British Broadcasting Corporation

Page last updated at 22:10 GMT, Friday, 23 January 2009

Obama diary: The first 100 days

Barack Obama was elected on a message of change. Now he is in office, change is expected both in foreign and domestic policy. Here the BBC's team in Washington track developments in the first 100 days of the Obama presidency.


1705 EST Under review

Kim Ghattas: The daily press briefing today at the State Department did not really produce any news.

Answers to reporters' questions were mostly along the lines of: "We are reviewing the policy, we have not fully enunciated our policy yet, give us some time..."

The briefing made it sound like every single policy - from Africa to Iran, North Korea to Afghanistan - was under review. Every policy except one: talking to Hamas.

The spokesman said very clearly that some principles of American policy remain the same. So we'll see how much has really changed at the end of all the reviews.

1640 EST Obama lifts abortion funding ban

Max Deveson

Max Deveson: In a much-trailed, but significant move, President Obama has signed an executive order overturning the so-called "Mexico City Rule" - the ban on federal funding for NGOs that perform abortions or offer abortion counselling.

The order - which comes the day after the 36th anniversary of the landmark Roe vs. Wade Supreme Court decision which legalised abortion in America - is likely to be seized on by anti-abortion activists as evidence that President Obama intends to push a radical pro-choice agenda.

In fact, Mr Obama's move takes America back to the status quo that existed eight years ago. The ban was originally put in place by Ronald Reagan, but was lifted by Bill Clinton. George W Bush reinstated it in 2001.

Both Mr Obama and the Secretary of State who will implement the policy - Hillary Clinton - pledged during the election campaign that they would repeal the ban.

1605 EST Aggressive push or smokescreen?

Kim Ghattas

Kim Ghattas: Is Obama making an aggressive push for peace or is he trying to buy some time?

The appointment of two special envoys on his second full day in office can probably be read both ways.

It shows him delivering on two campaign promises - tackling the Middle East from Day One and shifting focus to Afghanistan.

Sceptics, however, will say there has been no dramatic shift away from the Bush policies in anything the president has said about the Middle East so far.

Like Bush, President Obama has talked about the need for a durable and sustainable cease-fire. He has stressed America's support for Israel and Egypt, rejected dialogue with Hamas, and backed the Arab peace initiative of 2001. Some of the reactions in the Arab world have been stingingly critical.

And while it was not a reaction to Obama's statement, an opinion piece by Saudi royal Turki el Faisal makes clear how badly bold action by the US is needed.

Still, the appointment of someone high-profile like George Mitchell to focus on the Middle East does seem to signal a willingness to get down to business. Mitchell's 2001 report on the causes of the second Palestinian Intifada and his recommendations to move forward were widely praised.

1114 EST Waste (bin) of money?

Kevin Connolly

Kevin Connolly: Unemployment in the United States has risen again. It went up by one when John Thain the CEO of Merrill Lynch departed shortly after the loss-making financial group was absorbed by Bank Of America.

It has emerged in the last few days that Mr Thain spent more than a million dollars re-decorating his office - and paid the interior designer Michael Smith $800,000 to get it looking just the way he wanted. That's apparently eight times what Mr Smith is being paid to makeover the White House for the Obamas.

My favourite item on Mr Thain's shopping list - which has a flavour of decadence you'd associated with early Elvis or one of the later Roman Emperors - is a waste bin that cost $1,400 (£1,000). Look out for a more austere, chastened version of capitalism in the coming months (and maybe years) of recession.

1101 EST Healthcare a priority?

James Coomarasamy

James Coomarasamy: It was one of the great unanswered questions of the presidential campaign and it continues to hang in the air: what effect will the dire economic situation have on Barack Obama's domestic policy pledges?

Even without the crisis, reforming the US health care system - the size of which has been compared to the economy of France - would not have been an easy task. Just ask the new Secretary of State.

But some - like the New York Times' Nobel Prize-winning economic columnist, Paul Krugman - are now worried that universal healthcare will be put on the back burner.

He's disappointed that, in his Inaugural Address, President Obama only referred to technology reducing healthcare costs, but didn't mention the problems faced by the estimated 46 million Americans without health insurance.


1715 EST Economic balancing act

Kevin Connolly

Kevin Connolly: As the 100 days begin to tick by, we are getting a few clues as to where the administration's priorities will lie.

Even as he makes hugely significant announcements about foreign policy - on torture, on Guantanamo and on the appointment of special envoys - Mr Obama reveals that he will be adding an economic daily briefing to the standard morning session he gets on intelligence and national security.

The announcement goes to the heart of the balancing act that all recession-related news requires.

You have to re-assure the American people you're on top of things without creating the impression that things are deteriorating so fast you need an update every 24 hours just to keep track of the crisis.

1308 EST Obama's spy-proof phone

Rajini Vaidyanathan

Rajini Vaidyanathan: He has admitted he's addicted to it, now it looks like Barack Obama's craving for his Blackberry will continue to be satisfied.

Reports suggest President Obama will be given a special spy-proof smartphone.

The speculation is that the president will be given an extra-secure phone which will enable him to make personal phone calls and send personal e-mails. The National Security Agency would not comment on this, and there is still no word from the White House.

In a recent interview Mr Obama said: "I think we're going to be able to hang onto one of these. I want to be able to have voices, other than the people who are immediately working for me, be able to reach out and send me a message about what's happening in America."

The biggest concern is how secure any device would be. It seems the new phone is likely to be a Sectera Edge, which according to its website "is certified to protect wireless voice communications classified Top Secret and below as well as access e-mail and websites classified Secret and below."

UPDATE: So, now we know... At a media briefing today, White House spokesman Robert Gibbs told reporters that the president will get to keep his Blackberry "through a compromise that allows him to stay in touch with senior staff and a small group of personal friends". He will become the first US president to have personal email in the White House.

1130 EST Bad numbers

Kevin Connolly

Kevin Connolly: Obama may have a gift with words, but in his first week in office the numbers remain bad. Housing starts for December - the number of new homes on which builders started work - fell by 15%, making 2008 the worst year for the construction industry since the government began keeping these kinds of records. And this is in spite of record low interest rates.

Housing starts matter because they're an indicator of confidence, and because lots of other spending (think everything from plumbers to interior designers) depend on them. It takes seven months to build a house and more than a year to build an apartment block, so even if builders got going now (and they're not) it will be a long time before the housing market really gets moving.

So whatever politicians see, real recovery is a long way off.

0907 EST Foggy Bottom abuzz

Kim Ghattas

Kim Ghattas: Hundreds of excited State Department staff have filled up the lobby of the austere buidling in Foggy Bottom waiting for their new boss to arrive. There's a real buzz of energy. I've never seen so many people making their way into the building in the morning. I'm sure no-one showed up late for work today.

All the big American TV stars who usually cover the State Department are back this morning. We hadn't seen them in a while.

Obama has tasked Clinton with stepping up US diplomacy - it's clearly off to a good start.


1852 EST All change at State

Kim Ghattas

Kim Ghattas: The State Department was somewhat in limbo on the first day of the Obama administration with no-one at the helm. But hundreds of career foreign service officers had already swapped their Bush administration "hat" for an Obama one.

Reporters who cover State take great pleasure in asking a question on a controversial topic on the last day of an administration and then putting it again to the same press officer after a new president is sworn in, to see whether he can answer with a straight face.

The media were briefed today by spokesman Robert Wood. When asked about the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, which the Bush administration opposed, he made a quick turnaround to reflect Mr Obama's position: "We will see what we can do to push it forward."

Meanwhile, Mr Obama telephoned Prime Minister Olmert of Israel, President Mubarak of Egypt, King Abdallah of Jordan and President Abbas of the Palestinian Authority - a clear signal he really meant it when he said he would tackle the Middle East conflict from Day One.

Even the Palestinians were surprised to be getting a phone call this quickly.

1840 EST The Note

Rajini Vaidyanathan

Rajini Vaidyanathan: So, we know President Obama spent 10 minutes on his own in his new place of work - the Oval Office. There, left for him in the top drawer was a note. Not just any note but a one written to him by his predeccessor, George W Bush.

President Obama's spokesman Robert Gibbs said he didn't ask him what the message written to the new President was : "I knew he wasn't going to tell me anyway."

President Bush's outgoing White House spokesperson Dana Perino told reporters that the theme of the message, which was written by President Bush on Monday, was "similar to what he's said since election night about the fabulous new chapter President-elect Obama is about to start, and that he wishes him the very best."

The exact contents of the note remain private, but there will be much speculation as to what it might have said. Note-passing in this way has been a tradition for a number of years. When President Reagan left office he scribbled a message to his successsor President George Bush Snr. The message was lighthearted, with Mr Reagan joking, "Don't let the Turkeys get you down".

1800 EST Hillary Confirmed

Kim Ghattas

Kim Ghattas: She had to wait a day, but Hillary Rodham Clinton is now confirmed as American's top diplomat. The State department website was instantly updated.

No new policies have been outlined just yet; staff are probably still poring over files about everything from North Korea to Iran, climate change and Russia, trying to update them to reflect the change in administration.

The delay in her confirmation was caused by objections raised by a Republican senator concerned about 'Billary'. In the end, 94 senators decided that Bill Clinton's foundation and his foreign donors were not an obstacle. Only two of her former colleagues voted against.

On Thursday, Mrs Clinton will be greeted - as is traditional for incoming and outgoing Secretaries of State - by cheering staff in the lobby of the austere building in Foggy Bottom. Condoleezza Rice was cheered on her way out on Friday. When she enters her new offices, Clinton will find a welcome note left for her by her predecessor.

She's going to be hitting the ground running and it's likely to be a long marathon. I'd better get in shape myself or I won't be able to keep up!

1612 EST Movement on Afghanistan

Adam Brookes

Adam Brookes: Afghanistan will be President Obama's war.

We understand a National Intelligence Estimate on Afghanistan has been circulating in Washington for some time, the contents of which remain closely held. Will the Obama administration declassify portions of it?

I'm told, too, that a review of the Afghan situation is underway at National Defense University in Washington, and that a group of military personnel from US Central Command are involved in it. I'll be looking for more detail on this.

The Armed Forces Journal has this interesting, if bleak assessment of the situation there. Mr Obama is meeting General Petraeus and Secretary Gates today, Wednesday.

Mr Obama seems to be signalling to the world that the "war on terror" policy is to be at least re-worked, and perhaps even replaced. The signal comes in his move to suspend the military commissions at Guantanamo Bay.

Early statements on Iraq will get much scrutiny. We are all aware of Mr Obama's pledge to withdraw combat troops from Iraq. But I'll be trying to read the fine print. What forces will remain in Iraq to conduct training of the Iraqi security forces, counterterrorism operations, and other 'support' functions? How many? For how long?

1540 EST New President, new media

Rajini Vaidyanathan

Rajini Vaidyanathan: The Obama family have moved into the White House, not just in the real world but in the virtual world too.

The newly revamped White House website has many of the features that existed on the old site.

In the first blog posting on the site, Macon Phillips, the incoming Director of New Media, encourages people to sign up to White House email updates.

It also repeats a campaign pledge made by Barack Obama - to publish all non-emergency legislation online for five days, and allow people to comment on it before the president signs it.

During his campaign, Mr Obama gathered a database of 3 million email addresses, which proved to be a vital resource for fundraising and mobilising the grassroots. Will as many people sign up to the White House distribution list? We'll have to keep clicking to see just how much change President Obama will bring about using new media.

1330 EST Obama in the Oval

President Obama talks to his White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel in the Oval Office at the White House, 21 January 2009
President Obama holds his first meeting in the Oval Office - with Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel

1200 EST Geithner's grilling

Kevin Connolly

Kevin Connolly: Another tough day on Capitol Hill for Timothy Geithner, the smart technocrat who is Obama's choice as Treasury Secretary and who's been in the engine-room of the economy with Hank Paulson and Ben Bernanke attempting to plug the many holes which have suddenly appeared below the waterline.

The right man for the job - except that as Treasury Secretary he'd be in charge of the IRS, and Mr Geithner turns out to have not paid his full income taxes in recent years.

Abjectly contrite, he says it was a mistake, although one Senator has hinted that if the man who runs the tax system can't understand it then maybe it really is time for some kind of reform.

Republican John Ensign summed up the problem. He said Mr Geithner was an engaging man who knew his stuff - but his switchboard had lit up with calls from constituents asking how someone who'd failed to pay their taxes could be put in charge of the system. Mr Geithner will probably get in - but he probably won't enjoy the process.

1130 EST In the cathedral

Max Deveson

Max Deveson: The new president's first engagement on his first full day in office was to attend a service at the National Cathedral in Washington.

The tradition goes back to America's first president, George Washington.

According to his press secretary, before setting off for the service, Mr Obama spent 10 minutes in the Oval Office, reading the note left for him by his predecessor, George W Bush.

1045 EST The struggle to close Guantanamo

Jonathan Beale

Jonathan Beale: I've been in Guantanamo, where I interviewed John Bellinger, a former legal adviser to Condoleezza Rice. He told me that President Obama's order to close down the Guantanamo prison camp may be easier said than done.


2330 EST First decision

Jonathan Beale

Jonathan Beale: In what appears to be his first decision since taking office, Barack Obama has made clear that he wants to put a halt to the controversial military commissions taking place at Guantanamo.

On his request, the prosecution in the US military trials has issued a motion requesting the suspension of the process for 120 days.

The purpose of the order is to give the Obama administration time to review the cases of those detainees being tried at Guantanamo.

It also provides the new administration with an opportunity to re-examine the controversial legal process which has been widely criticised because it allowed the US military to act as jailer, judge and jury.

2200 EST I shall go to the ball

Kim Ghattas

Kim Ghattas: I was lucky enough to get a ticket to some of tonight's inaugural balls.

2030 EST On the streets

Max Deveson

Max Deveson: My tough assignment: to hop around the bars of Washington DC to find out how Obama supporters were celebrating the day.

1200 EST The big day

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