Weird Al Yankovic

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Lol, Wikipedia is for nerds.
Lol, Wikipedia is for nerds.
Weird Al is the original Eminem except he sucks more.
Weird Al is the original Eminem except he sucks more.

Weird Al Yankovic is a "comedy" singer who has been around for at least 100 years, and has parodied every song ever, with the exception of any actually good songs, most likely because any changes can only make them better, regardless of what they are. The best part of the songs are the hilarious name changes he gives em. "American Idiot" becomes "Canadian Idiot"! GENIUS!! The only redeeming quality he has, is that fans are expecting Weird Al to put a parody of Chocolate Rain on his next album. (Hopefully, with an equally SIDE-SPLITTING title. The most likely song title candidate: Strawberry Rain)

All parody songs that are made on the internet, regardless, are always made by Weird Al. End of story.

Bob Rivers is way funnier than Weird Al will ever hope to be.

Weird Al is one of the few celebrities who is a vegetarian, and according to inside sources, he attempts, like all dumb-ass retard vegetarians, to guilt people into becoming vegetarian as well. He also claims to be the inventor of the "Twinkie Wiener Sandwich", which in itself makes him batshit crazy. It is believed that parodying shitty music could be some sort of immortality elixir, explaining why Weird Al has been around so long. And if that turns out to be true, that's fucking copyrighted to ED.


[edit] Fans

His fans are (for the majority) virgins and just LOOOOVE repeating lines from his "classic" songs. These virgins freak out whenever a new song is made, for example: when White and Nerdy came out, there were mass circle jerks held by nerds the world over. It became a viral sensation overnight thanks to nerds everywhere!

Anyone over the age of 12 who listens to Weird Al is either a pedophile or a furry, and has never dated anyone in their lives.

[edit] YOU SUCK!

The Wikipedia page on Atlantic Records keeps being vandalized with the words "YOU SUCK!" like in the White & Nerdy video. Typically, this leads to these vandals being banned and the page being semi-protected.

[edit] Uses

Weird Al music can be used for trolling those who take their band too srsly.

For example, the song "White and Nerdy" is useful against the wiggers who like rap but are obvious basement dwellers. "Canadian Idiot" can be used to troll Canadians, Britfags, and American Leftards who think Canada is teh coolest, and Green Day Fans simultaneously.

The effectiveness of this tactic is unfortunately limited by the obviously lulzy intent of using the song. If the target finds the song funny, you're doing it wrong and need to try something else.

[edit] External

Weird Al Yankovic is part of a series on Music

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