Pain series

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Pain series is part of a series on Shock Sites.

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IRL Guro, without the fucking. The Pain Series pwns Goatse on all levels.

It is a series of JPEGs, all ideal for trolling unsuspecting LJ users, Though it should be noted that the pain series is a last measure as it will get you IP b& before you can say Battletoads.

If you need something to take the pain in your eyes away, try kittens or kittenwar.

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Reactions on IMDB

"im gonna throw up... "
"So am I. But everytime I throw up it hurts my butt. Why me!?"
"ahhhhhhhhh! it's burned into my retina!
ahhhhhhhhh! it won't leave!
    • face melts off Indiana Jones style* "

Also of note one person didn't open the file but instead sent it to his brother, who is "hes a good little christian boy" lulz will ensue upon my discovery of his reaction. His brother's reaction.....

"my brother is really pissed off and really disgusted. he wont finish his tomato soup for some reson."

This is his reaction....

"now i know why he wont finish his soup, gross."

[edit] See Also

Image:Little Troll.gif Pain series is part of a series on Trolls.

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