• Beat Our Caption, Win an Xbox 360 and UFC Undisputed 2009

    "Casting for The Dark Knight 2 was going to the dogs."
    (Photo from GreatFunnyPictures.com)

    Think you're funny? We think so too! Submit a better caption than ours and we'll give you something asskicking good—literally. This week's winner will receive an Xbox 360 Arcade console and a copy of UFC Undisputed 2009 for the Xbox 360 (when released). Sure, the game's not coming out for another few months (they're still working on Brock Lesnar's oversized head), but be one of the first to play UFC's latest game featuring over 80 current and classic fighters. If you still aren't convinced, check out the new BJ Penn and Georges St. Pierre character renders released by THQ:


    The contest is open to US residents 18 years of age or older. For the rest of our rules, check out our official BTC page. Okay, wordsmiths. Get crackin'!

    P.S. Don't forget to check out UFC 94 this Saturday where GSP and BJ Penn (the real ones) will be looking to turn each other into MMA fart dust.

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  • Even More Unlocked Mortal Kombat Phrases


    Last year, we gave you a sweet soundboard with the voice of Mortal Kombat saying some ridiculous things. It's a new year, so we thought we'd give all of our readers a reward for staying alive this long: even more soundbites from Mr. MK, Hernan Sanchez. Hit the link below for the download, which includes 16 total soundbites in full-quality mp3s. We're already prepping our inauguration festivities by playing "Obama Wins... Flawless Victory" 75 times a day until our managing editor starts crying. Finally, you can receive phone calls the right way: with a grizzly voice indicating an "Epic Fail"!

    Download: Extra Mortal Kombat Soundbites (4.61 MB)

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  • Batman Gets 100 Percent Menacing-Looking in New Game Screenshots


    If we learned anything in 2008, it's that superheroes sell things. Whether it's movies, video games, DVDs, or even TV shows, if you slap some tights onto some dude, you're going to be flying in platinum helicopters. Just ask the guys over at Warner Bros. whose Batman franchise has broken the $1 billion barrier with their The Dark Knight film and DVD/Blu-ray sales. And ever since Eidos announced they were working on a similar dark Batman game, we've been all up in their 8-bitness for a look at it. Kotaku has a gallery up of some new screenshots showing the muscle-bound clowns of the loony house, along with Batman looking as menacing as ever. Click here to check out more pics.



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  • First Look: Get Yer Guitar Hero Metallica Screenshots Right Here


    While Guitar Hero Metallica doesn't sound as interesting as, say, Guitar Hero: Chumbawumba, we're glad this sucker has finally seen the light of day. USA Today of all publications went behind-the-scenes of the motion-capture sessions, complete with weird suit with the silver balls, and got the scoop on the forthcoming title. We don't know much, but we do get a timeframe for its release date (early 2009) and some screenshots of the band in action. Above, James Hetfield is plotting to destroy unsuspecting gamers with his over-the-top solos, which will apparently make this one of the hardest rhythm games ever. For more words and screenshots, check out the article here.

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  • Criticizing Sci-Fi's Criticism of the Most Overrated Games of 2008


    Yesterday, Tom Chick from Fidget (Sci-Fi's gaming extension) posted a blot article naming names in the video games industry. He ran down his most overrated titles of 2008 and supported his list with a few sentences on why they were overrated. While there are a few that I am apt to agree with, there are definitely some that were included just to rally the troops on his site (and they have with more than 120 comments on the post). Let's go through his list and break down his arguments:

    10) Civilization IV: Colonization
    He says: "I've never won a single game of Colonization. But I've loved every game I've played. I don't imagine many people would feel the same."
    I say: "Hmm, not sure how a game rated at 83 on MetaCritic (sure, that says nothing, but for the sake of argument here, we're using it) can really make an overrated game of 2008 list. It puts it squarely in the average game score, actually. Nevertheless, Civ games have always been catered toward a niche audience. So much so that Firaxis Games attempted (successfully, in my opinion) to bring it to the console audience with Civilization Revolution."

    9) Left 4 Dead
    He says: "It's a great showcase for zombies that can run and co-op gameplay, but it's as fast, slick, fun in groups, and gratifying as chasing a greased pig (take that however you will). Serious Sam and Robotron were pretty cool, too, while the thrill lasted."
    I say: "Agreed on the first part of the statement. L4D is one of the best co-op games I have played and I'd take it a step forward and say it's one of the best games of the year. The equivalent games given don't make sense because neither had me screaming at a) my TV or b) at my brother who wandered off into the woods without me while 13 zombies nibbled on my spleen. Knocks on this game should be directed toward its length (only four chapters!?) or its depth of pain bringers (small lineup of weapons)."

    8) Burnout: Paradise
    He says: "A racing game largely devoid of meaningful physics or convenience, also known as Burnout: Drive All the Way Back to the Starting Line Because There's No "Re-Try Race" Option, Suckers!."
    I say: "I don't even know where to start with this. Meaningful physics? What the hell? Perhaps someone hasn't taken his ride atop one of the game's cliffs and performed three consecutive flips and landed on all fours. It was the most enjoyable driving game of the year and Criterion, the game's developers, are still churning out more cars and islands for players to explore and destroy. What else could you possibly want?"

    7) Spore
    He says: "The developers have explained that Spore was essentially three products: a content creator, a game-ish sort of thing, and a way to share stuff. Unless you're interested in at least two of those three things, and if you're willing for at least one of them to be rather anemic, Spore will be a head-scratcher."
    I say: "I actually agree with this one. From the hype to the eventual release of the product, this was billed as the next coming of 8-bit Christ. Not only was it boring out of the box, but after my idiot animals kept dying, I completely forgot about the 'game' until you mentioned it. Thanks a lot!"

    6) Wii Fit
    He says: "Wii fad."
    I say: "Agreed on being overrated. I wouldn't necessarily call something that has sold 10 million copies total and is still selling half a million copies per week a fad, though."

    5) Mass Effect
    He says: "The long-in-the-tooth Bioware RPG formula applied to a generic sci-fi universe, with bouncing buggy driving/shooting sequences standing in for the exploration of alien worlds"
    I say: "You could also say the same thing about Fallout 3 being Bethesda's generic first-person RPG formula from the Oblivion series. The reason why these companies do that is because it works. Fallout 3 is great, and so is Mass Effect. In terms of storyline, ME was one of the most intriguing of 2007 and its '08 PC port doesn't skip a beat." 

    4) Metal Gear Solid 4
    He says: "For fans only. For everyone else, this is Kojima's long slow wank and you have to get to watch."
    I say: "I wouldn't say it's for fans only. Fans of the series will definitely get a lot more out of it, but the combat and standalone story still resonate with gamers who jump into the series at this point, especially with the addition of the superb online multiplayer. The long cutscenes are definitely an investment of time and will turn many off, but, again, fans of the series (which has a pretty big fan base) would appreciate it much, much more."

    3) Braid
    He says: "This is not a game that moves and it's not very accessible. You need to have a stomach for old-school platformers and mental brick walls. Which is a shame, because the place Braid eventually goes is sublime."
    I say: "Sure, Braid is a game I'm supposed to like, but I just ever did get into it. It's one of those games (I'd put the PSP's echochrome in the same category) that wouldv'e been higher on my list if it was available for a Microsoft portable console."

    2) Little Big Planet
    He says: "Awesome graphics! And those little sack people are so cute I could just eat them up! Now where's the game?"
    I say: "Agreed here. There's lot of stuff to do and it does what it's supposed to do really well, but there's not enough game in the game." 

    1) Grand Theft Auto IV
    He says: "One of the most amazing realizations of a real-world-ish place and one of my favorite games this year. Also the setting for a poorly told story and uninspired gameplay, and the subject of a system-shattering PC port."
    I say: "Poorly told story? Uninspired gameplay? What the hell? There's a reason why this game is going to show up on many publications' top games of 2008 and why it's sold so many copies and why it's garnered universal acclaim from not only the gaming press, but from mainstream audiences as well. It's almost a mockery to put this as the most overrated of '08 and have the graphically and gameplay inferior Saints Row 2 as No. 2 on your best games of 2008."

    Agree? Disagree? Wanna firebomb both of our Internet sites? Let's hear it in the comments.

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