Einsteinium: lattice energies

einsteinium symbol icon

All values of lattice energies are quoted in kJ mol-1.


No data for any fluorides of Es.


No data for any chlorides of Es.


No data for any bromides of Es.


No data for any iodides of Es.


No data for any hydrides of Es.


No data for any oxides of Es.


  1. H.D.B. Jenkins - personal communication. I am grateful to Dr Don Jenkins (University of Warwick, UK) who provided the lattice energy data, which are adapted from his contribution contained within reference 2.
  2. H.D.B. Jenkins in CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics 1999-2000 : A Ready-Reference Book of Chemical and Physical Data (CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, D.R. Lide, (ed.), CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, USA, 79th edition, 1998.

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