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A Nigra doing the Nigra Dance.
A Nigra doing the Nigra Dance.

Nigra, not to be confused with Nigga, is the name given to a member of the internet's elite task force, a pretend race of afro-adorned, suit-clad negroes.

Many often mistake the nigra for the common nigger, due to the similar name and identical skin pigmentation. However, its etymology is closer to the non-racist, African-American, 'brotherly' terms of endearment 'nigga' and 'nukka' (if it's a 'spade' calling a 'spade' a 'spade'), both of which have subsequently been 'liberated' from the elitist black lingo-fascists by wiggers, chiggers, jiggers, Tiggers and 'iggers' of all colors.

Furthermore, since the Internets is largely Anonymous and because the term was invented by a /b/tard (a cyber being of indeterminate and irrelevant sex/age/heritage) in the virtual, 'colorblind' environment of Habbo Hotel as a way to say 'nigga' without alerting their dirty word Department of Habboland Security feds, any suggestion that the word 'nigra' is racist is not only completely without merit, it's racist against the inhabitants of the Internets.

[edit] The Rise of 'Nigra' OTI

Closing IRL hotels too.
Closing IRL hotels too.

See main article: Habbo Raid

Although in casual 4chan use, discussing all things /B/LOCKADE well before the Summer of 2006, the term quickly grew in popularity during the planning stages of The Great Habbo Raid of July 2006. Rather than symbolizing the downtrodden Black Man however, 'nigra' became synonymous with the repression of the /b/tarded as racist Habbo mods showed their true Finnish Nazi colors, racial profiling any Habbo entering the hotel with an afro and a suit. Aided by snitching collaborators the Habbo Gestapo swooped down upon the innocent Nigras, violating their Civil Rights by such means as hampering the formation of 'human' {{swastika}}s (a Hindu peace sign) in public and banning any Habbo of color on sight.

But the /b/tards weren't havin' it, and taking their cue from the American Civil Rights movement of the '60s, hatched a plan - a 'protest' of EPIC proportions. That plan? To close every Habbo pool, in every Habbo hotel, in every Habbo country in the entire world.

No longer would these pools be open only to a few, elitist white Habbos whilst closed to /b/lack 'Habbos' whose only 'crime' was the color of their skin, the cut of their hair, and the wearing of Armani suits to pool parties; no, the pools would be closed to everyone! Furthermore, the pools would be closed due to AIDS ...ironically, the very disease the white man had used to kill off Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, and Magic Johnson.

Thusly, The Great Habbo Raid of July 2006 was launched (As well as The Great Habbo Raid of July 2007, a year later). And from an arcane racial 'slur' -nigra- a proud people were born; a race made from whites, blacks, browns, yellows, ecrus and purples.

That race? The Nigras. A race made of /b/ and WIN!!!

[edit] See Also

[edit] Gallery

Nigra is part of a series on the *Chans

Important People: Anonymous - /b/tards - Ian - Internet Vigilante Group - Kirtaner - Marcab Confederacy - Moot - Nigras - Shii - W. T. Snacks - Symbion
The Chans: - 2chan - 4chan - 5chan - 7chan - 8chan - 12chan - 78chan - 315chan - 420chan - 711chan - Fchan - Fapchan - Wakachan - Krautchan - not4chan - AnonIB - Britchan - Desuchan - List of *chan boards - Wikichan - BBWChan
Popular Boards: /b/ - /i/ - /k/ - /n/ - /po/ - /r9k/ - /s/ - /v/ - /x/
Attention Whores: Acky-chan-cray - afro-chan - Almost-Chan - Anonynurse - Anonymous Borg - Anton - Aru - Balloonpoppop - Boochan - Bradman - Chin-chan - Chris-chan - Crabchan - Cracky-chan - Drawbunny-chan - Epic win girl - Gang of Four - Holy Grail - Line Trap - Loli-chan - Lorf - Manatee-chan - Martini-chan - Mudkipchan - Nerdy-chan - Nintendo-chan - Oldchan - Rat-Chan - Reverse trap chan - Sparto - Splongcat - Stoner-chan - Sub-chan - Trap-kun - Togi-chan - Uncle Anon - Up-Chan - V-Chan
Victims: Applemilk1988 - Bill Mitchell - Chris Forcand - Crystal Shinkle - Douglas L Payne Jr - Drawball - Dylan Tnga - Ernest Peters - GoddessMine GoddessTrinity - Habbo Hotel - Hal Turner - Jake Brahm - Jarrad Willis - klutzypriss07 - Linksys - Marbleman - Megachiropetra69 - Forums - Poeticirony - Prof. NohmNohmz - Sweeteva -Scientology - Smugfag - StileNet - TrainerTony - Trey Burba - Windeh - - XxPrincessPunkxx
Mortal Enemies: Alex Wuori - Anontalk - Angyl - CeLe - Fox News - GayDiamond - Scientology - XyriX
Events: April Furs Day - The Great Habbo Raid of July 2006 - 4chan fgt hat day - /b/-day - /b/space Day - The Great Chan Death of January 2007 - The Great Re/b/oot - The Great Habbo Raid of July 2007 - The Fox Hunt - ZonDay - The Great Em/b/assy Security Leak of 2007 - The Caturday Nap - The Chemo That Is Curing /b/ - The Caturday Revival - brb, compromised - Bring Back Snack Campaign - PROJECT CHANOLOGY - DAS TROLLPARADIES - The Epilepsy Foundation Raid of March 2008 - 4chan.js - Old /b/ Day - Chanocalypse Naow
Nigra is part of a series on the Habbo raids.
AfroduckDuncanEFG Day Raid 07Habbo HotelHabbo /B/lockadeThe Great Habbo Raid of July 2006The Great Habbo Raid of July 2006/LOLThe Great Habbo Raid of July 2007The Great Habbo Raid of July 2008MLK day raidThelostcupNigrasNigras of DoomPool's ClosedA Shameful Failure

Nigra is part of a series of topics related to Black People.

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