Old media

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Old media, meet the inn(t)ertubes.
Old media, meet the inn(t)ertubes.
Bill O'Reilly, champion of the old media.
Bill O'Reilly, champion of the old media.
Brian Williams, crooked-faced hero of old media
Brian Williams, crooked-faced hero of old media

Old media is old, and therefore not cool and not funny. If you ever meet a member of the old media be sure to give them purple nurples. If the member of the old media is male, also kick him in the balls. Old media is constantly screwing with our minds by telling us what to think. And of course they are always right — because they are the old media.

Examples of old media include:

  1. Radio
  2. Television (Fox, NBC, VH1... there might be others)
  3. Tabloids
  4. Time Magazine
  5. National Geographic
  6. The Economist
  7. Yahoo!
  8. Wikipedia
  9. MRI
  10. Drudge Report
  11. BBS
  12. Email
  13. The Guardian

Old media is a giant conspiracy (orchestrated by the Jews who did 9/11) that is heavily biased against you and your political philosophy, thus everything bad that happens is most likely their fault. Don't let them forget it.

Also the media loves to talk about how the media corrupts our youth.

Last Thursday, the old media has finally covered ED. http://www.nytimes.com/2008/08/03/magazine/03trolls-t.html?hp

Old media is part of a series on Language & Communication.

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