Kevin Rose

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Kevin Rose (right) acting like a faggot gangsta.
Kevin Rose (right) acting like a faggot gangsta.

Kevin Rose is a world class dumb fuck Jew. He is a wizard-like perpetuator of dumbfuckery on the internets, almost rivaling lowtax in unwarranted self-importance. He gained notability amongst 13 year old boys as the Tom Anderson of the retard-festhole digg like 4chan, but he's just another college dropout looking for attention. He's also almost certainly a fag.


[edit] Things to know

Drink up, faggot.
Drink up, faggot.

[edit] Things to yell to Kevin Rose if you see him

Hmm, Strategy.
Hmm, Strategy.

[edit] Digg Nation

lol, fail.

[edit] See also

[edit] External Links

Kevin Rose
is part of a series on Web 2.0
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Tom Anderson | Steve Chen | Brad Fitzpatrick | Max Goldberg | Michael Crook | Iain Hall | Chad Hurley | Kevin Rose | Kathy Sierra | Jimmy Wales | You | Mark Zuckerberg

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