Homestar Runner

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Nobody really gives a shit anymore.
Nobody really gives a shit anymore.
ParkingStones doing some Cosplay.
ParkingStones doing some Cosplay.

American Heritage Dictionary defines Homestar Runner (or Homestar) as: "toons and games featuring the wacky adventures of Homestar, Strong Bad, and the rest of the gang." Adventures? Checking our Email is an adventure? Whatever.

Homestar Runner is known for being a clean humor website. To honor that fact, this article will be completely clean HAHAHA DISREGARD THAT, I SUCK COCKS


[edit] The Characters

Well, maybe it *is* an adventure after all.
Well, maybe it *is* an adventure after all.

[edit] Fans

Uh oh, too late.
Uh oh, too late.
A typical Homestar Runner fan.
A typical Homestar Runner fan.
What is this world coming to?
What is this world coming to?

Yeah, they have a few of those. Thank God the characters aren't really all that human or else I'd see more of them cosplayed and that would suck. They'd be like Star Wars fans, but trying to be funny all the time. The last thing I'd want when I'm at some convention listening to some better web animators talk is to have a Homestarmy of Strong Bads behind me MST3King the whole thing. They would pay. Thankfully, this scenario doesn't really exist, because there really are no good web animators. At all.

Every Homestar Runner fan in existence claims they were the one who sent the Strong Bad e-mail "virus" to try and prove they're cool as if it's something to be proud of. Most message boards will see at least three newbies who claim this throughout the forum's lifespan.

[edit] The Homestar Runner Wiki

Now, you would think that a site with "toons", "games" and "wacky adventures" wouldn't have assholes as fans. And they didn't. Until the wiki.

A sample picture from the original kids books.
A sample picture from the original kids books.

The Homestar Runner Wiki makes Wikipedia look like Newgrounds in its fascinating tenasity to destroy any and all lulz. IT'S A CARTOON, YOU FUCKS! GET OVER YOURSELVES.

  • In one scene of a recent Homestar Runner short, two Homestar Runners appear in one frame. This being an oddity until you take a look at the raw Flash File and see the one further out of frame has a mustache on. A page marked "Mustachio'd Homestar Runner" was created and was then merged into the article for the toon. This might not be so bad if it wasn't for the fact that this page is the perfect example of people who fail at lulz.
  • The Wiki has a policy page known as S.T.U.F.F. (meaning "Stick Things Up yer Fuzzy Fundament"). The fun facts are the trivia, real world references and goofs in each cartoon. Instead of allowing seperate pages for each cartoon for people to freely discuss their own insights (Ok, some of them are definitely NOT insightful), the members of this Wiki vote on whether or not certain facts belong on the page. Most of what becomes the "Fun Facts" are plain as the nose on your face and even they are argued over. Such as
    • The argument over whether or not the name "Silent J" was a not so clever reference to "Jay and Silent Bob". Stupidity Here.
    • In the email "Do Over" Homestar eats coins and a jiggly sound is made in his stomach. The night before on Family Guy, Peter Griffin ate coins and a jiggly sound is made in his stomach. This reference passes, which I could care less about and Jay decided to some how challenge the entire STUFF process over this fact. Ultra Stupidity here.
    • ParkingStones isn't so much trolling as pointing out the truth. Super Mega Ultra Stupidity here
    • There are also tons of articles about how many times pizza or ice cream has appeared in the Homestar Runner universe. Seriously, what the fuck?
      • Information about these topics are usually followed by; "This is another case of ice cream appearing in homestarrunner." (Next stop: leaves in "Charlie Brown" and forks in "The Muppets".)

[edit] Trogdor

After hearing their fans say such things as "I'm fucking a dragon" to "Fuck you, I'm a dragon!" the Brothers Chaps felt it would be necessary to create a cartoon with either dragons or fucking. Clearly, they made the wrong choice, as Trogdor appeared as a result of Strong Bad's shitty art. That may have been the end of it, had the cartoon not ended with a gay song. The Brothers Chaps added it at the last minute when Matt started mumbling the chorus while taking it in the ass. HR fans everywhere collectively orgasmed at the song and engraved Trogdor as their own meme. The song itself is unfunny and shit.

Trogdor's status quickly fell to old meme when the next cartoon about bum-fucking was uploaded. Regardless, HR oldfags continue to worship the dragon as their king, ensuring absolutely no sex.

Trogdor was revived with the release of Guitar Hero II, where the theme song appeared as a bonus track. The fact that the song was included induced some lulz, but an equal amount of anti-lulz was released when people actually thought they could play it on their guitar.

On Trogdor's 5th birthday, The Brothers Chaps told their entire audience to fuck off by completely ignoring Trogdor and dedicating a cartoon to the dragon drawn before him. Lulz and drama ensued, since every HR fan knows that Trogdor is SERIOUS FUCKING BUSINESS.


Quasidan, powering up to fight the Pink Robots (and Homestar Runner fans.)
Quasidan, powering up to fight the Pink Robots (and Homestar Runner fans.)

Should anyone, anywhere sing the "Techno" or reference the "lightswitch rave" joke gay boy will be cracking skulls. Thank you. That is all.

[edit] External Links

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