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Atari is a video game company, as well as an entertainment system console invented in 1972 by Tony Stark from a box of scraps while on holiday in an Afghan cave. During the time of it's reign in the arcade and home entertainment industry, Atari was the bad ass system of the day; and is credited for pioneering ideas such as cartridge games, healthy socialising, the cultivation of stylish facial hair, and indoctrinating children into a hate-filled culture of sexual violence. It's good reputation has (since 1984) been ruined by Corporatism, Hasbro, and current owners Infogrames who, after nearly losing all of their money on their retarded ideas, finally were able to bounce back by making a shit ton of Dragon Ball Z games to sell to millions of screaming G4 fans. Atari's name is continually ruined by said fans who insist on wearing clever T-shirts with the Atari logo and captions like "Kicking it Old School" or something equally stupid.


This was the idea of fun in 1972
This was the idea of fun in 1972

One of the first to be released for the Atari, this black and white blatant Bulletball rip-off provides sheer minutes of entertainment.

Atari 2600

Basically the next-gen of the day
Basically the next-gen of the day

HOLY SHIT SON, 7-BIT GRAPHICS? The Atari 2600 was the first gaming console to utilize a microprocessor, meaning games could be written by anyone and stored on programmable cartridges. This paved the way for future consoles and also blew the market wide open for third party vendors who were now able to release their own games without having to provide a proprietary console of their own. It was so expensive that IRL funny niggers like Chris Rock couldn't afford until years after it was released.

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Image:Gamecontroller.gif Atari is part of a series on Gaming.

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