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Known Systems Operator and Trade Wars Master
Known Systems Operator and Trade Wars Master

SysOp is short for Systems Operator. Way back in the Paleolithic era these nerds ruled all that was to rule in the ancient land of BBS. They were known to be virgins and lacked many social skills, such as how to bathe and cook proper healthy meals. Fueled by their lust for power they kidnapped many small, innocent computers and forced them beyond their will to spread the SysOp's custom versions of Tradewars, Legend of the Red Dragon, Drink and Drown and various other ASCII based text games. If you became a member of one of these ancient BBS, you had to live by their rules and their rules alone. Many SysOp's are known pedophiles since using a BBS was the chosen way for old school pedophiles (e.g. John Wayne Gacy, Walt Disney and Jose Conseco) to post on bulletin boards and trade child porn. Luckily the internets came along and the innocent members of NAMBLA no longer have to hide in the dark. Fucking little boys is like a totally cool thing to do now that it's popular to be a pedophile. Thank God, finally people realize they were born this way and it is not a lifestyle choice to rape seven year olds.

[edit] See Also

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