Tabula Rasa

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I'd hit it.
I'd hit it.
The creator of the game. He is also a basement dweller and loves teh cock.
The creator of the game. He is also a basement dweller and loves teh cock.

Tabula Rasa (Which translates to "Blank Slate". Fitting, since all the fags who bought this game are going to have to start over on something new.) is another shitty game created by Richard Garriott (more like Dick Faggot amirite) which has a storyline that makes no sense at all. Unlike other MMORPGs, this one has real-time action enabling the player to move around and go batshit insane on the enemies that he or she is attacking. This super, awesome, action-packed experience makes the player annoyed after a while due to the confusion of what is actually happening around them. Throughout the game, the only ways to level are to either collect logos (which is boring as hell), do instances that no one ever does, or play with yourself in bases in order to stop the evil tentacle monsters from taking over bases. The sad part is that after the player levels past level 30, there is no point in playing the game at all. Why would someone play this game in the first place though?

These activities are repetitive and make the player want to become an hero after a while. Many believe that the new playstyle of Tabula Rasa may influence other MMORPGs, but they do not give a shit. Just like every MMORPG, it is full of retards and basement dwellers that do absolutely nothing with their lives.

Ethical and moral dilemmas are something we definitely wanted to incorporate into the design of Tabula Rasa from the very start. The entire goal is to give you pause and allow you to think about the choices that they make in order to accomplish a mission.


—Dick Garriott lying about how good the game is.


[edit] Collector's Edition

If you buy this, consider yourself a failure at life.
If you buy this, consider yourself a failure at life.

Some people are fucktarded enough to actually buy the "collector's edition" of Tabula Rasa. In the Collector's Edition of the game, the buyer will receive:

  • A serial code for unlocking bonus in-game content. In other words, nothing.
  • An exclusive Shell Bot or Pine-Ock pet which just sits right beside the player's character. It contributes nothing to the game at all except making the player look like a complete idiot for buying the Collector's Edition.
  • Two exclusive character emotes which no one cares about.
  • Three day head-start on the live servers That's a big, fat, Jew lie.
  • A colorful game manual containing concept art which no one ever looks at. The concept art is basically just scribbles.
  • A letter briefing from General British (Richard Garriot has such an inflated ego that he changed his nickname to "General British").
  • A map pack displaying the various game regions HAHAHA DISREGARD THAT I SUCK COCKS.
  • An AFS piece of Jew gold and set of Tabula Rasa dog tags.
  • A Fold out "Black Ops" poster. Too bad it wasn't a picture of a naked woman.
  • The "Making of" Tabula Rasa DVD. Yeah, they show you how the creators failed at creating a MMORPG.
  • Three exclusive in-game items granted by the Collector's edition key only. This probably will make the buyer feel "shhpesial".

[edit] Storyline

Tabula Rasa basically focuses around humans fighting hordes of tentacle monsters called "The Bane". The "story" takes place in the near future on two planets, Arieki and Foreas, where the A.F.S. (Allied Free Sentients) and The Bane have ridiculous fights over nothing. The term tabula rasa means scraped tablet or clean slate in Latin, referring to a fresh start, or starting over.

That's all it is. That is the "story". The end.

[edit] Character Creation

The character creation revolves around the looks of the player's character and the character classes called "tiers".

When the player starts creating their character, he or she will have to choose the sex and appearance of the character. There is not a variety of appearances that the player may set for their character. It has been said by some that sick fucks may masturbate to the female characters. All characters practically look the same. This may be due to the gook company, NCSoft, where everyone looks the same (all Asians look the same). This has little or no effect on the gameplay though because no one will see the character's fugly face.

After the player shits out their character into the game, they have plan out their "tiers" (which is a complete pain in the ass). These tiers will become available to the player later on in Tabula Rasa as they level up. Players have the option to either become a complete douchebag who thinks they can kill anything in their way or a lazy piece of shit who sits back and watches everyone else take it in the ass.

Creating and leveling a character is a complete waste of time.

[edit] Combat, Leveling, and Logos

No, you can't play as her.
No, you can't play as her.

Gameplay like this is fun for about 30 minutes, and then fails.

The combat in Tabula Rasa is so repetitive that it may make the person that is playing to shoot himself or herself THERE ARE NO WOMEN ON THE INTERNET and become an hero. All the player has to do is make as many explosions around the enemies as possible and shoot everything that moves like Rambo did. This entertains the retards that like this game and keeps them occupied with shiny things and flashing lights on the screen.

One of the main events that the game focuses upon is CP. Now, you might be thinking, "WOW, CP is in the game? Perverts must play this game!" Do not get your panties all messed up in a knot though because it is not what you think. In this game, CP is an abbreviation of "Capture Points". Richard Garriot just wanted loads of sick fucks to play the game in order to make it more popular. "Capture Points" are simply places where a player can grind the shit out of their character until their head explodes from total boredom.

Another event would be the instances in the game (which no one ever does). Due to the lack of players in Tabula Rasa, no group activities can be done. Therefore, the instances are consider worthless piece of crap which should just be blammed off the the game. Sadly, this will never happen because, even though the game already lacks the aspect of what people call "fun", they want this feature to stay in the game to make it seem like there is a lot to do.

To make the game even more fucktarded than what it is already, the creators of the game, while sniffing their own asshair, wanted to add worthless jobs in order to make the player work to get their mystical powers. The jobs were to get spells called "Logos" which are aspects to the powers that the player's character uses. These powers do absolutely nothing and just make the player's life even more of a pain in this ass.

Overall, combat, leveling, and running around to get Logos is completely retarded and fails miserably. It's basically Tribes if Tribes was a shitty MMORPG that nobody cared about with absolutely no replay value whatsoever past the first five minutes.

[edit] Richard Garriott


The game's creator is pretty much a nutcase. Not only is he the son of an astronaut, he is also the creator of the Ultima series, and he calls himself "Lord British". Garriott just seems a little out there. One of the lulziest things he has ever done was allow TR players' to send their DNA into space - and dubbed the mission "Operation Immortality". Along with TR players' DNA, he has also decided to shoot Colbert's DNA into space. One may wonder if Garriott is really an IRL troll and just doing things for the lulz. Then, on November 12, he announced that he was leaving Tabula Rasa to pursue other unknown interests (and to launch shit into space.) Many MMORPG fans guessed that he knew where the game was headed, and knew that the upcoming expansions of Wrath of the Lich King, The Shadow Odyssey, Mines of Moria, and Quantum Rise would annihilate the shit out of it...

[edit] The Shutdown

The reaction.

Inevitably, with the lack of content above level 20, and the abysmal player populations, the game's developers announced that it would shut down on February 28, 2009, along with multiple layoffs. Fanboys wailed while other MMO players pointed and laughed.

[edit] Trolling

There are hardly any ways to troll people in this game since hardly anyone plays.

  • Say that WoW is way better than Tabula Rasa.
  • Rub it in a fan's face that the game is being shutdown while all of the other MMORPGs never had to shutdown.
  • Join a clan and ruin the reputation of it.
  • Tell the fans that only retarded people play the game because of the flashing lights and shiny things.

[edit] Ratings and Reviews

Paddy McGimpy, lead designer and playtester for Tabula Rasa.
Paddy McGimpy, lead designer and playtester for Tabula Rasa.
Visually unappealing, lots of gameplay annoyances and an assortment of bugs, and convoluted crafting and lack of an auction house make the player economy stagnant.


— Gamespot was right on with that.

Total letdown and full of fail.


—Blixxard's review summarized into six words.

[...]it’d be better to go in with some friends on board from the get-go,[...]


—Emily Balistrieri from IGN. Too bad you do not have any friends.

Tabula Rasa doesn't have that game's AI heroes or allies to help you through.


—FromTrustedReviews. No one wants to help you, douchebag.

[...]mostly quests that won't give the player credit for completing them and occasional triggers that only go off for only a few members in a party, forcing players to run missions multiple times.


—Gamespy - Showing how fun it is to redo quests over and over and over and over and over......

[edit] Other Videos

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[edit] External Links

Tabula Rasa is part of a series on MMORPGs.

Image:Gamecontroller.gif Tabula Rasa is part of a series on Gaming.

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