Niggers don't really get their black mitts on these 'coz they're so bloody Xpensive. If they do, prepare for equality TEH END OF DE WORLDZ. One round from these brutal thangs should whipe out your life; .50-cals and DshKs do this especially well. Don't even bother tooling one of these for a school shooting, though; it weighs so damn much. Just leave it on a Hummer (for drive-bys) or on a tripod (for long ranged spraying) and let rip. The .50-cal is prolly teh most awesome piece of hot leaden shit built since 1919. Hoo-rah!

[edit] Vulcan Cannon/ Minigun/ Gatling gun


Not so mini after all! So you want a school shooting with a difference? The 6-barreled Vulcan can fire 6,000 bullets a minute. Bye bye school, jocks, nerds, whores 12 year old girls, and emos.

The Vulcan Cannon, or its little brother, the Minigun, come in a variety of different flavors, not unlike slurpees, or condoms. Starting with the biggest, baddest motherfucker of all, is the GAU-8 Avenger, a 30mm precision engineered lead-breathing dragon mounted on the A-10 Warthog that fires Depleted Uranium rounds the size of wine bottles.

A somewhat smaller version is the M61 Vulcan, capable of firing 20mm armor-piercing rounds that will blast Russkie jets out of the sky when all the missiles are used up. Smaller still, is the General Electric M134, known commonly as the "Minigun." This 7.62mm beast was first used in the skies over Vietnam to spread freedom and democracy to the gooks, either as a door gun on the UH-60 Blackhawk, or as a offensive weapon on the versatile MH-6 "Little Bird". The M134 also comes in 5.56mm, if you're too pussy to handle the recoil.

But if you want to kick it old school, look no further than the O.G. Gatling Gun, invented by Dr. Richard Jordan Gatling at least 100 years ago, when Amerrcuh was waging war within its own borders. This old warhorse didn't have your fancy electric drive motors. No, you put elbow grease into this antique, as you had to hand-crank the thing to shoot it. If you can find enough of the obsolete .58 caliber rimfire cartridges to fill the hopper of this old-timer, start cranking away like a mad organ grinder as you royally fuck up someone's day.

[edit] Other

[edit] Big Game Rifles

Not classed as ordinary rifles, coz they're so fucking huge. Best used to put holes in elephant's skulls, but if you want to terrorize the local niggers just load a .60 or .577 up at point it at 'em. Just don't fire it lying down (broken collar bone) or standing up (broken shoulder). Breaking your bones while pwning niggers will fail you, minussing your score by over 9000 points. Alternately, use them against other snipers, who will be using .50 BMG, 7.62mm, or, if they're real wankers, 5.56mm.

[edit] Shotgun

Use this bad boy to really fuck up someone's day. Sprays a lot of buckshot everywhere which means you can pwn a whole bunch of people or destroy one person at extremely close range. Very popular with hunters and cops. Alternately, saw the butt and most of the barrel off for a unique pwnage experience!!1! You can now keep it in your trenchcoat pocket, and fire it one handed. Hahaha!!! Having fired a shotgun one handed and not being Arnold Schwarzenegger means you now have a broken wrist!! You'll never fap again. Busted! Next time, remember that firing one-handed is only done with pistols (NOT Desert Eagles, you pussy). Owned!

[edit] Flamethrower

The memorial for Jamal and his friends is now on MySpace
The memorial for Jamal and his friends is now on MySpace

The closest you can actually come to playing Satan. Strap on 2 scuba tanks full of napalm and rain fiery death on gooks. Just be careful not to use it on a really windy day or you'll involuntarily an hero yourself.

[edit] Grenade Launcher

This is a gun that shoots 25mm or 40mm grenades. Boom! The M-79 is a favorite from 'Nam, perfect for ruining Gooks. Like a smaller Bazooka, basically. Watch out, though, it's illegal in California. Oh wait, so is everything else.

[edit] Bazooka

Will ruin everything from goths to teenagers to the entire local mall in a glorious explosion of win. A favorite of Counter-Strike O.G.s. They don't like dat shit one-two bit. Only refers to the bazooka itself, the rest are called recoiless rifles, asshole.

[edit] The Golden Gun

Kills with one bullet. This is partly due to the little known toxicity of gold. When using the golden gun IRL, be sure to memorize all the respawn points, and use it on your enemies before they can fight back. Also be sure to be rich, as, being made of gold, the Golden Gun is, unsurprisingly, fuckin' Xpensive. Once you have it, though, you will be able to kill every nigger from here to fuckin' Africa|Swaziland.

[edit] Massive Fucking Arms (aka guns/ My fuckin' ass)

People who have huge arms are often referred to have 'guns'. However these 'guns' do not actually shoot people but rather own people the non pussy way and teh way that god would have wanted it. Though most people with 'guns' are massive faggots who have no friends and are whiny butthurt bitches. They also are very cocky and think there better than everyone, and are able to get off to them self so they are sometimes found fapin in the mirror while flexing.
The Average person witch huge fucking guns.  And Devilishly good looks.
The Average person witch huge fucking guns. And Devilishly good looks.
[edit] People known to haz massive guns

[edit] The NRA

Typical NRA member.
Typical NRA member.
Gun > sword
Gun > sword

Formed in 1871 along with the KKK, the NRA was established to give White racists, gun-loving soccer moms, confederate-flag hangover-having rednecks and master debaters Wankers the ability to focus their God-given talents on something much more important: shooting fgts, Muslims sand-niggers and 50 cent. The most noted savior of the NRA was Charlton Heston, who proved that the best reason for us to have guns is to defend ourselves from damn dirty apes terrorists. This group holds that guns are good, and totally ignores studies done by pussy,pinko, bleeding-heart pseudo-sciences, like "psychology," "sociology," and "political science". The NRA is always doing its duty saving us from the tyrannical grip of people who support gun control, like that godawful boring Noam Chomsky. Oddly enough, many liberals have begun to join the ranks of the NRA, for fear that gun control may render them defenseless against their crazy-ass redneck neighbors.

[edit] Gun vs. Sword

This completely original animu agrees.
This completely original animu agrees.

Guns have replaced this archaic simpleton sword as the killing device of choice for a good many reasons, the least of which is the gun's superiority over hand-to-hand weapons. There is a lot of misconceptions regarding this change out there, so we at ED will take this opportunity to clear things up:

  • Myth: Swords are more honorable than guns, case-in-point, Ninjas, Samurai, and Jedi used swords instead of guns.
    • FACT: Anyone claiming the above is obviously a cultureless, fucking Wapanese and needs to commit Hara Kiri, die of AIDS or become an hero. Ninjas were fags anyway, and the Samurai DID use them before the superior white man wiped them out with their bullet-spewing deathcocks that shoot solid semen at a rate of over 9,000 semen-bullets a second. Jedi are fucking imaginary wizards anyway.
  • Myth: You can block bullets with your sword if you are skilled enough.
    • FACT: You cannot block bullets with your sword. If you are skilled enough to do so, go out and prove it. HAHA, too bad, you're dead, because the bullet fukken penetrated your shitty 2 millimeter sword.
  • Myth: You don't have to reload a sword, therefore you can use it forever.
    • FACT: You must constantly wipe your sword clean of blood and sharpen it, otherwise it will chip and rust away, and then you will have to find your local smithy to forge you a new one. Or you can save up your lunch money and buy another sword off eBay instead of buying that new manga you've been fapping over.
  • Myth: Guns are cowardly because you can kill people from far away; swords are the only weapons that take real skill to use.
    • FACT: Hacking and slicing away takes too much effort, when you can just sit back, relax and start obliterating Wapanese hordes with your M249 SAW. More importantly, using a gun IRL takes more skill than any Wapanese could ever possess. Even more importantly, using a gun guarantees lulz, even with a shitty Czech pistol from the 70's.
  • Myth: You can run up to a guy with a gun real fast and slice him with your sword before he even gets his gun out.
    • FACT: You can try to run up to a guy with a gun real fast and slice him before he even gets his gun out, but unfortunately that broadsword you bought from eBay weighs fifty pounds and your effete wrists just aren't meant to handle such a burden. And, if the fucker even has a gun, he should be able to get it out and pwn you in at least 100 ways.

[edit] Famous Gun Enthusiasts

Pekka-Eric Auvinen proved you don't even need a good gun to go for the high score.
Pekka-Eric Auvinen proved you don't even need a good gun to go for the high score.

[edit] Why guns are cool

[edit] Huntin' n Fishin'

[edit] Quotes on guns

Im not a pussy with a gun in my hand, I am a tough guy with a pussy in my hand.


Some faggot on youtube, stealing a quote from an action movie.

So I loads up the strap and I step, cause my grey cells are dead and all I think is the revenge


—a nigger waxing lyrical about his glock

Whatever happens, we have got the maxim gun, and they have not


— An Englishman telling his fellow-countrymen about the ease of conquering niggers. This is DRAC250's favourite quote

[edit] Mall Ninja

A definite poser as research indicates you don't see Mall Ninjas until they have killed you 5 times.
A definite poser as research indicates you don't see Mall Ninjas until they have killed you 5 times.

The mall ninja is the baddest mofo you never want to meet. Imagine Darth Vader as a mercenary or better yet don't so you don't shit yourself.

If you want to laugh at somebody, try laughing at the sheep out there who go to the mall unarmed trusting in me to stand guard over their lives like a God.



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[edit] Gallery

[edit] See also

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