Internet celebrity

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Magibon, Internet celebrity par excellence
Magibon, Internet celebrity par excellence
An Internet celebrity is an unemployed person, often a student, who is widely known among the members of an e-subculture or clique. The term itself is a misnomer because people who use the internet are not popular IRL. Most Internet celebrities have more friends on their LiveJournal friends list than anyone else, and it is to these vaunted heights of e-fame that all self-respecting attention or comment whores aspire.

Internet celebrities think that they are funny, witty and e-popular, but in truth most people just want to sleep with them. Some Internet celebrities mistake themselves for actual celebrities, but it is important to remember that even such individuals as Cory Doctorow are only known within a very small circle of Internets-savvy people. Get over yourselves. Kibo was one of the first Internet celebrities.

Andy Milonakis started out like that, but once everyone found out he was some freak adult they realized his show was based on faggotry.

So pretty much, internet celebrities are basement dwelling losers who, IRL, never have and never will do anything real with their lives.


[edit] E-Fame

If you can't get famous in real life, your only alternative is to be an attention whore engaging in shameless self promotion until you achieve the fine heights of e-fame, a celebrity in the electronic alternative reality that is teh internets.

Marks of e-fame include having more people on your LiveJournal Friendslist than anyone else, having your posts featured on LJ Drama, and of course having your own entry on Encyclopedia Dramatica. Also, crying over Britney is highly recommended. Failing even that, championing the cause of the Furluminati is another way to raise your e-fame to OVER 9000.

If none of the above work, then obviously the only things your are good for are spreading the diseases of both AIDS and epic phail

[edit] How to Become an Internet Celebrity

[edit] How to Maintain E-Fame: Doing it Wrong

Dorian Thorn enjoying his e-fame LOL.
Dorian Thorn enjoying his e-fame LOL.

Because there are so many naughties and Lulz-worthy shit clogging up the internets like a burger in an American's arteries it's hard to maintain the open-mindedness and "uniqueness" that made them celebrities in the first place:

[edit] How to Maintain E-Fame: FUCKING WIN

Gary Brolsma, creator of Numa numa, definitely lost at the internet
Gary Brolsma, creator of Numa numa, definitely lost at the internet
Penis enlargement makes your E-Penis bigger, thus automatically making you win the internet.
Penis enlargement makes your E-Penis bigger, thus automatically making you win the internet.

There are about as many ways to win at the internet as there are internets. Here is a partial list:

Also, though it seems paradoxical, sometimes people work towards getting banned from a specific part of teh interWeb. If that's your sorta thing, fine... you win the prize.

"A strange game. The only winning move is not to play. How about a nice game of chess?" -- WarGames

[edit] Notable Internet Celebrities

[edit] Internet Celebrities - MYSPACE EDITION

Looks pro-ana, amirite?.
Looks pro-ana, amirite?.

A MySpace Celebrity is anyone who is well-known on MySpace. Normally but not always, these people have done something amazing to warrant their e-fame. Many are friendwhores, and the rest are just regular whores.

Some go on to exciting carriers as singers, actors and goatse body doubles. Others just fade out in time and are replaced by the next barely legal tart that figures out how to use a key board.

MySpace Celebrities can be divided into three categories. They are:

[edit] The A-List

Tom has a pedo-smile.
Tom has a pedo-smile.

Tom has millions of friends. Known to try to coerce azns for sex, Anderson has gotten quite a reputation as a player, and is using his MySpace fame to get even moar sex. Most people are too stupid to understand that Tom is just a publicity figure for MySpace who actually does nothing for the site.


  • Ducky. An azn who was the second person to sign up on MySpace. That is the only reason anybody gives a flying fuck about him.

[edit] The B-List

Rational Responders are whores!!!1
Rational Responders are whores!!!1

[edit] The C-List

Mission: MySpace's default pic. It nevar changes.
Mission: MySpace's default pic. It nevar changes.

The Vampire Don
The Vampire Don

[edit] The D List

  • You. Admit it... you have one.

[edit] The Z List

[edit] How you can help

If you find any moar MySpace celebrities that belong on here, add them. DO IT FAGGOT.

[edit] See also

Internet celebrity
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