The Sims

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The Sims, also known as The Sims Livin' Large Expansion Pack, The Sims Livin' It Up Expansion Pack, The Sims House Party Expansion Pack, The Sims Hot Date Expansion Pack, The Sims Vacation Expansion Pack, The Sims Unleashed Expansion Pack, The Sims Superstar Expansion Pack, The Sims Makin' Magic Expansion Pack, The Sims Deluxe Edition, The Sims Double Deluxe, The Sims Triple Deluxe, The Sims Mega Deluxe, The Sims Full House, The Sims Online, The Sims Bustin' Out, The Sims 2, The Sims 2 University Expansion Pack, The Sims 2 Nightlife Expansion Pack, The Sims 2 Open for Business Expansion Pack, The Sims 2 Pets Expansion Pack, The Sims 2 Seasons Expansion Pack, The Sims 2 Bon Vogage Expansion Pack, The Sims 2 Free Time Expansion Pack, The Sims 2 Apartment Life Expansion Pack, The Sims 2 Family Fun Stuff, The Sims 2 Glamour Life Stuff, The Sims 2 Happy Holiday Stuff, The Sims 2 Celebration!oneoneone Stuff, The Sims 2 H&M Fashion Stuff, The Sims 2 Teen Style Stuff, The Sims 2 Kitchen & Bath Interior Design Stuff, The Sims 2 IKEA Home Stuff, The Sims 2 Special DVD Edition, The Sims 2 Holiday Edition, The Sims 2 Deluxe Edition, The Sims 2 Double Deluxe, The Sims 2 Castaway, The Sims 2 Apartment Pets, The Sims Life Stories, The Sims Pet Stories, The Sims 2 Mac Edition, The Sims 2 S&M Expansion, The Sims 2 Barrel Roll Edition, The Sims 2 Virginia Tech Massacre Edition, The Sims 2 Nigger World Expansion, The Sims 2 Nothing Is New In This Expansion But You Will Still Buy It Expansion, The Sims 2 Your Mom Is A Whore Expansion and, of course, The Sims 2Girls1Cup, The Sims Goatse Edition, The Sims Tubgirl Edition, The Sims 3, and for hardcore fans, The Sims Power 5 Edition is an award winning video game developed by Electronic Arts. There are currently over 9,000 expansion packs, and a new expansion pack is released every week, which means nonstop gaming fun.


[edit] Gameplay

ROFL look @ the IRL-style reactions.
ROFL look @ the IRL-style reactions.
If you think your Sims are annoying and uncontrollable, try out the pets!
If you think your Sims are annoying and uncontrollable, try out the pets!

The Sims consists of lulzy comedy and non-stop fun. The mechanics of the game are simple enough to appeal to old men and even the most whorish of 16 year old girls when they can tear themselves away from MySpace. The best description of The Sims is a cross between Shit Boring and Real Life minus the Real part. The main appeal of the game is having to work 8-10 hours a day at a repetitive, dead-end IRL-style job in order to feed your needy, IRL-style family members in a draining cycle whose only incentive is the hope of saving up enough money to take an IRL-style vacation or sending your IRL-style spawn to an IRL-style college. An added appeal is the inability of your sims to perform basic tasks, such as eating and toilet-time, without your assistance. For example, if you tell your sim to get in the kitchen and turn your head away for 5 seconds, you will find your sim pwning herself with fire.

How to Play

  1. Click
  2. Watch
  3.  ?????
  4. Profit!

One of the many ways to torture sims. The only real way to play the game.

[edit] The Sims Communities

In the world of Sims 2 custom content-makers, this is a toilet.
In the world of Sims 2 custom content-makers, this is a toilet.

Sims communities are The Sims's contribution to the internets. Ultraforums, such as The Sims Zone, allow Sims gamers to download extra IRL-style features for their Sims game, share IRL-style Sims experiences with fellow Sims gamers, and other IRL-style aspects which can be found outside of a Sims gamer's home, IRL.

A typical story found on the Sims2 Exchange. RapeMama's daughter is most likely a Mary-Sue.
A typical story found on the Sims2 Exchange. RapeMama's daughter is most likely a Mary-Sue.

The Sims 2 official site is obviously the largest of the Sims' communities, probably because it is official. At this particular site, one can find such exciting things as the BBS and the exchange. The BBS is home to 13-year-old boys, 16-year-old girls, and pedophiles pretending to be 16-year-old girls. It should be avoided at all costs. The exchange is home to pure crap made by small children who think they are now intranet celebrities because they know how to take a Maxis mesh, bucket-fill it in MS Paint, slap on face #1 in Bodyshop. Ta-da! The exchange is also home to stories by 9-year-olds with horrific graphics cards and a broken caps lock key.

There are also fan communities like Snooty sims, but who gives a fuck about that.

[edit] Male Restroom Etiquette

As told through The Sims.

[edit] Pr0n

Only Greek Gods and Sims are capable of Olympian Yoga Fucking.
Only Greek Gods and Sims are capable of Olympian Yoga Fucking.

intProp censorGridSize 0 in The Sims 2 will remove the blur over the characters genitals. There is also a nude patch, and thousands of custom skins which feature naked sims. All of these result in barbie-doll like pubic areas.

In case you are retarded and don't understand how the game works, characters can have children. This means that The Sims 2 (especially combined with a screencap) can be used to acquire lolicon. However, there are ways to avoid having to seeing naked children, even while having your sims be nude. The best way is to not have children, so why not have a family of hot lesbians? This is fun and arousing for all people who enjoy fapping over a collection of pixels.

Fags like Jack Thompson believe that The Sims will turn people into "flesh eating zombie rapists."

All prons are for the following people

  • Fall Out Boy fans

[edit] External Links

Image:Gamecontroller.gif The Sims is part of a series on Gaming.

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